Pet Coming to Say Goodbye
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Now, I've read a lot about ghost stories. I used to have an obsession a few years back with them. And from what I've read, a few factors of it point to a ghost. I'm not a hundred per cent sure whether it was a ghost although I can't think of anything else it could have been. I guess I'll leave it up to you to decide
When I was 11, I adored this little kitten. It belonged to the next door neighbours and they mistreated it. I felt heart broken, and looked after it as much as I could. I would pet it, feed it, and showed it love. Over time, it learned to trust me and it loved no human more than me. Even when it had kittens, it bought them over from next door and left them outside my window still.
When it grew into cat hood the next door neighbours decided they didn't want the hassle of it getting pregnant again. So they got it speyed. However not wanting to have it in the house they shoved it outside where its stitches came undone and its insides were hanging out. She could have been saved but they didn't want to pay the money.
I was heart broken for ages, and cried every night. Even now, as I turn 16 I still miss it.
I remember one night a few months after I was feeling sorrow for the poor cat on my bed as I was patting my dog. Suddenly cold drafts were coming. Now because it was a while ago I'm not 100% sure if the draft thing happened, because it happened a long time ago but from what I remember it did.
However what I do remember, did happen for real. My dog jumped off my lap and started barking at thin air. I found that really weird, and shuffled back a little bit. But then I felt as if a cat was rubbing against my bare foot. I didn't see anything, just thin air. I wasn't sure if it was a ghost or not but being curious, I put my hand out. I felt something go under my hand and rub against it. However it didn't last long as it disappeared as soon as it came, and my dog returned to normal.
You may not believe me, but I still hold onto this precious memory of my small cat saying goodbye to me, and not to be sad of her departure.