An Echoy Voice

My family and I moved to a new house. We stayed in the living room because it was hot upstairs; we slept in the living room for 2 nights. We hadn't dragged up the mattresses to the second floor and we needed to stay cool.

I and my family slept, but not well. My mom asked me in the morning if I heard anything and I said no. She told me that she had herd a voice and it sounded like it was an echo or in a tunnel. My mom said it sounded like a girl or young woman and it was coming from the basement door area. She says that it clearly said "mom?" like she was looking for someone.

My dad and mom then heard it the second night, the same thing. I and my family do believe that it was a girl that was murdered somewhere else. The family of the girl did move into the house we live in now but then moved out after.

We feel like we are being watched, followed etc. My dad once heard what sounded like typing, heard what sounded like a pile of papers fall but nothing fell. Once my mom left a half cup of orange juice out and woke in the middle of the night to find it was gone! She asked if anyone drank it and we said no.

My sister and I think that the girl's spirit tries to get attention from my parents because she wasn't able to say goodbye to her own when she died. We think that she is very nice and we hope she will stay here as long as she doesn't scare us!

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