My Granny

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When I was 15yrs old my granny passed away at my uncle's house. About two weeks before she passed away, I was getting ready for school in my bedroom, looking in the mirror. Over my shoulder I saw my grandfather who had passed away eight months before. I never thought anything of it because I have seen many figures before this time that stay with me at all times, until I was told that on the day that my granny died, she told my aunt that he was waiting for her.

She said that she felt his presence frequently and would talk to him at hours at a time, bickering like they have done for years. On the day of her funeral, my youngest aunt was sitting in a recliner at my uncle's house, crying. I knelt down beside her and the area around her was ice cold. I instantly knew it was my granny for some reason. I felt that she wanted my aunt to know that she was there for her and to give her comfort. When my aunt was told of this, it helped reassure her during her grieving.

Then after I had my daughter, I was living at my uncle's house and every night you could hear my granny singing my daughter to sleep. My daughter would also look into spaces at times and gurgle like babies do when they are being played with (anyone who is around babies will understand).

One day my husband and I were sitting on our bed discussing something and on his thigh you could make out the imprint of a hand. I felt for some reason after I calmed down that she was showing me that she approved of my husband. At certain times you can hear different things in my uncle's house that let you know that she is still around. Usually it is when someone needs reassurance of some kind.

My Father's Ghost 2

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My dad has been seen on numerous occasions since he died. Especially around the old home place, where he spent the majority of his live. Matter of fact he died in one of the bedrooms in this old house. This place is located on a lonely old country road, with neighbors about four miles away.

My sister and I had been down at the river, not far from this property. Anyway we were passing by and we both saw my dad standing by his old pickup that he had when we were just kids.

He stood there smiling as he threw up his hand and waved at us. My sister about ran off the road. It startled the both of us, to the point we were speechless for a second.

My sister said, "Let's go check it out". She turned around, we went back to the fallen in old house. There wasn't anyone around, no sign of the pickup. The only activity there was some birds singing, nothing else.

But like I said this wasn't the only time he was seen. My cousin said he saw dad out around the place he raised pigs. Of course on the same property. He said he walked kind of bent over with his hands behind his back like he always had before.

I don't know why he keeps going back to this place, other than the fact that he loved it there. We love it when we do catch a glimpse of him. The entire family hopes he's happy where ever he is. It makes you wonder about things don't it?

My Father's Ghost

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This actually happened to my daughter and her cousin. We were all at the funeral home. My dad had died of a brain aneurysm a couple of days earlier.

My daughter and her cousin were sitting out on the swing on the front porch of the funeral home. They were just sitting there talking when they looked over at the front porch steps. Sitting there was my dad, smoking a cigarette with his legs crossed, swinging his foot like he had always done. He looked over at them and smiled, and then disappeared.

They came inside where we were sitting, and told us what had happened. We were really surprised to hear what they had to say.

When everyone was standing at the gravesite, I looked over toward the trees, standing there was my dad holding my baby brother who had died at birth. I don't think anyone else saw him, even though my sisters and me have talked about it. They said they hadn't seen anything.

That same night my sister said she woke up; she was in a different room not her bedroom. She said it was totally dark except there was a bright light shining down on a casket. Every detail of the casket was visual. She said dad sat up in his casket and opened his eyes and said he was fine now.

Since that happened we are ok with him being gone, even though we love him and will miss him dearly. However this wasn't the last time we have seen his ghost.

More to come later...

My Ex's Brother

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A couple of years ago around the beginning of Spring I woke up from a very strange dream. So strange in fact that it really disturbed me and I couldn't get back to sleep. I had dreamed that I could see my ex-husband's brother's face in the sky. It was high up, like the sun or the moon.

The only thing is his face was gradually coming toward me. As it was getting closer his face was decaying and crumbling. It was really eerie. The next afternoon my Aunt Rose called me and immediately I thought something was wrong with my one of my parents seeing as how the only people in my family that call me are my mom and my sister.

I asked her where my mom and dad were. She said that they were at Dodie's because Jonathan had shot and killed himself that morning in his parent's backyard. I was absolutely stunned! Was my dream a premonition of his death? I have always been sensitive to things. I can feel things, see things, and hear things that not everyone else can. It doesn't occur all the time, occasionally though.

Anyway, I went to the wake and to the funeral. After all, he was an Uncle of two of my children. Like I said before, that all happened in the spring. I didn't go back to the house until the fall on Halloween when my mother and I were taking my kids Trick-or-Treating. We always took the kids there first and visited for awhile.

My kids both have there own room there and Sissy wanted me to come and see their new bunk beds. As I was walking back through the hall toward the bedrooms my chest started to feel heavy and I couldn't breathe that well. I could feel him near me! He was there. In the back bedroom I could see his shadow in the corner. Even though I had experiences similar to that before, it had never been with someone that I knew. It was one of the scariest things of my life. I had to get out of that house. I went back to the living room and told my mom that I was going out to the car. I was so scared.

The very next Spring I had another dream about him. In this dream he called me. We both knew that he was dead and that he had committed suicide. He was trying to tell me that he really regrets taking his own life and he wants me to help him go back and undo it. I didn't know what to say. I woke up feeling very uneasy about it. I called my mom to tell her about the dream. The weird thing is, after I told her about it she became all quiet.

After a long pause she said, "Don't you realize that today makes exactly a year since he killed himself?"

Again I was shocked. I really felt that he was trying to contact me. I just couldn't understand why. I was with his brother for many years but Jonathan and I were never close. Each and every time I go to their house I can feel him, I know he is there and I know that he is miserable.

Look Alike Figure

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Hi I'm courtney, I just want to tell you all about a couple of my stories I have encountered. One was when I was asleep in my living room chair. My little sister is about 13 now and she had a friend stay the night with her. They were outside getting ready to come in and something made them stop and look up in the woods. When they stopped, they saw this girl that looked exactly like me. The girl, I guess, said that she wanted my sister and her friend to go up in the woods because the girl wanted to show them something and my sister's friend said "NO! we are not going up there because that does not sound like courtney".

The girl got mad and started talking in a deep voice to the girls. Kelsey ran in the house while Ellie followed her, and they came and woke me up and asked me why I was up in the woods and I told them "I wasn't, I was here the whole time, and what are you talking about?". They said that there was a figure exactly like me wanting them to go up in the woods, for some odd reason, and we all walked outside and it was gone. To tell you the truth it was not ME!

So I still have no idea what that figure was. And why it looked like me. If you have any ideas just tell me. Thanks for reading. I have a lot more but I will write them later on.

Little Lady Says Goodbye

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I have worked in an ER on midnights for about 10yrs now and there are some seriously strange things I have seen and heard. One stand out the most was a sweet little elderly lady I had as a patient. She came from a nursing home and was well into her 90's. Now we see a lot of

Patients and people die on a daily basis in my line of work but this was so strange. My little lady was pretty sick but was still very alert mentally, we had made her comfortable and given medication to make her feel better, she was resting nicely when I walked out of her room and continued my rounds.

While I was coming back to the nurse's station there she stood at my end of the station looking around for me, I said Honey what are you doing up. She smiled and said "I wanted to let you know I am leaving now and thank you for your help." I kind of laughed and said Honey you can't leave, come on let's go back to bed. She went right back to her room with me, when we entered the room she said I think that man is waiting on me. I looked around but did not see anyone, she said he was standing in the corner of her room, still I seen no one.

I put her back in bed and back on her heart/blood pressure monitor made her comfortable and left. It was not 10 minutes later her monitor went off letting me know her heart had stopped. We all ran into her room and tried life support and various other things but she was gone. This was a shock to me, not 10 minute earlier this woman was up smiling, walking and talking to me.

I think she knew she was going die or the unseen man told her it was time to go. I was very sad that my patient had passed away, but somehow I knew she was OK where ever she went. I have some other stories of strange things in the ER I will write later on.

Hiding Under The Covers

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An event occurred last year that I am still contemplating. I have always experienced some degree of paranormal activity (hearing voices, living in a haunted home, being touched by phantoms...), but this one was very different and almost surreal.

It happened as I awoke one morning. Despite my suspicions, I was not under any form of sleep paralysis and was well-awake. I was lying on my side and the covers were pulled over my head (for some reason I never feel secure enough to sleep with the covers down). I could hear footsteps approaching my bedside and I saw a silhouette through the covers as though a figure were approaching me.

The next sensation was that of someone pulling the covers down from my crown. As you could imagine, I was enthralled with a feeling of anxiety, despite that I could not see the figure the way the covers were shifted. I remember lying still in bed for well over two hours, I was too afraid to see who (or what) this phantom could have been. Though, I did not feel any negative vibes from this being.

When I did manage to collect my feelings, I rolled onto my back and saw no one in the room with me. My door was locked.

Is this the onset of schizophrenia, or something more...?

Haunted Prison in West Virginia

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Located in Moundsville West Virginia is the old West Virginia State maximum security prison. Now this prison has a long and sometimes violent history. Prisoners were murdered in their cells by other inmates, during riots, and most notably, they were put to death in the electric chair, "old sparky", who was built by an inmate from that facility. The prison is closed now, but you can still tour it, and if you are brave enough even spend the night there, of which I plan on doing once I return stateside.

This story concerns the day light tour I took of the facility while I was a corrections officer with the state of West Virginia. Once we had received our initial briefing about the facility, we were allowed to tour it on our own and pretty much go where ever we wanted, even places the public isn't allowed. While touring the facility, I was in a section of the prison known as the sugar shack, supposedly where some of the worst offenders were housed. I was the only person in this section of the prison at the time and while I was up on the third tier, inspecting some of the old cells, when down below me the cell doors slammed shut.

Now, this wouldn't have come as much of a surprise to me if it weren't for the fact that all the doors had closed at once which is what they are supposed to do, but they are controlled by a lever from a central location which I could see from my vantage point and no one was there and the lever was still in the up position. Taking that as a cue, I left that section of the prison and made my way down to the basement and the location of the HOLE, this was a place they say drove some inmates mad. While in the basement, I kept having the feeling of someone following me and as I grew near to the hole, a feeling of dread and despair almost overwhelmed me. I kept my senses, though, and started to make my way deeper into the basement. I caught the glimpse of a figure, just off in the shadows, moving from right to left that should have brought them into the light, what little there was, but they never appeared and I didn't see them go the other way.

Once again I took it as a cue to leave. I went from there up to the medical and dental ward of the facility, no physical events took place here, just a sense of foreboding over the area. This has all lead me to believe that something is still behind the walls of this prison and that they may never be able to leave. I am going to do an all night ghost hunt of this facility and I plan on taking some video and audio equipment and see if I can capture any thing on film or tape.

Grim Reaper Type of Entity

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In the summer of 1996, I was sharing an apt in Huntington, WV. My roommate and I were having similar experiences but didn't discuss it to each other until I had the scariest moment of my life, supernaturally. What led up to my experience was on different occasions, my roommate and I were having something tapping our feet when we slept.

I was sleeping on the couch downstairs one night after falling asleep watching a late night movie. At the end of the couch where my feet were I kept feeling a thud. Like something was hitting the end of the couch where my feet were. This happened a few times on different late nights. Later, my roommate confided she had something smack her bare feet at night while asleep.

One evening, arriving home after work at the local pawn shop where I was a secretary, I walked into the apt and no one was home. So, I walked through the kitchen where the answering machine was located to check the messages. Something in the apt felt "off" to me like something in the room felt "weird". Like someone was there even no one was physically "there". I can't really put it into words. I checked the machine and had my back turned. All of sudden, something or someone tapped me very hard three times on my right shoulder. Frightened, I didn't dare to turn around. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw what looked like a long bony finger with three raised bony knuckles. The apparition was kind of cartoon-ish in that it was blue and green but real bright. I stood still and really didn't know what to do. Then I heard a voice that haunts me to this day. 'NOBODY'S HOME' it said in a deep guttural angry tone. Calmly, but with the hair on the back of my neck standing up, I walked through the living room and went upstairs to the bedroom and locked the door.

About an hour later, my roommate arrived home. I called down to her in a frightened yet excited voice and told her what happened. Being the accepting ghostly kind of person she is, she believed me and recounted our feet experiences that evening.

To this day, I think about what happened to me and it scares me to death. It never bothered me again and I try not to think about it too much to give it energy to come back for another visit. Whatever it was, seemed very large and very tall. I felt it was about 7 feet tall standing behind me and black. Almost like a grim reaper type of thing. And it felt very evil.

Great Grandfathers Ghostly Visit

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I was 6 years old when I saw my first ghost or spirit. I was riding my bike around in the basement of the house that we lived in which my father had built in 1961. I am an only child so I was very comfortable roaming around alone and finding things to do. My point here is even at 6 years old I did not frighten easily. I was riding around the length of the basement several times, on my last pass around I looked up and saw a man sitting on this stone and brick seating area my father built square in the middle of the basement. I was not frightened just shocked, he was sitting with his arms and elbows resting on his knees hunched over. He was wearing old bib overalls and a red and black checked flannel shirt and old worn work boots. His head and face seemed to be badly scarred as if he had been burned. I sat there for a minute looking at him and he finally looked up at me, it was almost like he did not know I was there, he stared straight at me and this look of anger came over his face and he said "Come here little girl".

Well that's when I became hysterical, covering my eyes and screaming for my dad. I finally got the courage to look and he was gone. I ran to my dad in the other end of the house screaming "Daddy there is a man in the house". Well he looked and looked; all windows and doors were as they should be. Dad chalked it up to imagination as did my mother. But my beloved grandmother (my mom’s mother) listened intently when I told her about the man. She told me very sternly "If you ever see him again run, he is a bad man". I never questioned it further I just obeyed because grandma's word was law.

Years later when I was about 17 my mother and I were going through my grandmothers house to clean things after her death. I found a photo of a man and woman in farm clothing from what looked like the 1800's. I instantly recognized the man in the photo as the man in the basement when I was 6. I ran to my mom and said “this is him, the man I seen when I was 6 and nobody except grandma believed me.”

My mother said he was her grandfather, her mother’s father, and that he was not a nice man. He was very abusive and my grandmother never liked to speak of him. My mother continued to tell me that both he and my great grandmother (the lady in the picture) died when their house caught fire while the children were at school one day. My grandma and her bother were sent to live with their aunt. Needless to say I was pretty creeped out that the man I saw was scarred from what looked like burns and was very angry that I was in his space.

I have never seen him again to this day. Since then I have seen a lot of paranormal activity that I cannot explain. I sometimes enjoy the experiences and sometimes not so much. God has seen fit to give me a great gift for a reason even if I do not always understand it. I feel very blessed. Thanks for listening. It’s nice to have a forum where people actually are interested in your experiences versus freaked out by them.

Ghosts in the House

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My nephew Jason told me one time that he seen a ghost in their house out at Rig, WV where they lived as he was growing up. Now Jason

is much older now but, this is what he told me about that one day. He said he had seen a ghost of a pilgrim standing in the bathroom.

Now, this house has been standing for many years and I'm most sure it was there back in the civil war days and slavery.

Some of the nights I stayed out there I felt like someone was breathing over me at nights. I would automatic freeze and wouldn't move and I would keep the light on in that bedroom all night. Another ghost story I have for you is it all happened when my older sister's husband brought these dead man's clothes home with him and my sister seen this black figure disappear in the walls of what was once a bedroom, now it is part of the living room and now my younger sister and her husband live there today so, I'll have to ask her if she experience any ghost while living there.

Has anyone experience anything like this before?. What did you do at the time? Do you all think ghost could talk to you or not and if they did would you talk back to them or would you be scared and run away from them?.

I'm from Moorefield, WV Hardy County.


Ghostly Voice Calling My Name

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One night after my husband and I went to bed I awoke in the middle of the night hearing what I thought was a female voice calling my name. I sat up in bed and looked at my clock it was 3am. I sat there for a minute and listened thinking maybe I was dreaming. Then it sounded like a ball bouncing outside our bedroom door. The floor outside our bedroom door is tile, so any noise could be heard easily. The ball bounced three or four times and then stopped as quickly as it started. I didn't get up this time, I just let it go.

The very next night I woke up again at 3am, hearing my name called again. It was the very same voice I had heard the night before. This time the voice called my name twice. It was like a long drawn out whisper. Then the ball started bouncing again right outside our bedroom door. It bounced three or four times just like the previous night. This time I knew I was wide awake and was sure of what I had heard. I got up and went toward our bedroom door and the sound of the ball bouncing stopped. I went to check on the kids to make sure they were ok. They were sound asleep in their rooms.

When my husband got up later that morning I asked him if he had heard anything during the night and he said no. So I guess whatever it was, it was meant just for my ears.

Since those two nights in a row there haven't been anymore noises, nor have I heard my name being called in the middle of the night.

Dreams of my Dead Aunt

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I was just wondering if anyone out there can help me with this. My grandparents were killed in a car accident five years ago on July 2. My aunt and my cousin were in the accident as well, but they both survived. However, one year ago, on June 30, my aunt passed away in her sleep. She was only 45 years old and died from an accidental overdose. A combination of her pain medicine, nerve medicine, muscle relaxer, and very little alcohol.

I have never had a dream about my grandmother since she died. I had one dream about my grandfather where he was just standing on a dock by the water, looking back at me.

However, with my aunt, I keep having dreams about her. I have dreamt about her for the past two months. I have had three dreams regarding her. She is very much alive in these dreams. In one of the dreams, I am hugging her and then she asks me "Why are you the only one who can see me?" I then turn to her daughter and say "Shannon, did you not just see me hugging your mom?" Shannon looks at me like I am crazy and says NO!

My aunt and I use to be close when I was younger, but as I grew up and noticed that she was an alcoholic, we became more distant. We still talked before she died, but not like we used to. Her daughter is not doing well in life. She has starting doing drugs, partying a lot, and very sexually active.

Some people seem to think my aunt is wanting to live through me, while others think she is wanting me to help her daughter, Shannon. (I used to have custody of Shannon when she was younger, I took care of her every time her mom, my aunt, was in rehab.) Is there anyone out there who might be able to help me understand these dreams?

Did A Demon Kill My Grandma?

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This is a true story and I think it was a demon, and it killed my grandma.

One day I was home alone. I live with my grandparents and my grandpa was taking my grandma to the doctor. I was on the computer and I heard someone open the door. It was locked but I thought it was just my aunt Sherry because she has a key. I then realized she was at work so it couldn't be her.

I went to the door to see who it was and I saw this black thing right in front of me. It was shaped like a person but it didn't have a face or anything. The thing was so tall it was up to the ceiling.

Ten days later I was home alone again and my grandma was still in the hospital. My aunt Nikki came with her kids and she drove us to the hospital. Then my uncle David took me into the little church the have in every hospital and he told me my grandma had died in her sleep.

I remembered the shadow person I saw.

I figured out it was a demon. I'm not sure but I think that thing was what killed my grandma. This all happened this June. If you could help me to figure this whole thing out I would really like it. My email address in under my profile.

Stay safe and God bless...

Dark Hooded Figure? Help?

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I was wondering if anyone has any information that may help explain...

About a week ago, I was coming home from work at around 3am, and saw a scary figure... Made me think of a grim reaper, except more like a person I guess... Just all black looking/hood with no face, I did see a bag/pile...something beside "it" was right next to my car... Going down the four lane highway... It was scary because for a split second, it seemed to appear in front of me, but when I looked, it was standing beside the road... Like on the white line... To the right of my car (I was in the right lane) was really disturbing, but I just kind of kept going... And forgot about it... Figured maybe it was just a hitchhiker? I don't know...

HOWEVER, it's a week later now, and my boyfriend started telling me this evening that he saw something today and the same night I did... And before he said anything about what it was... I asked did it look like a grim reaper... His face was scary!...SO...yes, he saw the same thing... Except the night that he saw it, he had left at least 5 hours before me... And then he said he saw it again today... During the day... It was gloomy/rainy and he was about 30 miles from where he had seen it the first time... Now we're both freaked and SCARED...

ANY THOUGHTS? Explanations? Should we be worried? Scared? Help?


Creepy Experience At TNT Area

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The former West Virginia Ordnance Works (WVOW) was an explosives manufacturing facility constructed for the sole purpose of producing 720, 000 tons of TNT per day. It was constructed on 8,323 acres along the east bank of the Ohio River, along State Route 62, 6 miles north of Point Pleasant, West Virginia.

From 1942 to 1945, the West Virginia Ordnance Works (WVOW) manufactured explosives for use in munitions and explosives for the war effort. Although owned by DoD, WVOW was operated by a private company to produce TNT. When it closed in 1945, WVOW was declared surplus, and the structures were salvaged or disposed. The former West Virginia Ordnance Works is on the National Priorities List and work is being done there by the Huntington District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Anyway, the TNT area hasn't actually manufactured TNT since WW2 ended. It's now part of the McClintic Wildlife Management area and the igloos are above-ground concrete bunkers where the TNT was stored. They're designed in a way that planes passing over cannot tell they're there... And that if one should explode it wouldn't set off a chain reaction.

Most of the igloos are now privately owned or owned by the army, and out of hundreds, only a few are accessible, and only three of those are "open to tourists."

After the war, it WAS a popular place for private enterprises to use in storing TNT and related paraphernalia, and to this day,there's a good chance that some of the igloos still ARE being implemented for that. However, in the 1980s, the whole area was added to the government's SuperFund list after fishermen reported a red, bubbling goo coming up from the ponds. Allegedly, a lot of the bunkers were supposed to have been cleaned out, but again, who knows.

The area's REAL claim to fame, however, comes from Mothman. The first reported sighting of Mothman came from the area's North power plant, which was torn down in the 90s. The next night, some locals went out to the bunker area to try and scare people out looking for Mothman, when they they allegedly encountered him themselves.

In addition to Mothman, many other areas around the property are said to be haunted, especially the area around the present-day shooting range, where there are no less than two murders taking place there in recent history.

However, my story comes from the area around the old igloos...

On a whim one summer night in 2008, my friend and I went exploring the TNT area in Pt. Pleasant (known for its MothMan fame). We've checked out the accessible igloos many times, only three of which were actually opened, but he wanted to show me some pallets, drums, and other debris that had recently been placed in front of a few of the privately owned igloos, which were located down a different trail than the one that held the open igloos.

This time of year, there are gates blocking off the small roads, so you have to take the trail by foot. We had two flashlights and the moon was REALLY bright, so the trail was well lit. We went down the trail and got to see three igloos, but then the trail was cut off by a small stream that was overflowing, so we turned back around. Near the first igloo, the one closest to the car, I smelt what I thought was a dead animal. I didn't say anything, because even though the smell was REALLY strong, and I didn't smell it on our trip in, we were out in the middle of a wildlife area... Its only natural to smell a dead animal sometimes.

A few steps later, we were back to where we had parked the car. To get back to the car, we had to go around a big farm gate, which was no problem... Except I'm a klutz. I got my pants stuck on a weed or something, so I was holding on to the gate's pole with both hands trying to shake myself free. My friend was laughing at me, and I was laughing, but cursing, staring down at the ground trying to figure out why I was so tangled up.

In my peripheral vision, I saw a form come towards me from my left side... The side closest to freedom, lol... I put their arm on my shoulder to steady me. At first I thought it was my friend who had somehow managed to slip behind me and was trying to help me out. Then it clicked that something was REALLY not right.

It wasn't exactly tunnel vision, but somehow I seemed to subconsciously block out everything around me, and could only focus on this shape in front of me, and it seemed like the whole scene was shot in movie mode, as if I were watching it on TV, not standing there. I could only see the side/back area of the figure. It was a younger male wearing a white t-shirt, with tan skin, and not jet black hair, but really dark brown, cut short, but longer on the top than on the sides. It only stood about 6 feet, and wasn't very muscular... Just average built, if not maybe on the slim side.

What clicked was... The friend I was with was wearing a gray sleeveless shirt and is HEAVILY tattooed with full sleeves on both arms. He stands about 6'5 and is a bigger guy, fairly muscular, with long light brown hair. This was definitely not him, especially since after I freed myself, I whipped around and he was about a foot behind me on the wrong side of the gate still. I snapped back around to see what DID help me, and it was gone.

I didn't even say anything really until we got back safely in the car and started down the road, and I told him what I saw. He swears he didn't see anything, but knows that I have a history of seeing things that most people can't see, and saw how excited, yet shaken I was, he believed that I at least THOUGHT I saw something. He said something to the affect of maybe whatever was there was warning us not to go down that path. To me, that didn't make any sense, since I had only experienced it AS WE WERE LEAVING... So the first thing I said was the first thing that popped into my head... He didn't want us to leave.

That opened up a whole other discussion, albeit a facetious one, about there possibly being a body buried back there somewhere. The TNT area has seen its fair share of murders and body dumping... So it wouldn't be completely unheard of. I mentioned that there was definitely SOMETHING dead back there, referencing that horrid stench I had smelled just previous to seeing the apparition. Again, my friend swears he didn't smell anything, which I thought was odd, because the stench was so overpowering. But now looking back... Maybe it was an introductory response to what was about to happen...

I've already told him that if a dead body shows up, don't bother to tell me about it, lol. Instead, I'd just like to continue on thinking I was either hallucinating, or saw a residual image of an event that has probably happened before in that spot--two legend trippers out there exploring the igloos... Chick gets caught and boy comes to save her, lol.

You can visit my personal website, Theresa's Haunted History (link in profile) for more of my hauntingly odd experiences, plus historical info on many of the famous hot spots in the tri-state area.

Cowboy Killer

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Up until I was about five or six I lived in a small town in West Virginia. At one point in time, pretty much everyone in my family had lived in the house my mother, father, brother and I were living in. Coming out of my room there was the bathroom to the left and then across the hallway was my brothers room. One day I was coming out of my room and there in front of me stood the silhouette of what appeared to be, what I described at the time, a cowboy. He had no features; he was just a solid black form. He came towards me and stopped, then turned around and headed into my brothers room. Being a little kid wondering what the hell happened, I screamed. When my mother came in I told her that I had saw a man in a cowboy hat and that he had gone into my brother's room. My mother had naturally told me that it was just my imagination.

About a year or two ago I inquired about what happened. My mother told me that there was a man, who lived with his wife and children before we owned the house, that was suspected of killing his family and burying them in the back yard. The house was set on a steep hill that my cousins, who are now in there 20's, liked to climb when they were younger. When they were digging in the yard they found bones that they brought to their parents. They were confirmed as being human.

And, I have no idea if this is linked to that at all, but every once in a while I'll wake up and look at the end of my bed and see a hooded figure. I don't feel threatened, as I immediately go back to sleep. I know that it's not just a dream. I also feel as though I'm being watched periodically throughout the day...

Camp Wheelgate

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When I was a pre-teen, I was a girl scout. As all Girl Scout troops do, we attended a weekend outing at a place called "Camp Wheelgate," in WV. Camp Wheelgate was not technically a camp, as it did not have tents, or cabins. It consisted of three "Victorian Style" farmhouses. Our group was staying in the largest of the three. For the first night, our group stayed in a downstairs room because our leaders had not been able to get a fire started in the upstairs fireplace. On our second day there, we took a walk to a small church in the area. It was a very old church, with a graveyard. As teens and pre-teens often do, some of the group was less than respectful of the church and graveyard. I recall that some of us rang the bell in the old church, and some of the group "played" on the graves, and at the altar area of the church.

That night, the leaders were able to get a fire started in the upstairs fireplace. We moved our belongings upstairs, and settled in to play games and have a fun night. A couple of the scouts said that they had experienced a "white mist" on the stairway and felt as though they were having a lot of difficulty walking up the stairs. Others, myself included, were certain that they had seen a face, looking out of an upstairs window, when they had been outside. Fairly early in the evening, I became suddenly overcome with a headache and nausea, which had never happed before. I decided to lie down to see if it would subside. Shortly afterward, we were all stunned by the loudest "BANG" sound we had ever heard. The scout leaders looked all over the house, trying to locate the source of the sound. The only thing that was found during the leaders' search of the house was that ten heavy, iron cots, which had been in another room, were missing! The cots had been in the room as we settled in for the night and were so heavy that it would take 2-3 adults to move each one. There were two doors to the room. One exited into the hallway and the other had been added to an external wall so that a fire escape could be built. The cots were nowhere to be found. Understandably, our troop leaders decided to remove us from the premises for the remainder of the night.

As far as my memory serves me, this was my first experience with the paranormal. It was not my last.

Baking In The Kitchen

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An exact weej after my tenth birthday my great grandmother passed away. Her battle with Alzheimer's finally at an end. By then it was getting around late January. We were all outside my aunt and great grandmother's house. When I being the youngest was demanding by my older brother to go get him a drink. While walking in her house I smelled a very familiar smell tobacco and rolls. They smelt just like my grandma mal's homemade recipe. Upon getting closer I heard a small hum. Thinking it was just a big application I continued until I got in to her kitchen. There was a white figure that looked just like my grandmother sitting at the old table. Her dough for the rolls was rising beside her while she smoked a cigarette. She just smiled at me and then vanished. This was pretty odd.

See my grandmother was pretty loopy by the time I came along. She could hardly remember who I was. She never showed herself anymore or to anyone else. Which made me wonder why me. I was never as close to her as my mother, even my older brother had been real close to her since she was named after her. Then why did she show herself to me. Like I said I did not know her nor was I really close to her.

To me she just was a lady who I called grandma could cook when I was younger, and could hardly move by the time I turned eight. Then why did she come to me and not anyone else.

Please help me.

An Old House and My Apartment Building

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I was in the Navy and living ashore at Norfolk, VA in the early '70s. It was an old two story house. The main floor had a kitchen, dining room and living room. The second floor had a master bedroom, that nearly half the size of the house, a smaller bedroom and a bath.

One day I was in the master bedroom folding laundry. People came and went all the time (had a couple of roommates and they had friends) so the doors were seldom (if ever) locked.

I heard the front door open and close and called out I was upstairs. I heard heavy, plodding footsteps on the stairs, pausing at the bend in the middle. It was as if whomever was really tired and it was all they could do to walk up the steps. From where I was standing I could see clearly down the hall to the top of the stairs. The footsteps continued to the top and down the hall towards me. No one was there. The steps were quite audible. At the treshold of the bedroom door they stopped.

I stood there shaking like a leaf then quickly exited the room. Some time later I returned home to find every light in the place on. A roommate was sitting in the living room, white as a sheet, holding a poker from the fire place, in front of him. I asked what was wrong. He said he was watching tv when the door to the outside (the former front door since the house at one time faced Chesapeake Bay but at sometime was moved across the street, and turned around, so our "front door" had been the back door at one time and our back door the front) began turning on its own. He asked who was there and no answer. Then the door started shaking as if someone were trying to enter but couldn't. He went to the door and called out again, no reply. He opened the door and no one was there. And, the screen door was closed and lashed, with no breaks in the screen for someone to reach in.

I told him of my experience earlier and he said he had heard footsteps as well when no one was home. He never told anyone believing they would think him crazy.

Eventually others reported hearing strange things as well. The old house is no longer there. It was on a spit of land which has since been "re-developed" with freeways, ramps, etc. -sigh-

My apartment building, in Huntington, WV, has several spirits. Residents in two apartments on the other end of the hall (I live in the back) have reported seeing an old woman, in a white blouse and long black dress enter their apartment, walk through and exit. At one time this building had a landlady from who owned the place from about 1911 to '51. This could be her keeping any eye on her property.Huntington, WV (I am the senior resident in the building -three story brick apartment, erected in 1906- having moved here in July, 1979, and people will ask "You've been here a long time, have you heard of this or that happening?")

One evening in the early '80s a neighbour and I were playing cards. No radio, tv, or such on. Suddenly we heard loud noises coming from his apartment, as if it were being ransacked. Scott went to check and nothing was out of place. I have also had the feeling someone would be watching me from that apartment when no one was living there. (My kitchen windows and that ones form a sort of L shape.) I named the spirit "Casper", after the cartoon character Casper, the friendly ghost since he means no harm, merely curious. And when I have feeling of being watched I always wave and greet him. :)

There is also a ghost in my apartment.

It was August 2nd. A hot, muggy night. The cat I had then was laying on the floor facing the closed bathroom door. This was before the Net so I was watching tv and Muffy was in my line of vision. Suddenly she roused herself, started a low growl, twitching her tail, looking at the closed door, then to me, back to the door. I told her there was nothing there. Like a scene from a cheap movie I went to the door, put my hand on the doorknob and said, "See, there's nothing in there" and opened the door. Suddenly a cold rush of air passed through me, at least 20 degrees cooler than a moment before. After that Muffy was calm again and went back to her dozing... For a couple of years on that date I could feel the presence. I haven't for the last few years.

Abandoned Graveyard

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Have you ever been to one of those graveyards that are so far back up in the country where nobody ever goes anymore? Well not far from where I grew up there was this old graveyard. We had to go up a one-lane dirt road surrounded by woods on both sides for about two miles. We had to drive in the middle of the road because on both sides there were deep ditches. Luckily this night was a full moon. I don't think just headlights would have been enough to see the way.

My sister and my cousin got out of the car first; I was almost to scared to get out. But it was either go with them or sit in the car by myself until they got back. Of course there was no way I would do that. My sister wanted to go in the graveyard to look at names on headstones, that was the whole reason for going up there. Why they chose nighttime to explore is beyond me. Those two were always adventurous; I was the little sister I always wanted to tag along.

We finally got up to the graveyard; there was a big iron gate that separated the graveyard from the woods. Also there were those big weeping willow trees blowing in the breeze. Some of the branches were low enough to scrape nearby headstones. If seeing that in the middle of the night wasn't scary enough. We climbed over that iron gate, we heard soft music playing. You've got to remember where we were and with nobody around for miles. That didn't stop them from wanting to look at names on headstones.

With the moon shining it made everything look eerie. My sister pointed at a headstone, there was a small child peeking around a headstone. It was there one minute, gone the next. I was certainly ready to leave when I saw that. It spooked my sister so bad, she was ready to go to.

As we were walking away the soft music started playing again. We broke into a run, jumped over the iron gate. You can picture us running like scared rabbits. We certainly got out of there.

The next day dad heard us talking about it; he said he had heard the same story from other people. Needless to say we haven't been back to that graveyard at night.

A Haunted House

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We live in my house for about 15 years and we had things happen to us. I was taking a bath with the bathroom door opened and I looked in the hall way and I saw a dark shadow. At night my TV changes channels and turns on be itself! I have things move in the house. One day my friend saw a boy walk in my house, she came over to see who it was and she saw a picture hanging on my wall. She said it was him and we asked "what about him", she says he walked in our doorway! We told her that he died a long time ago.

I was sitting downstairs and I had my hairbrush on the coffee table and it fell down on the floor! I decided to leave it on the floor. I would not stay downstairs by myself because I feel there is something watching me. The other day I was cleaning my room, and in the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow of a lady. When I looked back again it was gone. I had so many people say they would not stay in my house! I have 3 birds and at night they go crazy like they see things. I keep hearing people talking and yelling my name. One day I was setting downstairs and I saw a kind of smoke, it went to the stairs and it was gone! Before my brother moved out, he says he was laying on the bed and he saw an old fashioned dressed boy shadow looking at him.

Woken Up By A Crash

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This happened to me roughly five to seven years ago. I believe I was thirteen at the time. I am often woken up in the middle of the night by voices in my ear, usually saying my name or mumbling things. I have done enough research to find it is believed to be the voice of some woman who whispers people's names in their ears. I have grown to usually shake this off when it occurs because it doesn't necessarily scare me. Although the voices waking me up happened mostly when I was younger, even though I am only eighteen right now.

One night I was sleeping on the couch, at the time I usually slept on the couch since I didn't like to sleep in my room often for some reason. I just remember that I was in a deep sleep when all of a sudden a loud screech rang through my ears and a loud crash woke me up. I shot straight up from my lying position and looked around the dark room, at this time in my life I remember I always had to have a light on before and when I fell asleep but when I fell asleep on the couch someone would always turn the lights off. After the loud crash and screech woke me up I sat there on the couch. I thought it might have possibly been my dog or cat in the kitchen since the noise of the crash sounded like it was in the general direction of the kitchen. I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen to see what mess was made but there was nothing. I realized after looking around the room and down the hall that nothing fell or was out of place.

I don't know what happened or if it was just my imagination but it sounded so real. I'm not really asking for help or answers, I'm just stating what happened.

What The Children See

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It is often believed that children and pets have communication with the unknown at least that is something that I was always told. I only have a select few things that I have knowledge of that fall into this category of children and pets communicating with spirits. The first one that I have to tell is about me; my mother often tells me this.

I had to be about four or five years old and we were at her now ex-boyfriends parents' house. He had a brother who had just committed suicide a few months prior to this happening. I was down the hall at this house playing in one of the bedrooms while everybody else sat visiting in the living room. My mom stated how they would hear me often talking in the room; at first they paid no attention to it because they thought it was just me using my imagination since I was to their knowledge the only one in the room. After several minutes passed they started to notice in my tone of voice that it sounded like I was actually having a conversation with someone. They were slightly freaked out at first but then quickly thought it was just one of his mothers other sons. As if on cue the son they thought was in the room with me walked through the front door. They asked if he had possibly been in the room with me just a few minutes prior but he stated how he had been out somewhere. Freaked out now with this known fact they sat there waiting for me to come out from the room. I don't know if they called me out of the room or if I just walked out but when I came into the living room they asked me who I was talking to. I stated how I had been talking to a young boy and he had asked me to go and play with him.

In beliefs from where I grew up it is believed that if a spirit asks a person to come with them than that person dies. After I said this they all got freaked out and asked me who this boy was. I believe I only shrugged and pointed at a picture of the son that had just committed suicide months prior to this.

Another thing that happened was when my cousin was around two years old, she is about nine right now and my other cousin and I had been assigned to baby sit for my aunt. My aunt had three kids at the time and lived in a small house off a highway in the country. My cousin, who was about sixteen and I were sitting around in the living room after just getting the kids to sleep. We were talking when my two year old cousin walked down the hall crying her eyes out. When my cousin went to calm her down she couldn't do anything because my cousin was frozen in place and just pointing down the hall while still crying. I stood there watching in fright as my younger cousin started inaudibly saying how she was freaked out and someone was there. We successfully put my cousin back to sleep after several minutes and just sat there freaked out for the rest of the night.

The last thing that I have knowledge of is the same two year old cousin. She again had to be two at the time. I don't remember what time of day this happened but I believe it was at night. My family was at my grandparents house visiting with each other while the kids ran around the house like they usually did. At some point a few of the kids were down the hall and in my grandparent's bedroom and my two years cousin walked out of the room stating how my Uncle Jeff was in the room. My Uncle Jack, actually my great uncle jack died either before she was born or when she wasn't even a year old. At the time she had no knowledge of him other than through stories but she was only two when this happened.

Welcome To My Nightmare

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Now that I've told you all about my hauntings through out my life, these are the first ones introducing me into the world beyond. When you are a young child it's hard to understand what it is all about, yet children see things and know things that most adults ignore and tend to shove aside.

My parents have been divorced since I was small, my dad kept the house they built in the 70's and my mom has moved all over. In my last story I wrote about a crazy house we lived in. Well the weird things in life actually started out at my dads.

It was the summer of 87 I think. I was around 6 years old, my brother being 4, and our cousin Amy 5. That seems about right, give or take less then a year. We were young so all of this is distant but some of these bizarre things have stayed with me forever.

The first incident that took place was in our backyard that introduced me to the haunted world as it did all three of us. Amy and I were playing a game of hide the pickup truck and find it. It was the size of toy tractors so this afternoon was spent hiding that thing and finding it. Well it was Amy's turn to find it and she gave up looking so I pointed to where it was behind a big oak tree. When we looked in that direction we saw a little black guy playing with it. I thought it was a neighbor kid or something that had my toy. Amy got scared and ran up to the house. Brave and naive I waltzed down to this creature and asked for my toy back. Then my freaked-out-ism got in when the black boy disappeared in front of me. He looked at me (no facial features) as I asked for it and he vanished, dropping the toy as it rolled down the root of the tree. I didn't understand what I just encountered. I grabbed my toy and darted up to the house. We as kids tried telling our grandma what had just happened, she nor anyone else believed us so they sent us back outside and told us to stop story telling.

John got involved in the investigation at that point because not only did one black guy show up but a bunch of little gray guys appeared as well in the big oak tree branches. Since no one believed us we got out our squirt guns and shot away trying to rid the creatures. They looked like they had arrows pointing out of their heads. And out of all the gray guys peeking around the branches and leaves at us, there was that one black guy who just sat there and starred at us. The sun was starting to set in the sky at this point, and as soon as the last ray of light was in our yard, they all disappeared!

That was our first encounter into the great unknown. Those little black men would show up through-out our young lives out there frequently, usually when we weren't prepared for them. We were always scared of them and tried blocking them out, like expecting them almost so they wouldn't make an appearance. John claims he saw one big one, one time waving to him in the field to come closer so he ran back to the house and as he ran away the creature was motioning him to go away. I had nightmares for a long time about these creatures why they were even there and I'd always be scared of 'running' into one.

Another time John and Amy saw a big black hand squeezing itself in the doorway of my bedroom. As kids we'd usually sleep together, probably because we were scared. Well upstairs my brother's bedroom and mine are directly across from each other with a middle room in between. On night one of us weren't able to sleep with the noisy pair we'd venture into Johns room where my dad was usually sleeping. He had a habit of sleeping with John, and maybe that started because of this particular night I'm going to write about.

Amy and I were in my bedroom up until the wee hours giggling away. We had this thing about always wanting to stay up until sunlight, a kid thing. But we never made it that far and we'd pass out from tiredness. This particular night as we chatted away something in my brother's room caught my attention. Something was looking at us. I looked into John's bedroom and there was a girl about the age of 17 standing in there just starring into my room. I nudged Amy to tell her to look. She asked me who that was, and I said I didn't know and wondered myself. We studied her for a moment and then got too scared so we hid under the covers until daylight. The next morning our tales still repeated to be the same as the night before in description. The girl had on a long bluish dress with an umbrella in one hand and a purse in the other. She had braids on both sides of her head. Her stare wasn't friendly either. It looked like she was lost in time just zoned out in wonder. Almost like a chilling stare like something she was seeing wasn't good. She didn't look directly at us but just straight through my room into a mirror that's there. My room is exactly the same to this day except my bed got moved because of that incident. I no longer wanted to look into my brother's room after that.

I have forever had real live nightmares about that. Even to this day. They are not dreams as in nightmares but a living fear of that room and that pressed memory that I can't even tolerate that upstairs normally as a person should. I always look in there making sure nothing is there. I'm in my 20's now and I still have a hard time with that. I even dream about the door always having to be closed so nothing can look into my room. I haven't lived there in a long time but when I stay it's always the same. I don't know what it is about that event but it was so close to home that it has disturbed me into the great unknown. If she would've looked at peace or friendly Amy and I wouldn't have been traumatized but something about that along with the little black guys were just wrong about the whole place.

We used to hear things too and have weird episodes that way as well. Typical hauntings. In fact the last event was a couple years ago when I had to stay there. The dumb doorbell rang and no one was there. That place just has eerie effects. I'm a lot older now and things are much calmer then they were when we were kids but that intuition still remains.

I guess I've seen a lot of things and heard a lot of strange things there that my mind was opened up to the other world at a young age. One night I saw my older brother in his bedroom in the basement but the light was off and he made no sound. At first I thought it was him and said something but he didn't answer and that's when I realized he wasn't even in there! I ran up those stairs and found him on the living room floor watching TV. Another time my cousin and I heard my brothers and my dads voice outside in the backyard only to discover they were not there but down at our grandparents. The list goes on and on.

These were the basic hauntings of our lives then. Ever since these sightings I never wanted to see ghosts again. Perhaps that's why as I got older that I never saw anything in our haunted house or other locations I've been at. I simply did NOT want to see anything so I told the ghosts if they were around not to show themselves to me. I felt them and that has been enough for me.

These are my stories and I still don't know what half of them mean to this day. What do y'all think?

Freaky huh?

Unseen Roomate

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Just out of high school, I moved to Green Bay to go to a technical college. I had rented an apartment with one of my best friends from high school. Two women on their own for the first time. We rented a furnished apartment on the west side of Green Bay, close to the school.

It had been a very eventful first couple of weeks. So when the things started happening it didn't even surprise us.

The first incident was when we came home from school, we opened the coat closet, placed our coats on the hangers and closed the door behind me. I remember leaning against the door, being so wiped out from a long day. We went on with our night. Later that evening while watching TV on the couch with our back to the closet. We heard the screeching first and looked over to see where it was coming from. We saw the closet door slowly opening up. I screamed for my roommate to go over and see what was doing it, she said "no way!". We both sat frozen awaiting whatever was going to come out of the closet and nothing came! I jumped over the back of the couch and slammed the door back shut without ever looking at what was inside!

We had been living there a couple of months now, with out any other incidents that we noticed. We had finished dinner and washed the dishes and then had gone into the living room to work on our projects for school. My roommate had gotten up to go to the bathroom, and I heard glass shattering in the kitchen. I looked over to find one of our dinner glasses shattered at the edge of the kitchen. It was almost to the point where the kitchen and the living room meet. If it would have just fallen off of the dish drainer it could never had made it the 5 feet across the room!

After that, we had a male friend who was also going to the same school come and stay with us. I started sleeping in the living room, since it was only a one-bedroom apartment and we were having a hard time fitting 3 beds in the bedroom. I started at that point of talking in my sleep. I don't remember ever talking to this person, but my roommates would be up watching TV after I had gone to bed, and hearing me have conversations with this person. I was also doing sleepwalking!

I moved back home a couple of months later after we finished school. They never mentioned having anything happen after I moved out. I haven't had any problems with sleep walking ever since.

Uncle Tom

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My family has this old farm, about 20 miles outside Mauston, Wisconsin. My family used to visit every Sunday and play in the bluffs around the farm. The farm house was built in the early 1900's by my great-great grandparents. Today, my great aunt and uncle live there. So on one visit, I was washing up for dinner and something caught my eye in the bath tub. Well, that bathroom wasn't there when the house was built, it was a pantry. Later on, it was made into a bathroom. So I turned around and saw a man wearing overalls and writing in a leather bound book. He had really bright blue eyes and dark brown hair, and his leg was twisted funny. When he noticed me he let out a hearty laugh and pulled the plug to the tub, he went right down the drain. I was eight years old and terrified when that strange man just went right down the drain. I shot out of that bathroom and told my mama and great aunt what I saw. My great aunt says "Well that sounds like Thomas..." I'd never seen a picture of Uncle Tom but he was my great uncle and died shortly before I was born. He was crippled and died in that house. My mama says that I don't have to be afraid of Uncle Tom's ghost because any ghost in that house is bound to be friendly since it was built with a heck of a lot of love.

Two Entities

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This is my first story so bear with me. My story starts around the time I was 8. I was outside on my lawn and to be specific my back lawn is huge big enough for an older kid to play baseball on. I was out near one of the sheds when I looked over and saw a man skinny, muscular and about quite tall. When I looked over he quickly disappeared in an upward direction.

Here is where it gets weird. About 3 weeks ago I just woke up for school and looked over at my T.V. Stand and in front of it was a female. She had dark skin, I don't know if she was African American or Indian. All I saw was wings and legs. My dad did not see her; he has to wake me up because I don't wake easy. Every thing else in my day was normal same friends, same enemy's, same everyone but a 1/16 of the grade hates me.

Here is another twist just after that entity showed up I have heard knocks in the house, I saw shadows out of the corner of my eye, along with my sister seeing them, and that creepy feeling like you are being watched, which I don't usually have.

Along with that entity I have had experiences with a different entity in my home. Some times, not often, me and my sister will hear a muffled demonic laugh, also sometimes in the middle of the night I will wake up and do various thing or remember getting back in bed or my room.

The first time this happened was around 5 years ago. I would wake up and have no control over what I did. I would do things like shower at 2 in the morning or walk around its very creepy and I don't like that I'm scared I'll do something really bad.

Thanks for reading do you think this is a Guardian angel, a demon or a confused entity feel free to put out any opinion.

Trailer Park Ghosts

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When I was 6 or 7, I lived in a trailer park in Sunnydale WI. It was a small trailer but that's all my parents could afford. It had a small kitchen and small living room and only three bedrooms. A hallway was connected to all three bedrooms. I had to share a bedroom with my sister. We shared a bed also.

One night when I was asleep, I woke up with my bedroom door open and when I looked out, there was a small girl outside my bedroom door. I thought it was my sister at first and was going to go tell her it was bedtime, when I accidentally bumped into my sister, I realized it was not my sister outside the door. I sat there staring at her and she stared at me. I screamed and the little girl disappeared. I woke up the whole house, my parents came into the room to see what was wrong, I told them that there was a little girl outside of my door. They did not believe me and told me it was just a dream. I believed them. I went back to sleep eventually.

Another time I saw a ghost is when I was in my parents room sleeping with my mom and sister. I was looking out in the hallway when a man materialized before my eyes and appeared to be floating forward, but he didn't move. I just stared hoping he would go away, I put my head in the pillows and then eventually fell asleep. I didn't tell anyone about that, afraid they would say it was another dream or seeing things.

The last time I saw a ghost was when my mom was in the room. A women was watering a plant. But there was no plant there, just a large piece of wood. I could almost see the plant. I told my mom to look by the piece of wood to amuse me, she did and she also saw the ghost. My mom freaked out and took me, my sister and my brother out of the house and went to a neighbors. She told my neighbors what happened and the neighbor lived their all of her life and told us that a couple of years ago, a stranger came to their house asking to use the phone and they let him. Then he pulled out a gun and shot everyone there and was going to use their house as a hideout because he was a convicted killer. They never found the bodies to the family that used to live their.

I think that's why they hung around. We moved ou immediately after words.

Three Days Of Paranormal Torment

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I'm not the best story teller, so bare with me. Hopefully you can keep up. About a month ago, I went camping with my best friend and her dad. Her dad is into myths and ghost sightings. I personally didn't believe in ghosts, because, it just didn't make sense. Anyways, back to the story. Her dad picked a campsite that had paranormal rumors. Well, according to him. So, Daniel (my best friend) and I were all for trying to scare her dad. It was 10:00pm, right before quiet hours, and I felt like I was being watched. So I asked Daniel's dad about the rumors. Apparently, somebody drowned in the pool right behind the main office. Also a 37 year old man abused a 13 year-old boy during quiet hours until death. Of

Course, I didn't believe it.

It just turned 11:00pm, and we had to be a bit quiet. Daniel and I had to be continuously reminded to be quieter. Her dad tried to make us believe a bunch of scary stories, and explained more about our campsite. The reason I thought he was lying, is because, if the campsite was haunted, I'm pretty sure it would be shut down. So he explained to me how the paranormal rumors actually attract people who are interested in the paranormal. For some odd reason people find it interesting, I find it terrifying.

Ok, now that I explained where I am in thought, now its time to tell about the crap I had to go through for three days.

The first night was peaceful and seemed okay, except the awkward feeling of being watched around the campfire. The next day I woke up and saw that everything from my bag was on the floor, with my bag missing. I woke up Daniel and her dad. Neither one of them knew anything about it and swore it wasn't them. Witch I eventually grew to believe. So later we went swimming, I felt something really odd in the air, and I'm not sure what it was. And I'm pretty sure it was all just in my head. Everybody else seemed to be having tons of fun. But I felt like I had an extra person weighing down my shoulders. The lifeguard looked like she was crapping her pants, watching everybody extra carefully. Daniel and her dad were looking for something suspicious. Only god knows why. But after a while we had some fun, and every now and then I could swear I saw dark shadows moving across the bottom of the pool going at extreme speeds. I didn't tell anyone, because I thought I would sound crazy. But at the same time, I swear my heart was about to give out. I kept repeating to myself that I'm not going to die.

The rest of the 2nd day was good, except that same exact feeling that someone is watching me around the campfire. Daniel and her dad felt it to this time, and I just wanted to get the heck out of there.

The third day I woke up and my bag were back, with all of my clothes in it, folded perfectly. That, I think Daniel did, so I didn't bother asking. Nobody was up yet, so I grabbed my bag with shampoo and clothes and headed to the bathroom about two minutes away. Well, 7 sites away, I might just be a slow walker though. When I got to the bathroom I took my shower, got dressed and etc. When I looked in the mirror I saw someone just standing in the stall directly behind me. When I turned around, she wasn't there. When I walked back I heard footsteps behind me. I walked a little bit faster, the footsteps got faster. Finally I ran back, and open the camper door and rushed in. The figure knocked on the door three times then whispered something, but I couldn't understand what it said. I couldn't find the strength to scream so; I ball up in the fold out chair and started praying. That was our last day, and man, was I relieved. But, while we were just leaving the campsite, I saw the girl one last time, I told Daniels dad to look, because he's interested in paranormal things/happenings. But when he looked, she vanished.

To this day, I'm still traumatized. And I haven't told many people. Any advice to get this out of my mind? I can't even sleep at night, I feel like some ones going to kill me in my sleep.

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