Don't Let Elka Get You

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This story is very recent and I am curious as to why it happened.

I was trying to get to sleep one night but wasn't very tired. I was lying in my room which has another spare room next to it. The door of the spare room was open and I was staring at my large bear collection trying to sleep. All of a sudden my bears started talking to me which was very odd. I thought I was going crazy. It took me a moment to really listen to what they were saying. They were urgently telling me "Don't let Elka get you". I got very scared and wondered how I was imagining it. I didn't know anyone called Elka and I still don't.

I was about to yell for my mum when the voices stopped and a tall dark shadow came out of the spare bedroom and into my room. I completely froze. I have a big fear of ghosts and have seen them on multiple occasions, but this one wasn't nice like them, I could tell. It suddenly got very cold and I wanted to pull my duvet up but I was too scared to move. The shadow that was standing in my doorway suddenly started moving towards me. It came and sat on the end of my bed and I felt the bed move like someone really was sitting on it. It sat there for about a minute and then left. Every night from then on the spare room door has been closed at night.

Does anybody know why this would have happened? It was very different to the ghosts I usually see.

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