Young Girl With The Black Hair

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A few months ago around 9 am my 10 year old daughter came into my room freaked out saying that she had just gone into the lounge and there was a little girl sitting in the lounge and that she was sitting the wrong way with her hands resting on the head rest looking at her. My daughter said that she couldn't see her properly but she said that she had black hair and that she looked very depressed and sad, at that time my bedroom was directly off our lounge room so my daughter said that she ran straight back into her room as she would of had to pass this ghost to get to my room.

A couple of weeks later in the morning my 4 year old son came bolting into my room saying that he was scared and that their was a scary girl in the lounge room, mind you my son never heard us talking about my daughters experience in fact it wasn't spoken about much at all.

OK...A couple of months later I had just gotten into bed and closed my eye's and for some strange reason something was telling me to open my eye's... So I did... (My bed faces my doorway - which is attached to our lounge) I opened my eyes and there standing by my bedroom doorway was a little girl with a long white dress on that was dirty she had no shoes on and had Black hair, her head was tilted downwards slightly... I freaked out and hid under the blanket... Yelled out to my husband who was asleep next to me to tell him what I saw, he told me to go to sleep, I told my husband the next day he just laughed at me!

Only yesterday my daughter came to me and said that someone was in the house and that she could hear things in the hall way... I told her not to be silly and there was no one in the house. Last night my husband, son, daughter and me were in the lounge watching TV and I asked my daughter to get me a glass of water... Seconds later my daughter was standing in the arch way between our lounge and kitchen looking as white as a ghost and very disturbed but she didn't have the drink and I asked her where it was and she ignored me I looked at my husband with concern and asked her to get the drink she started to shake her head and started crying we asked her what was wrong she then told us that their was a little girl in the house again that she saw the little girl run into our bathroom from the hall way (you can see our bathroom from our kitchen), while I cuddled my daughter on the lounge (I have never seen my girl so upset) my hubby went and checked out the whole house but didn't see anything...

My hubby is the only one in our home who has not seen this ghost and I really hope one day he does so he then can understand that she is real... I'm not to sure if this has anything to do with it but we rent our property and the owner is a Priest.

Woken Up

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Firstly I live in Victoria, Australia. It was about 2 years ago on Christmas Eve and I was asleep in bed when I was woken up by someone slapping me softly and giggling. When I woke and opened my eyes I saw a little boy with blonde curly hair. He would have been about 5. But as soon as I opened my eyes he walked around my bed and into the closet.

When I saw him he wasn't transparent or anything that I've heard ghosts look like. He was solid just like a human. So when I saw him I thought it was a human in my room so I got out of bed immediately and ran to my closet to see who it was. When I opened the closet door there was no one there so I closed the door and got back into bed. I was quite scared at this time.

My bedroom door has a lock on it (living with untrustworthy housemates) which was locked at the time. As I was lying in bed I saw the lock open, even the little knob thing turned which would not happen if it was opened with a key. The door then opened and I heard a giggle and the door closed again.

I have not had any experiences with anything supernatural before or after that. I would also like to add that the house I live in is quite new and I am the first person to live in it. It has always been an empty block of land. Any help as to what this was or why it did what it did would be greatly appreciated.

Who Has Taken My Abba Cd

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This is my second marriage. My first husband died in 1992 and I remarried in 1995. My current husband and I live on the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia. Ever since my first husband passed away I have felt that he is still around;things being moved around, my new husbands photo lying on the carpet in my office and more.

However, I want to relate this incident to you and perhaps somebody could offer an explanation. I awake each morning at 6AM and workout to music in one of the spare bedrooms. Recently, I decided to put on my ABBA CD as I find it extremely stimulating to listen to whilst undergoing my exercise regime). After I had completed the exercise, I turned off the sound equipment and took my little short-haired Lhasa Apso for a walk. The next day, I returned to the room to continue listening to ABBA and discovered there was no sign of the CD. Now, there has been nobody in the house apart from Brian (my husband who, incidentally, is a bit of a sceptic!) and me.

I have searched every CD and all around the room but there is no sign of the ABBA CD. Brian has also endeavoured to find the CD as he would like to prove to me there has been nothing mythical or sinister about this event. But now, ten days later, no CD. The other event is that at night before retiring to her bed, my little Tali (Lhaso Apso) looks in the direction of the room and her tail goes down! Even Brian has noticed this.

I wonder whether any of you have an explanation. Could it be my deceased husband and is he trying to tell me something? Should I talk to him? I am pretty spiritual but have never seen any ghosts. Being a Catholic I should not try to contact the dead but I would like an answer, if there is one...

White Blur Walking Into My Bathroom

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I have another story, titled 'Something in My Hallway'. This story seems to contain a very similar, or even the same, large orb figure thing that I saw.

Before I get into details, I'll explain how my room is set up. When you walk in, ahead of you is a window, to the right is my bed, and to the far left is my computer. Outside my room, if you turn right straight away that's the bathroom, ahead from my room in the hallway is my mum's room, and to the left is the doorway that leads to the rest of the house.

The other night, I was sitting on my computer chair, listening to music and talking on MSN on the computer.

I turned my chair around, as it is a proper computer chair, and it was facing towards my doorway so I could get up and walk to the kitchen to get a drink.

As soon as I turned around, I caught a 2-3 second glimpse of a large, what seemed to be glowing, white blur, from what I saw, it was not floating, it looked to be standing, or moving, like a normal person does, along the ground, but I didn't see any limbs. The only limbs I saw where 2 arms stretched out as it was moving very fast into the bathroom, mind you, the bathroom door was closed.

As soon as this happened, I got up and went to see if it was my mum, or any other possible explanation.

She was in the kitchen, and it couldn't have been her as she was in her work uniform, which is a royal blue top and black skirt.

I need you're help with what this was!

White And Dark Shadows

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I have had a few occurrences happen lately. They were dark and white shadows, but mostly dark shadows. They have happened over two days.

The first shadow I noticed was a dark figure standing in the hall way. I stared right at it and it didn't move until I looked beside me and a white blob was flying to me. It was basically charging at me, but when my eye made full contact with it, it disappeared. My heart was pounding, I wasn't sure of why two shadows were at my house, white and dark. I saw a few things in the corner of my eyes until I went to sleep.

I woke up at 3:27 am and went to the pantry. My sister normally leaves the light on and it was on, as usual. The door was slightly open and I saw a shadow appear in the door line. After about one second, it disappeared and I was scared.

Most of the same things happen last night. I also saw an outline of a large dog in my sister's door and she dreamed about a serial killer which was a dog in World War II, but I don't know if it was linked.

Also we have many occult things in our house. Other family members and I have had experiences with the ouija board and tarot cards that are used a lot in our house since they are used in psychic readings by one of the family members. I also have a book of shadows containing black magic that I found. Don't get me wrong, I do not practice black magic. Linked? Who knows.

Thanks for reading.

Whispering, Scratching, Smells, Spinning Out

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I felt that my last post was just that, my last. However I am afraid that this has not been the case. For starters, the whispering has continued. I have tried to record these whisperings as previously suggested, however, I have not had much luck. I will persist on this though.

The other thing is a weird smell that I just can't figure out. I first noticed this last week (around Wednesday) it smelt like some dead animal and it was originating from around the floorboards in the back room. Not suspecting anything beyond normal, I had a quick look under house only to find nothing sick, dying or dead. On Saturday I took the opportunity to look up in the roof, around the house and back under the floorboards, but still as of yet, I have not found the source of smell. This smell has become a minor annoyance to say the least, and I am trying to work on ways to cover it up until I got to the bottom off it.

Another strange occurrence happened on Sunday night whilst cooking in the kitchen. I heard a distinct scratching/scraping in the roof. Thinking that this was the animal or thing that was stinking up my house, I turned off the stove and went back up in the roof and again found nothing and could not hear anything. It was at this point that I started to connect these events up with what has happened previously.

The last incident I would like to share happened last night and it is by far the worst yet. I had been watching some lame comedy on TV when I began to doze off on the lounge. I am not sure how long I was dozing before I was awoken by what felt like massive pressure on my chest. I knew this was not my imagination or a dream as it was considerably painful and I could feel my breath catching, failing, almost. Clutching my chest and struggling for breath I tried very hard to sit up. This proved to be useless, so with what little energy I had, I rolled myself off the lounge and onto the floor. I now began to now feel the room spin (I had not been drinking or smoking anything funny) and then I guess I can't really remember what happened next as I blacked out, coming around I guess, about half an hour later, I think. Unfortunately, at some point I had been sick all over myself, so all in all, not a pleasant experience.

My initial curiosity from my last stories had now turned back into concern.

Whispering, Knocking And Other Weird Happenings

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I'm a completely new user here and I thought I'd share my experience with the supernatural/spirits and etc.

My mother's side of the family has always been prone to weird things happening, seeing things, and hearing things and to put it bluntly... I really think there haunted by something or someone.

I've never really had any personal experiences myself, except for the past four or so months. For the past four months, for two days of every one of those months, weird things happen. It only happens when I'm lying in bed, trying to get to sleep.

The first time it happened, I was lying in bed with my eye closed, when all of a sudden I heard a very loud prominent knocking noise right above my head. Admit tingly, it scared the hell out of me and I opened my eyes to nothing. After a few hours of watching TV, trying to forget what happened, I tried to fall asleep again... Only to be welcomed by the very loud three knocks right above my head.

The next month it happened again, except this time it was followed by a man whispering very quickly and loudly in my ear. This happened for the next month as well. Now this month, along with the knocking and the whispering, a lady's has started to calling my name very very loudly right in my ear.

I am completely clueless as to what it or they are, I should also add I've asked the spirits to leave and my house has been cleared many times by many different spiritual sort of people and its been blessed. I pray and I call upon Michael the ark angel for help every time it happens. But it keeps happening and maybe I'm just going slowly insane.

I've also been seeing bright flashes of white light in the corner of my eye, this only happens in my part of the house (I live in an extension to the original house) Otherwise, I never see it and it creeps me out.

Does anyone have any opinions on what I'm experiencing here? I've always been told I'm very spiritually inclined and people are surprised when I tell them I don't see things and I never have. I just feel presences mostly... But the voices are new.

Where Is The Ring?

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This story happened over a period of 3 days.

I currently have a boyfriend, who I have been with for 5 months now. When we first started dating, he gave me his silver ring to wear, just so I always have a part of him with me, kind of cheesy huh!

Anyway, as it is a bit big for my fingers, I only wear it during the day, and then at night I take it off and put it on top of a Goldmark box that I keep on my bookshelf, which a bracelet of mine came in.

Last Sunday I spent the day with him, we went shopping and then he came back to my house for a while, then he had to go home.

That night, as usual before I went to bed, I took the ring off, placed it on top of the box, and went to bed. The next morning, after I had showered, I went to get the ring to wear it, and it wasn't there.

I searched my whole room, and the whole house. I asked my mum if she had moved it, and she said that she hadn't been in my room from the time I went to bed until I woke up. It led me to think, okay, this is a little weird but it may have just fallen somewhere. As we are moving in late June, I figured that it would just show up then.

Monday night, I still hadn't found it. Tuesday, still no sign.

Then, Tuesday night my mum's best friend came over for dinner. We sat at the dining table and had dinner. When we finished, I cleaned up the plates and cutlery. Then I called my mum and her friend into my room to show her a folder I had for work experience. When we got back to the lounge room, the ring was sitting on the dining room table, as though it had been there all along.

My mum and I are very psychic, and we can feel presences in the house.

Do you think this was supernatural?

I am positive that the ring wasn't there when I set the table, or when I cleaned it up.

What do you guys think?

What's in a Dream

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From the age of 7, I have had what I always assumed to be dreams of dark shadows, they would be beside my bed, and I was and have always been terrified of them. Everything would be just as it was when I went to sleep, so at first I didn't realize I was dreaming. I couldn't move or look away from them, I could hear myself scream and wondered why my mother didn't come to help me, But in time I realized I was dreaming.

Although they were just dark shadows, I always felt I knew what was a male form and what was female, and I had the feeling they wanted to hurt me, over the years I'd fear going to sleep in case I saw them and still to this day I have trouble sleeping.

A psychic once told me that I'm not dreaming, that I have a gift, and these dark shadows are actually spirits trying to make contact with me, the reason I was unable to move was because I had left my body and for a time was one of them and that's why I was able to see them, and that I shouldn't fear them, that I should listen to them, ask them what they want.

I didn't once mention these dreams to her, so as skeptical as I was, I thought to myself, what if she is right, I had to give it a try, maybe my fear of these shadows or spirits, as she had put it, was for nothing, so I slept with the light off until a month or so later I had one of my dreams, I had the worst one I have ever had, I was so scared but I forced myself to stay sleeping, I asked this thing what it wanted but this time the shadow came right up to my face and I saw different colours because it was moving so quickly like a flame swirling around, this thing whatever it was seemed angry, that's what I felt from it, so I tried as hard as I could to wake up and when I did, I felt worn out and my body was tingling, like it was a big effort to wake up and for the rest of the night I stayed awake too terrified to fall back asleep in case I fell back into the dream.

On one occasion I had fallen asleep watching tv and I had the dream even though the lights were on, this had never happened to me before, I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep because the movie I was watching was still playing, but this time they weren't dark shadows, they were a clear fuzz, and I didn't feel scared at first, they seemed like they were so gentle and peaceful, I felt like they were trying to help me.

I had come out of my body, they seemed to be guiding me, but I was sinking through the ground and somehow I knew they were trying to show me how to move above the ground, how to stay up, they were trying to hold my hands to help me up but when I looked over at my body on the couch, they had surrounded it, that's when I got scared, because I remembered what the psychic had told me, she said that not all these spirits are good, some will lie, some will try to prevent me from going back into my body and if they did then I wouldn't wake up, and at the time I had laughed at her thinking she was going over the top with this so called spirit story, but when I saw them surrounding my body, I thought oh no, this is what she was talking about, so I willed myself to stay above the ground and move back toward my body, and forced myself once again to wake, but when I saw the movie I had been watching was still going at the same part I had seen in my dream, I was even more scared, It was like I hadn't missed anything.

I still have these dreams from time to time but not as frequently.

I have been told from other psychics about these dreams I have, and about my psychic ability. Ten years ago my sister came to me with the news that she was pregnant and on that day, I had a quick vision, I saw my sister sitting on a white chair alone, crying next to a white coffin with pink and white flowers on it, so I told our mother that my sister was having a girl and that she was going to die.

My mother got mad at me and told me to keep it quiet. She always thought these visions I had had from a young age, was just me making curses come true, she thought by me saying something that I was just putting a curse on someone. But my mother ended up telling my sister and the rest of the family, and it became a topic of discussion for weeks until we forgot about it.

My niece died when she was 10 months old, from a rare genetic condition. Her coffin was white with pink and white flowers on them, and the only thing that was different was my sister wasn't sitting alone. She came to me the day after the funeral and she said, I didn't pick the the pink and white flowers or the coffin, my mother in law did.

I have seen so many things that have come true, pregnancies, deaths, accidents, sickness and heartbreak. I have feelings of dread but I just never know who or what its about, but 9 times out of ten something happens.

Sometimes my family have asked me, what's going to happen to them, and do I see anything good or bad in their lives, but I can never tell them, because I don't know. These visions can come out of nowhere. I don't will myself to see or feel things.

But it's been years since I saw anything, these visions seemed to have gone. I rarely even feel the feeling of dread anymore.

In saying all of this, I still find it hard to let myself believe I have a gift, I laugh at other people that tell me they get visions and dream of things that come true. I still won't let myself believe that my dreams were actually spirits trying to contact me, its only when I have them, for the rest of that night I'll believe that they were spirits but by morning I laugh at myself and think I'm a fool for believing it.

There are times where I will question it. I have people telling me that they are sure I have some kind of gift, but I just don't know. I don't know if I want it to be real or not.

What Was That?

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My story may sound like I'm just making it up but I swear I'm not!

My story happed just a week ago. I was walking down the hallway to my room to get to sleep because I had school tomorrow and I felt a chill run down my spine. I heard walking behind me (remind you it was like 11:00 at night). "Kaitlyn is that you?" I said a bit worried... No answer. Ok I thought it's in your head Sam your probably just sleepy.

So I continued to walk to my room, I went in, pulled my covers down and lay in my bed. I was trying to go to sleep when I heard a zipper un-zip coming from under my bed, I thought what the I don't have anything with a zipper in my room, then I remembered I do it was a suit case and it was under my bed...

"Sam stop thinking like this you're getting to paranoid" then I heard a knocking under my bed... What was that? I thought to my self. I went back trying to go to sleep when I heard my door open and as I do, I pretended I was asleep so no one would annoy me, the door closed, something walked toward me and sat next to me, shaking me like saying wake up Sam, I finally said "yes Kaitlyn?", "what do you want?", (no answer) so I turned around and nothing was there... I decided not to tell my mum and dad because they wouldn't believe me!

A couple of day's later mum said she was lying in bed and when dad walked in the room she saw something following him. She said she couldn't explain it. It was like a really dark shadow like blacker then black and then a night after that she said that she was lying down facing the wall what something sat next to her and shook her... She said yes just like me and then when no one answer she had a feeling she shouldn't turn around otherwise something was behind her and going to stare at her or something. She told me all this and I froze with fear I still haven't told her about my incident!

Thank you for reading this!

What The Hell Is It

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For years now I have been followed by an annoying pest who won't get the hint and get lost. It frustrates me because I unfortunately am the only person who can hear it or communicate with it.

It has pinned me at night time when I have been awake laying on the couch, bed, and so on where I can't move cause I'm paralyzed by it somehow and I have to wiggle my little toe to get out of it. It makes it even more distressing that at the same time I can't scream or call for help because my vocals are some how immobilized. While this is going on at bed time my partner can't seem to wake when I get out of it and then I get pinned again.

The other night I had a disturbing dream that someone came to my house and tried to rape me. Last night I got pinned the worst time ever when I woke up and felt someone in the room, followed by footsteps, I turned no one was there. I couldn't wake my partner up and I got pinned repeatedly while something tried to talk through my mouth without my permission while watching an invisible force trying to wake my partner by shaking him and shaking him.

It is so unfair that the living have to put up with this crap from the dead!

We can't do anything about it happens everyday!

If they were alive and done this crap they'd be jailed!

What Or Who Was It

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This is my first and only experience with the unexplainable, it happened Christmas of 08 when I was living with a couple of mates.

I was living at my mates house with his mum, little sister and my boyfriend at the time and we would have regular parties and mates over very often. We would sit up and tell scary stories while having a few drinks and chilling out, when my mates mum also known as Aunty D overheard our stories she told us of the ghosts who haunted the very house we were in. I'm a very open minded person and listened in for several hours, I love the thrill of being scared. Later that night when the party had died down a little bit I was very tired and a little bit drunk so I went to go crash in my room, my boyfriend staying up with mates continuing to drink.

I went into the room, didn't even bother to change into my Pj's and curled up under the blankets, I was just beginning to dose off when the bedroom door which I had left slightly ajar flung open. I didn't open my eyes thinking it was my boyfriend coming to bed, I could hear footsteps shuffling on the carpet and clothes and other mess on the floor being pushed around, then I felt the bed dint in as if my boyfriend were climbing into bed beside me, then I felt his arm come over me to hug me. I turned to hug him back but there was no one there at all. At first I brushed it off thinking I had had a bit too much to drink. I was just beginning to dose off again when I heard the shuffling on the carpet and clothes being moved so I opened my eyes but could not see anything. I looked around the room following the sound of the shuffling until it was right next to the bed, I kept watching waiting for someone or something to appear when the bed began to dint in again, this time I could actually see the dint like someone was sitting there watching me watch them. That's when I got up and ran out into the lounge room.

Everyone was asleep by then and my boyfriend was passed out on the lounge so I curled up next to my friend on the lounge and slept there for the night.

When I woke up the next morning and told everyone what had happened some of my mates didn't believe me but Aunty D said I was visited by one of the resident ghosts, she told me it must have been the man because he was a lot calmer than the female spirit who would throw things around at night and force you to walk through her in the hallway.

I haven't had any experiences since then but I would love to see an apparition.

What Or Who Could It Have Been?

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I have never really told anyone this as it's pretty strange so I will try and recount what happened to me as best as I can.

I have always had pretty vivid dreams but I will go through a stage where I won't dream or do not remember them but then back through a stage when I will constantly have strange dreams and vivid dreams, as in some instances things I dream will happen, and in my dreams I can taste smell feel and everything else as if I was awake.

So anyways here is my experience...

I went to bed and feel asleep pretty quickly I remember waking in the middle of the night with the feeling of my hair being pulled.

I remember fumbling around my pillow to see if I had maybe pulled my hair as it was quite long or I thought my hair elastic might had snagged onto something on my bed head as I had bars on it but I remembered I hadn't tied my hair back and couldn't find no evidence of hair or elastics so I fell back asleep a little confused.

About a week later I was sitting with a friend and I had my hair down. My friend asked me what happened to my hair. I asked her what she was talking about and she said I had a bald spot and directed my hand to where I had a patch about 3cms round of missing hair. It was practically bald as if someone had plucked out each hair individually with a set of tweezers.

I thought to myself perhaps it could be alopecia as clumps of hair fall out in that manner as I know someone who suffers from it, but then it dawned on me, I remembered the night I felt the pull on my sleep but then realised that I had never seen any clumps of hair, I would certainly remember and notice that much hair falling out!

The hair couldn't have fallen out bit by bit gradually as the hair would have started growing back at different lengths right?

I never found the hair and my hair grew back completely normal except I looked like a chicken for a few months until it was long enough to pin back. What could it have been, anyone else have something similar happen to them?

Weird Happenings At School

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It began at school. I was sitting talking to my friend-it was a normal day, neither hot nor cold. We were talking and suddenly I felt a cold feeling rush through me and I told me friend and he said he felt it too. I started to shiver and my teeth chattered and everyone else looked at me with a puzzled face. That was when I started to take note of things since I had been told numerous times I had a special gift.

Well that was the first lesson of the day, the last 2 lessons of the day I had Drama. We walked into the theater room and it was dark. It was cold in here and there was a small room at the top of the theater were all the controls were. I had forgotten about the morning incident since to me it was nothing.

The teacher asked me to go into the room and switch on the light button. As I walked up in between the seats going up I saw a dark figure in the room. I stared through it, it disappeared and I felt really weird, even in the room I couldn't stand to be in it. I just turned on the light button and ran out and didn't look back.

After the 2 lessons nothing had happened until I was going home. I got of the bus and I couldn't see the road behind it. A car was coming in front of the bus and as it disappeared behind the bus it did not come out the back.

I felt really weird-maybe a ghost has followed me from somewhere and is scaring me in all sorts of way. Tonight I'll set up an observation post next to my bed to record any thoughts, feelings, sightings, or take a picture. If I find anything I'll get back to you.

Watching Me In The Hallway

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In 2005 my mum and I moved into a house in Victoria. I was 7 years old at this time. I will give you a little detail of the house. Our hallway is in an L shape, at the end of the short part there is the front door, then running along the left is the lounge/living room and kitchen. The lounge room and kitchen have a huge archway between them so it's like there joined. When you stand at the door leading out of the kitchen you see down the long hallway. To the left is first the laundry; next is the toilet, then bathroom, then shower room. At the end is my bedroom and along the right is my mum's bedroom the spare room.

Late at night if everyone is asleep and I don't have any friends over I hear a dripping noise, I check every tap in the house when I hear this and I can never find one that dripping. I have even checked outside on some nights. Also late at night if I walk down the hallway by myself it always feels like someone is watching me, even when other people are awake. A couple times the feeling has been really strong and if I suddenly turn around there will be a black shadow either at the far end of the hallway behind me or right behind me. Its always stronger coming from the kitchen to another room, also at night when the kitchen and lounge room lights are off I can see shadows in the kitchen.

Once or twice I have felt really cold all down the hallway, even in summer on really hot days, I'm talking around 35 or 40 degrees.

I've asked my friends if they have the same feeling of being watched in the hall way and they all say they get it.

One more thing, A couple nights lately I hear a loud rattling coming from outside my room. It sounds like a loose metal bar is rattling, but again this never happens if I have a friend over or if somebody else is awake. I'm wondering what these sounds might be caused by and if they have anything to do with the shadows and feelings. Also the feeling in the hall way is a bad feeling, like it wants to hurt me, although nothing has ever happened.

What are the shadows in the kitchen do they have anything to do with the hallway?

Is this feeling my imagination or is something watching me, and if so, what is it?

Sorry it's a bit long.

Watched By A Presence

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I'm always feeling a presence around me like there's someone behind me just watching me and it doesn't feel kind, there's always this feeling of evil and when I'm alone, their energy is so strong that I just expect to see them.

When I'm sleeping and my lights are off, a bit of moonlight comes in through the shutters I see a silhouette of a person in my mirror holding their hand out but they never feel friendly.

Please explain what this means, I feel as though bad things have happened in my house before we moved in. Also I hear knocking on my door and I wake up covered in sweat but I don't remember dreaming anything before that but I know that I'm scared of something when I wake.

Sometimes I can feel the dog's spirit here and I feel safe but I can tell the difference when there's other spirits around. I hardly feel that they are safe and I feel that they're watching me and that they're waiting for something.

I really can't sleep by myself anymore and I need help trying to figure out what is going on.

Is it my house or is it just me that's attracting spirits or if I brought one home with me from somewhere. Why do I always see the numbers 11:11 on my clock, it can't be a coincidence because it will only show up twice a day and I see it at least once a day.

Was My Dog Possessed?

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This happened not so long ago in my home on a normal day, nothing much had happened until that weird afternoon.

I was reading a book when I heard my dog snarling like there was an intruder. So I carefully went outside to take a look around and it was my boyfriend, who she knew and loved well but she was growling at. Bella (my dog) heard me come out and turned around. I instantly saw that her eyes were devil red.

She started to growl and snap at me too! I had no idea what was going on. Nothing like this had ever happened before. Suddenly, I saw this white figure rush from around Bella and into the house. I was so scared, even my boyfriend, who says he's not afraid of anything was in a quivering heap.

We then heard the crashing of kitchen utensils and pots and pans. Rushing into the house we saw cupboards opening and shutting, the fridge gurgling, the tap was running. And all the time after we had seen the white figure go into the house my dog was her same spooky self.

I have no idea what this figure could have been and I've tried looking up the history of our home but nothing has come up so if you could help me, please post. I would really, REALLY like to figure out what happened.

Was It the Min Min Lights?

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This is a story that my dad told me that happened to him many years ago. He was out Roo (Kangaroo) shooting with eight of his friends on a large property in South West corner of New South Wales, it was about one or two o'clock in the morning so still very dark when one of the guys gun seized up or something, so they stopped the ute so this guy could go around into the head light and try and fix it.

While the others were waiting they saw something that not one of them could explain a large ball of light appeared and bounced across the ground around them completely lighting up the whole area as bright as day then it just bounced off into the bush. Out of the nine there, eight of them saw it, the only one who didn't see it was the guy fixing his gun in the head light.

A day or to later the story of this strange light had got around town and from there ABC news found out about it and reported a story on it. Most people say that it was the Min Min* light but it had never been reported in this area before and never since but all I know is not one of the guys have been back to area since and not one of them will go again.

*Min Min light is mysterious Australian outback phenomenon best known manifestation of the Australian "ghost light" genre is the famous Min Min Light. Hundreds of people over the years have told of seeing the Min Min Light in the Boulia or Winton district (this is about 2000 kilometers from were my dad and his friends saw the light). It has been reported high in the sky, at times oscillating up and down like a yo-yo. A frequent feature is that, unlike a headlight, it lights its surrounds on all sides. It appears to be a curious, friendly light, often approaching but never threatening, although at times causing panic in the minds of the beholders.

If you talk to old timers out there who had seen it and they were terrified by it, it's a bit embarrassing for them because hardened outback men can be brought to tears by this thing. It really is quite alarming.

Walking Spirit Or Guardian Angel?

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Before I was born my family lived in a block of flats in the Sydney in the suburb of Fairfield which was built where an old house used to be. The house burnt down years before my family moved there. My sisters were only in their early teens when they noticed a presence inside the house. My older sister was blow drying my other sister's hair and something just skimmed past both there heads and smashed through the window. They named it Freddy as in Freddy Kruger.

Freddy would occasionally change the TV channels (old click knob TV) and change radio stations randomly, my sisters would say "Oi Freddy this program isn't good change it back to the other one" and it would change back. My sister's were not the only one's to notice the presence but my parents witnessed "Freddy" a couple of times too.

This next incident happened in front of my whole family when I was an 18 month old baby. My parents are Turkish. We had gone on a holiday over to Turkey to visit some relatives. My dad bought a car as he did not want to travel via public transport especially with a baby. We had gone to my uncles and had just left on our way to somewhere else. As we were driving though the Gallipoli peninsula (back then there were no houses, just bush land everywhere with a couple of scattered seaside villages) we were at least a good half hour drive from the nearest civilization, when I got really sick (high fever, seizures, fainting). My dad pulled over the car to check on me when all of a sudden this young man in his early 20's wearing black jeans, black denim jacket and piercing blue eyes (my family still until this day cannot get over how much his eyes were glowing) came up and told my dad to jump in the back with me. He told my dad I was extremely sick and needed him.

The man jumped into the drivers seat and drove into the town. As soon as we got there he told my dad to wait that the doctor was in the mosque conducting his evening prayers. The doctor came down along with a few village folk, but the young man was nowhere to be seen, not even the doctor had seen him, he was told after prayers that he was urgently needed in a car at the village square.

The doctor gave me some injection and told my parents to get me to the hospital. He also told my parents they were lucky to have found him in the village mosque praying otherwise if they were 10 minutes late, well I wouldn't be here to tell you this story.

Now the first part of the story is fine, however until this day I have always wondered "what happened that night in Gallipoli peninsula". My family doesn't know what to make of it, my mum and dad believed it might have been the spirit of a soldier who died during the Gallipoli Campaign WW1 (in Islam we believe that soldiers who die in battle do not really die, instead there spirit remains on this earth to help people in times of need until our day of judgment (this is how I have been taught). My sisters think it might have been a guardian angel, or possibly some random walking past, but it was dusk when it happened, how on earth would he know that the baby in that car was sick and close to dying?

Any comments are appreciated.

Sorry if I have bought up some religious aspects as I just tried to state what the beliefs of my family are into what we think this phenomenon might have been).

Visits From Two Of My Dogs

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When I was 4 I remember we had a darling young Chihuahua called Tommy. He was my sister's dog and one day my other sister accidentally let him out and he ran right down the road and was run over before we could go get him. I saw him lying on the side of the road and it broke my heart. I cried so hard and I still remember a kind old man offering me a plush Snoopy for my sadness, but I turned it down saying it wasn't my doggy. I still can't stand a certain Elton John song as it was the first one I heard after Tommy died and it still tears me up - even 20 years later.

But after my brothers buried him in the yard, we heard his scratching at the back door. It was really frantic. It scared me at that age. My mum even asked them to go check if he was truly buried, and hadn't somehow resurrected and dug his way out, but his grave was undisturbed. When we checked the door, several times, there was nothing there.

I still miss him now, but about five years ago I had another heartbreaking experience. My lovely Chihuahua cross, Foxxy, had pups. They all found loving homes, and there was one who everyone loved, but would pick up, put down and not want. They would say how lovely she was and cute and then just decide not to take her.

She ended up staying with us, and she was a few months old when she suddenly started to look a bit tired. I put it down to the hot weather, as she was just sleeping a lot. We called her Moo Moo, as she had black and white patches like a little cow.

One night, all of a sudden, she started looking weak and having convulsions. I had no idea what to do. We took her to the vet, but the convulsions got worse and worse and she was crying in pain as I held her, cuddled up and talked to her.

She went in to the vet's. She didn't want to give up; you could see she was fighting against the convulsions, desperately trying to stay alive. The next morning, the vet told me the worst had happened. My little darling Moo Moo had passed on. I was sad that I was not with her, but the vet assured me she would be best kept in the practice and monitored (at that stage they thought she had a slight chance).

I didn't realize my final cuddle as I gave her to the vet would be my last... I think.

I and my mum cried for days, the way she passed tore me to shreds. We buried her in a box of flowers, and I kept a tiny clipping of hair that fell when the vet clipped her leg fur to put in a drip. She had a liver condition, but no-one knew until it was too late.

I put it in a metal heart pendant I had my eye on for months in my university gift shop and finally bought. I placed it inside a little soap stone container that had been one of my birthday gifts. I keep the box on my shelf near a statue of Jesus, and sometimes leave little dog cookies or treats near it for her. She was an active and happy puppy and I like to think it would make her happy.

Last night, I was thinking of her and started crying pretty badly. After a few hours, I took down the pendant, opened it and touched the fur, thinking of her big eyes and log tail and the way she bounced through plant pots all day.

Suddenly (and I know this sounds weird) I felt that she wanted me to put the pendant on and go to sleep like that. I couldn't sleep until I did. Lately, I had been sleeping with her little sister, who looks and acts so much like her, in my room at night. Her little sister (Foxxy had another litter) is about the age she was when she passed on, and is also very active. I think Moo Moo wanted to sleep in my bed too, like her sister!

As soon as I put the pendant on, I felt suddenly sad, and then I felt freezing cold for a while, like an arctic breeze was blowing over my entire body.

Before long, I started to hear puppy sounds, like a little skitty pup doing laps on my carpet.

I woke again that night to the same thing - I heard, clearly, a puppy playing on my floor... And it was not her little sister as she was in the courtyard with her mum.

I could hear the light panting, the tiny claws on the carpet, the racing.

I felt a little frightened by it all, but then I felt reassured. I think she came back to tell me she is still with me. I am not sure why she only did it now, but maybe she has made friends with her little sister Sweetie and wants to hang out with her... And maybe she was a bit jealous and wanted to join in.

I am just glad she is alright after it all and knows I think of her.

I know this sounds insane, but I love dogs and I have a strong connection with them, so this may be why I have experienced two doggie afterlife visits.

Bless the little darlings.

Violent Ghost Attack in Dream

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This whole experience seemed 100% real as it was happening in my mind, I assume it must have been a dream but it was, by far and away, the most realistic dream/nightmare I have encountered.

I, what I thought was, awoke from a deep sleep, with trouble breathing, as though something had its hands wrapped around my neck, I opened my eyes to see this person, who was under my covers, sitting knees first down on top of my chest choking my throat, with their knees holding my arms down. I couldn't see a face straight away. I tried screaming for help from my wife who was working on the computer in the adjoining room, but was unable to mutter much more than a faint murmur, due to the being's hands wrapped around my throat.

After several minutes of trying to fight this being off my body, I finally got a hand free to knock on the wall to attract my wife to come for help, where I was able to somewhat fight this being off my body until my wife came in and I was then able to see this beings face for the first time, looked like a blond female's face who had been drowned. My wife finally helped me get this being off me and as I got up to hug her and turned around the being was gone.

I got my wife to come to bed with me and we held each other close, and finally slowly dozing off again, I realized that this being was back and that it was not my wife. I felt a surge of pressure being applied to my body by this being, as it once again tried to sit down on top of my chest, while I was fighting this being, I assume I passed out.

What seemed to be about 5 minutes later, I physically woke up, for real, this time, threw my covers off, turned on the light and headed straight for my wife in the next room. I told her about my experience and she could see I was quite shaken up about it, I asked her about things like did she hear me scream? Did she come in to help me? To which she didn't.

All I could put this down to was a dream, but after reading similar stories on the net, wonder if it could be more of a sleep paralysis syndrome? I take antihistamines before sleep, but have done so for well over 10 years now, with no previous occurrence of this at all. I have had what I believe contact with the paranormal before, although previous times have been when I was well and truly awake. I have had about a month ago what I believe to be a real ghost "good" dream with my deceased grandfather.

Can ghosts visit in dreams? I didn't think it was possible? This experience has freaked me completely, and hope there have been others that have experienced something similar in the past?

Violent Ghost

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One night, I was watching TV in my room when I felt like something was watching me. In the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a shadow move. When I looked over to the corner of my room, I saw it was where my bookcase was and thought it was just my imagination. I turned the TV off and reached for the light switch so I could go to bed.

There are 2 mirrors in my room on opposing walls and one of them is very large. When I reached for the switch I saw a shadow distinctly move in the larger mirror. When I quickly jerked my head to where the shadow might have been, I noticed the bookcase had a weird sort of dark hazy shadow to the side of it. It wasn't very noticeable and if I hadn't of seen something move near there, I probably wouldn't have seen it. I kept focusing when it moved! At that same time I got the worst headache and had to grab my head, it hurt so much! I closed my eyes and when I opened them and looked at the bookcase, the ghost wasn't there.

I looked around my room until I finally saw it. It had moved closer to me and was becoming more noticeable. The hazy darkness had gotten darker and I could start to see the shape of a slightly bulky man. I kept my eyes on it and it stayed put. My head was thumping but I didn't want to take my eyes off it. Then it shrank suddenly, to the floor. I didn't want to look down in case something sudden happened, so I stayed put.

I waited for about 1 1/2 hours until I thought it was gone and went to turn off the light. I felt something grab my arm though and pull at it. In my head, I suddenly thought of the words; 'back moment', for no reason. I looked at the shadow and closed my eyes thinking it would go away. It did but when I looked around the room again I saw it back near the bookcase again. This time, I told it to go away and leave me alone and it quickly moved across the room near the door. There was a bottle of perfume on the mini table near the door and the shadow knocked it off when it moved. I turned off the light and got under the covers and it felt like the covers were squeezing me. Like when you suck air out of a bag with something in it. I tried to move but it felt like I was stuck and I heard something like an animal dying. My bed started shaking and I fought to get free of my blanket. I managed to stick my head out and saw the shadow figure standing across the room just watching me. I could see its eyes because they were more black then the rest of it. The bed was still shaking and the covers were still tight so I closed my eyes and screamed. Then my bed stopped, the blankets became loose and I ran out, in my PJ's, got in my car and stayed at a friend's house after telling her what happened.

I asked one of my more religious friend's to find someone to exorcise my flat but I haven't had any word back yet. This happened about a month ago and I've been at my house during the day but at my friend's house in the night time. I can't bear to sleep in my room anymore after what happened.

Urban Legend Or Prank?

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Warning: You may want to read this in the morning, but whatever, it's up to you, because this may be supernatural or may not be...

Have you guys heard of the urban legend "the babysitter"?

Well after reading that starting sentence, you're all going to go "oh this story is such bull."

Well believe what you believe, because this event had effected both me and my cousin.

(My hands sort of shakes when I write this)

It started Saturday (07/06/08). Instead of babysitting we were house sitting my grandma's house because everyone went off to a "Timorese Party" (its soo boring - its fun when you're a kid, cause you get to run around, but when you're older...yeah) anyways, we didn't mind. Besides, my Grandma and uncle, aunty and baby cousin would be home by 10:00pm because obviously my Grandma doesn't like to stay out late; also they had Foxtel (To you Americans - Cable T.V) which was great because we were watching a variety of shows to keep us entertained.

It was around 7:00pm when the phone rang, I went to go pick it up; No answer, saying out loud "Damn prankers." - "Who was that?" my cousin asked. "No one" I replied. So I decided to go make dinner (instant noodles YUUM!). While eating dinner the phone rang. As I placed my plate down on the table and walked towards the phone it stopped ringing. I sighed and went back to eating my dinner and watching T.V. It was around 8:00pm we started getting bored. "You should have brought your Wii!" My cousin said - "You should have brought your 360," I said back with sarcasm. After sitting on the couch with nothing to watch for like 30 minutes FINALLY something good comes on. So sitting there talking and watching T.V., the phone rings again, as I got up I stated; "I swear to God if this is another prank I'm going to freaken track down the number" - I picked up the phone "Hello?!" - No Answer, then breathing "oh my god..." I said in frustration -"What?" my cousin asked - So I started making sex noises - you know to prank back the pranker, I guess - they hung up.

As I was about to sit down the phone rang "arrrggh!" My cousin started laughing - I picked up the phone (hysterical laughter was on the other line) so I laughed back but with the Krusty the clown laugh... After a few seconds I remembered about the urban legend. I hung up the phone and walked over to my cousin "I think Yu ngin ga ho vue-kah" (I think there's someone in the house) "What?" my cousin said with laughter in his reply - Gao tung ngai" (just play along with me) I said with a serious voice and look "Nyi jing-sik heimor?" (You're serious aren't you?) replied a very worried cousin.

"Ahh damn, I got no more smokes - I'm going to drive to the shops, I'll be back later or do you want to come to?" I said, sort of loudly (I don't smoke by the way).

"Hahaha! Nah I'll come too, I want to buy some starbursts," replied my cousin, who was just eager to get out of the damn house...

As we went out and locked the door, we heard a thump from inside. We both quickly ran to my car. I sort of had trouble putting the keys in the ignition due to fear. I finally got it in, turned on the car and floored it. As we were at the shops my cousin asked me if we should call the cops and call our uncle. I replied saying that it may just be our imagination and we should just go back but not go inside the house.

So we drove back to the house. "Did you turn on the light upstairs?" I said with my heart pounding really fast like it was going to bust out.

"No... But doesn't Den (my 4 year old cousins' name but I shortened it - you know, privacy) have an auto nightlight?" my cousin replied back, but I could tell he was getting freaked out as much as I was.

"Oh yeah..." as I was about to unlock the car - "WAIT!" my cousin shouted. "Start the damn car and get of here!" Without questioning I started the car again and headed to my cousins house. While driving there I asked him what he saw. He said he saw a person's figure going pass the window. When I heard that it sent chills down my spine; I have never been so afraid.

So I stopped the car and I decided to call the operator. I asked if any outgoing calls have been made from the phone. She said "no" so I asked, has any incoming calls been made to my grandmas phone number? She asked for a timeframe - I said from 7pm-9pm. She said "no, no calls have been made to the requested number." I said, "are you sure? Because I've had a series of prank calls" - she apologised and said no again and repeated the number I told her. I said thanks and hung up.

It was around 10:10pm and I realised that my grandma was going to be home soon. I got a call from my mum. "Your grandma is going to be home at 11 so you and Kenneth (not my cousins real name) can go to his house if you want."

"Mum, I think there's someone in grandma's house."


"Don't ask, but someone keeps pranking us and when we left the house and locked the door, me and Kenneth both heard a 'thump' and we ran to the car."

"Don't be stupid. How can anyone get in the house?"


I hear my mum talking to my uncle about what I just told her.

"Hello?" (my uncle now)

I told him what I told my mum

"Call the police, we'll be home real soon"

"But I'm not in the house!"

"Where are you?"

"Outside of Kenneth's house."

"Well stay there and after 30 minutes, drive to grandma's house."

So not waiting 15 minutes I drove to my grandma's house but I didn't park in front of her house. I parked at the second house in front of her house. Anyways, the nightlight was still on and I saw what my cousin saw before. At that point I was about to cry - (I was thinking that whoever it is, would just jump next to my car - you get the point). I called the police and they said they'll be there within 30 - 40 minutes and to keep calm and keep a good distance from the house. So waiting in the car for what seemed like hours, my uncle arrived. I beeped at him. He stopped his car in front of mine. We got out and I was so relieved. We talked. I told him that I called the operator and she said that there were no incoming calls, and that I saw a persons figure go across Den's window.

The cops finally arrived - like 5 of them. 1 was outside talking with me and my cousin and the other 4 went inside the house. After waiting they all came out.

"Did any of you leave the window opened?" asked one of the cops.

Everyone said no and my uncle said which room had the window opened. The cop described the room and it was my aunt's room, so my uncle called his little sister asking if she had left her window opened. He hung up and said that she said she doesn't know.

The cop then said that, they can't do anything about it and that it could have just been a prank, but if anything out of the ordinary happens, then immediately call the police (duh).

As they were about to go I told them to wait. I told them about the call I made to the operator, and they said it's impossible for a call not to show up. I said, well I've been getting prank calls and that when I called they said that no incoming calls have been made to my Grandma's house. The cop looked worried and suspicious and decided to call the phone company. They said exactly the same thing, and they decided to do a second search around my grandma's house, backyard - everywhere. They came out with a piece of eaten bun and I thought to myself... Wow, searching must be hard work.

They asked if I dropped this under the table. I said that we didn't even eat that. We had noodles. EVERYONE looked worried and I was so scared.

The cops decided to put my grandma's house under constant surveillance.

After a few days, nothing has happened. So what was it? A sick prank? Supernatural? Or some sick psycho decided to reinact an urban legend? - I might think it was supernatural, since if it wasn't supernatural there would be a trace of the incoming calls right?

God... After this, I have not been able to stay home alone.

Unwanted Party Guest

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I was invited to a party one Saturday night. Just a couple of friends getting together for a few drinks and just to have a good time, that's all I was told about the party. The party was to take place at Beaudesert, Queensland, just outside of Brisbane, Australia. I arrived at the party to find out it was already under way. The party was on a property of about 50 acres or more, not too sure exactly. It was used as a cattle farm, and years ago a few farmhands stayed on the property in a sort of cottage about 200 meters from the main house. This cottage was the scene of this party. So I walk down to the cottage and as I pass the gate into the yard for the cottage a feel a chill but there is no breeze blowing. Not thinking anything of it I carry on. I arrive to the party and see it has kicked off well.

I decided not to drink as I was underage and I didn't feel like drinking at all. About an hour into the party we go down to another abandoned cottage and I notice there are several graves in front of this cottage. I ask about it and my friend, Terry, tells me that four people got murdered in there and it is now haunted. I would just like to point out that before this experience I didn't believe in ghosts, but know it's a different story.

We head back to the cottage we were staying in and put on some music. We just started to getting into the music when I asked, jokingly, if this cottage was haunted. Terry tells me that a farmhand, about 40 rears old, was murdered in here and has been spotted in here before. At that exact moment, after she finishes telling me this, the stereo turns off. I check the power and it is still plugged in. Then the furniture starts shifting by itself, one particular chair is spinning around at a dizzying speed. Then the fridge door and pantry door start opening and slamming shut with such speed and force that it shakes the walls. We all just ran outside screaming. When I was outside I looked into the window and I swear I saw a face glaring at us.

Since this experience I am a firm believer in ghosts and the science behind them. I am trying to start a ghost hunting group so I can understand more about them. As I mentioned earlier I wasn't drinking so I couldn't have just imagined this as all of my friends were present as well and they all experienced the same time I did. Later I asked them if felt the air get colder as they entered the yard and they all said yes.

Unfriendly Follower

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First of all I'd like to start by saying, I don't believe in ghosts. I live in a small mining town called blackwater. My friends and I are considered to be outcasts due to the way we dress and the genre of music we listen to. Most people call us goths or emo.

One friday, after school we decided to go to the memorial to speak with "ghosts" as a joke. When we arrived it was just after sunset. We sat, speaking to our deceased friends. Nothing happened, I did not experience any strange or unknown presence. This did not come as a surprise to me. My closest friend justin, received a call from his brother telling him he was supposed to be home now. We all headed to his place as that is where we were staying for the night. As we left, I laughed. Justin said "you can come stay at my house, I don't want to be lonely" as a joke to the "ghost". We all laughed, knowing nothing was going to happen.

When we got to his house, his mother was angry that we had arrived home so late. As a punishment for this, she sent us all home except for me, I was very close to his family and I was never punished for anything.

Later that night after we had enjoyed our dinner we decided to play halo against each other using system link (that way we could play in separate rooms to prevent screen peaking). I went into the guest room. This is when strange things began to happen. The tv I was using turned off and I couldn't turn it back on. I went into justin's room to tell him, he said that he will use the guest room. When he turned the tv on, he had no trouble with it. I didn't take any notice of it and spent hours playing halo with him.

When we got bored, both of us sat on his balcony. I had as glass of coke placed near the center of a table. While I was talking to justin he told me to move my glass away from the edge of the table. When I looked I notice that the glass was close to falling off the table. I then moved it closer to the middle and continued to talk. Our conversation was interrupted by a loud smash. Justin went inside and come back out with a dustpan and brush, he looked at me and said I told you to move your glass. I explained to him that I did but he replied "you don't have to lie it's okay, it's just a glass man". I just smiled and said okay man.

Then I was beginning to feel tired. I laid on the couch and dozed off watching rage. While I was asleep I had a dream that made me feel uneasy. In my dream I could see nothing, I could hear a firm voice telling me to leave. This voice reminded me of an angry father getting angry with his child.

When I woke up justin's brother was standing over me. When I asked him what was wrong he said, "while I was sleeping, I heard someone telling me to leave, I woke up and could still hear it, so I came to see if it was you". Me being ignorant, said it must have been, I laughed and said I always talk in my sleep.

After that night, strange things would happen whenever I would go to justin's house. Recently, I told him what had happened and that I was feeling uncomfortable, he said "oh yeah that ghost is my best buddy, I told him to do this stuff" I just laughed. Then he said "ghost, go home with petty I don't want you anymore".(petty is what my friends call me because I'm short). I just laughed.

That was about four days ago and I have been having random nightmares every time I fall asleep. I wake up with the urge to vomit. I have been to the doctors and have been told there is nothing wrong with me. Now my entire family thinks I'm vomiting on purpose to keep my weight down. I don't know what to do and I'm starting to freak out. And it's kind of hard to tell people a ghost is giving me trouble. What should I do?

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