The Shadow In Wisconsin

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My name is Christian and I am fifteen years old. This is my first ghost experience but I hope it is not my last.

It was the summer of 2008, my family and I always go on vacation somewhere during the summer. So this year it was Wisconsin to go to the world's biggest water park. It was a long drive but we finally got there and stayed in a Motel 8.

It happened at around 11:00 p.m. While the rest of the family were sleeping (I've always had trouble sleeping). A shadowy figure just appeared in the doorway. It was very vague in shape but I thought it was a woman. At first, I thought I was dreaming. I pinched myself to see if I was. I felt the pinch, it hurt, I was not dreaming. I even put on my glasses but it did not go away. It was real, and I was scared out of my mind.

It slowly came towards my bed where I was lying. It got so close it could touch me. Its hand slowly came down and touched my arm. I felt nothing but a cold breeze. Then it disappeared, like a wisp of smoke, right in front of my eyes! I was so freaked out about it, but did not tell my parents.

I wonder if she's still there waiting for the next visitor to spend a night, in the dark room in the Motel 8 in Wisconsin.

The Park Street Apartment

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My older sister Sam rented a two-bedroom apartment on South Park Street (Park House Apartment) in Madison, Wisconsin during her junior year at UW-Madison. There was a beautiful corner window in the living room but a huge pine tree blocked the window from the busy street. Whenever Sam called me, she would be in tears and telling me about the latest ghostly figure she'd seen. I would brush it off my shoulders and roll my eyes at this. After months of Sam begging me to visit her, I finally did. When she opened the front door, my eyes were automatically glued to the hallway and all the little hair on my back neck stood up. Sam gave me a tour of her place - opening closets to show me how much space she had and trying to convince me to move in with her. When she opened her bedroom walk-in closet, I felt goose bumps on my arm. I told her to close it right away because I had a feeling that someone hung themselves in there.

That summer, my parents dropped off my two little sisters to stay with Sam. Sam's the irresponsible one in our family. That weekend, she felt so stressed out that she decided to leave the two little sisters at the apartment, in a new big city, while she went to the clubs with some friends. My little sisters, Pom and Him, were excited be left alone without adult supervision. At around midnight, Him fell asleep on the futon while Pom watched TV until her eyes couldn't open anymore and she laid next to Him. A few minutes later Pom was woken up by the sound of clunking of high heels on concrete coming towards the front door. She also heard voices of women talking and laughing then the sound of keys sliding through the keyhole. Pom was happy that Sam was back. She waited there in the dark, the front door never opened. Pom dashed to the corner window to look and see if Sam's car was back, it wasn't - she saw something else. A dark figure was sitting next to the huge pine tree - Pom noticed the outline of the figure to be a little girl who had curly hair and a puffy dress. Pom screamed, waking up Him and the both of them held each other and cried. Not more than 5 minutes later, they heard voices and high heels on concrete then the front door opened with Sam and her friends walking through the door. The girls never went back to stay with Sam.

When I moved in with Sam, we both shared her room - I slept on the top bunk. Sam situated her computer in the corner desk so that when you sat down to use the computer, your back would be facing the walk-in closet door and the bedroom door. Every time I'm on that computer, I have the tendency of turning around because I would feel someone was looking at me from the doorway. All my friends thought I was going crazy because I was cooped in there with Sam, who they thought was a little lunatic. They came over once to cheer me up. We were all sitting on Sam's bottom bunk, talking and laughing. We even put on a little music. One of my friends cranked up the music and started dancing. The rest of the girls joined. The music faded shortly. It's as though someone turned down the volume. This happened several times, we got scared and ran out to the living room. We all heard the door slam and my friend, who ran out last, was screaming. She said she felt something pushing her out and the door slammed on it's own.

Months went by, Sam and I got use to living with "the others". All our friends still came over to give support to be with us so we won't freak out. Sam saw the figures the most - sometimes when the figures saw her, they were scared as well. It got to the point where I would hear Sam talking to herself or cursing and screaming at the top of her lungs. When I ran to see what was the matter, she'd tell me that she was yelling at the figures to go back to heck. The two of us thought we were really losing it, until my entire family moved in temporarily for 2 weeks - until they could get into their new home.

My older brother set up his computer in the living room. Each night after work, he'd stay on it until 2:00-3:00 in the morning on this computer. One night I was watching David Letterman while he was on his computer. After about an hour, I turned off the TV and head to my room. Several minutes later, he came in and asked if I turned off the TV. I told him I did. We walked together to the living room and the TV was turned on but it wasn't on any channel, it was just fuzzy. He turned it off and I head to bed. Each night after that, the TV would turn on by it self and it would be fuzzy. He checked the circuits and made sure nothing would trigger it to turn on, even keeping the remote next to him. Still it turned on by itself.

After that started happening, the computer in our room would turn on by itself. Nights when I completely shut down the computer and unplugged the power cord, the computer would run by itself even if the power cord was not plugged in the outlet. There were someone or something that was messing with us for its amusement.

My little niece, who was only a 3 years old at the time, would run around our apartment - laughing and playing by herself. When I asked what she was doing, she'd tell me she's playing with her new friend. She was too young to be having an imaginary friend. One morning I found her in the second bedroom under the covers. I heard her saying that she's going to tell her mom something if her friend wasn't going to behave. When I uncovered the comforter, I found my little niece sitting by herself but she had scratches on her face - as if tiny little fingernails dug deep into her cheeks.

The last week when my family was to move into their new home, my mom slept on Sam's bed in the bottom bunk while Sam was on her computer. My mom woke up but just staring around the room and she didn't stir in bed. She saw a person standing by the bedroom doorway and thought it was Sam. But when she looked closer it was a little blonde-haired girl who was wearing a puffy Victorian dress with black buckled shoes and a big bow in her hair standing there looking towards Sam. My mom said the little girl reminded her of the Alice in Wonderland but she had curly hair. The little girl turned around and disappeared in the hallway.

That alone answered many questions we had about why we always felt eerie when we were on the computer or why the computer and TV would turn on... and who was playing with my little niece. We are still trying to find out what happened there and who the girl was... When I drive past that apartment complex, I still get goose bumps.

The Hypnotist Ghost

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This story is about my very first, and so far most frightening, encounter with the paranormal. Before I begin on what I experienced that night with my two friends, let's call them Tracy and Samantha, background information is needed. Tracy and Samantha are twin sisters who live in a small house on the lake, located in the south-eastern area of Wisconsin. I had visited their house many times before, and on every trip I would have to pass by this very small cottage, which was actually the size of a shed. It was very obvious the cottage was abandoned since the windows were smashed out, and the door was boarded up.

One day while taking a walk with Tracy past the cottage, I looked over to her and said, "Did someone actually live there? Look how small it is". "Yeah, a long time ago," Tracy replied to the best of her knowledge. She went on to tell me about a "hypnotist ghost" that actually lived in the house. Curious about the ghost, I asked her what she meant. She explained to me that a couple of years ago, a friend of hers, who lived in the neighborhood, was on her way over to the local bar to get some food after leaving Tracy's house. About three hours had passed by without any sign from her friend. Tracy and the girl's parents finally found her standing in front of the small cottage, staring into the window appearing to be "hypnotized..."

Now, I know how much Tracy likes to exaggerate on some things (the three hours for example), but for some reason I believed that her friend actually did see something in the cottage that was able to catch her attention. My odd feelings for that house increased every time I had to drive by it, and since there was no other way to get to their house without going passed that cottage, I had to.

It wasn't until a Friday night in the summer of last year, that the story about the ghost in that cottage really made me believe. The twins and I, along with some other friends had gone to see a late movie. Since I picked the twins up, I was in charge of taking them home that night.

As my car pulled onto their road, I couldn't help but think about having to pass that creepy cottage again. As we neared the house, I looked over at Tracy who was sitting in the front seat (Samantha was sitting behind Tracy in the back) and say, "Man, I really hate that house!" Just as soon as I finished expressing my views on the cottage, I felt this weird jolt of some sort of energy pass through the right side of my body. To this day, I still can't fully describe the feeling, it was like an energy, but unique in some way. The feeling actually froze me for a few seconds until we were clear of the cottage. Pulling into the twins' driveway, I looked over at Tracy. "I just got the weirdest feeling as we went by that house," I said. "Yeah I felt that too! On the left side of my body!" she replied. "I felt it on my right!"

We sat in the car for a few seconds, trying to explain the feeling to each other. Meanwhile, Samantha was in the back seat looking at us like we were both crazy. When I asked her if she felt anything as we went by the house, she said nothing seemed strange to her.

The cottage was eventually knocked down later in the summer, and now I don't fear having to pass it on my way to their house. It was an experience I will never forget.

The Hitchhiker

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My cousin, his wife, and 3 kids were on their way from Wisconsin to Arkansas. He was moving there to start a chicken farm with our uncle. That evening before they left, our families got together and had dinner at the local Chinese restaurant. My cousin got a fortune cookie that interpreted something involving having a long journey but will end up at the same place... On the back of the slip it teaches one how to say the word "chicken" in Chinese... My cousin interpreted that to be a good omen for their trip because he was going to be starting a chicken farm.

The drive was going to be about 10-12 hours and having 3 kids, they left at 11 pm so the kids will be asleep the entire way and not be so antsy. Several hours later, my cousin stopped at a gas station to use the restroom. He left his three kids in the back seat; his wife was dozing off in the passenger seat. This was out in the boonies, the time was about 5-6am and the sun was just rising. My cousin got back in the car and drove for about 5 minutes. He suddenly felt the hair in back of his neck standing.

He looked at the rearview mirror to check on his kids when he saw a figure of a person with perm hair sitting in the backseat with his kids. He then turned around to see who it was and the figure disappeared. Within seconds his wife woke up. She told him that she had the strangest dream. The dream: They stopped at the gas station; there was a woman who wanted to go with them to Arkansas because her husband accidentally left her... she's alone and doesn't speak English. My sister in law told her (in the dream) that they were in a hurry to get to their uncle's place and they had three kids in the backseat, there wouldn't be any room. The woman got in the car - in the backseat with the kids but my sister in law dragged her out of the car and they left... Then she woke up. That was precisely the time my cousin had seen the figure.

So the figure of the woman in the backseat that my cousin saw, was it the spirit of the woman that her husband left her at the gas station in the dream my sister in law had? Or was it just a coincidence?

The Haunting at Riverside Park

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My family moved to a house located 2 blocks from Riverside Park in Wausau, WI in 1989... The summer before I was to enter the second grade. Being that the park was close, the neighborhood kids and I spent most of our summer vacation there - playing tag, fishing, and bike riding. There is a bridge that connects the main park to another section called Ferns Island, obviously the name because that area is surrounded by water. The water, of course, is jet black... either polluted or evil. The kids refused to go to that section of the park because it's the most haunted.

The story went that hundreds of years ago, a witch inhabited the park area... There was a boy who was fishing in the area and fell in river then drowned. The townspeople blamed the witch and burnt her tiny hut. A bloody battle rose between the witch and the townspeople. Bodies of those townspeople were thrown in the river... Finally when the battle ended, the townspeople buried the dead and left that area... The witch disappeared but its spirit still roamed the park. (I never investigated the story to confirm it's originality.)

My cousins had an experience at Riverside once. One night the cousins were hanging out with friends in the parking lot, standing outside their cars and talking. The only source of light was the vehicle headlights. All the park lights were dead. Gang members once infested the park and the city just gave up on cleaning it up. The group heard slurping sounds and splashing water. They looked toward the river and saw a dark figure hunched over near the riverbank as if peeling and eating something. The figure turned around and a pair of red eyes looked stared back at them. As the figure walked closer, the group jumped into their cars and drove off, never looking back. They told this story to my father. The next morning my father went to investigate. He came back with a report that there were open crayfish shells and a decaying fish on the riverbank but nothing more.

The next story comes from my older brother - CK. CK worked the second shift and he got off work at midnight. Having such a work schedule, for weeks he hasn't seen his buddies. So during one of his breaks, he called his friends and set up a time to hang out that night after work. They choose Riverside to meet up since it was close to where the friends lived and his workplace.

After CK got off work, he drove pass IGA, a supermarket, where he saw his buddies in the parking lot loading beer to the back trunk of their car. CK waved to them, the guys waved back. CK went to Riverside to wait for the guys. He parked close to the riverbank, rolled down the driver's side window about an inch then pulled down his seat and laid down looking at the night sky in his car. All of a sudden he sees a woman with flowing blonde hair running past his car. She then came up to his window and tapped on it. CK got up and asked her what she wanted. At first CK thought the woman was a victim of rape because her clothes were ripped and her hair was distressed.

The woman was in hysterical mode and crying, she slid her fingers through the driver's window opening and told CK, "Everyone's dying, you have to help me! An old witch is down there, she's killing everyone, she killed my family, it's so bloody down there." She wiggled her fingers toward CK.

Thinking she's just another nut, CK quickly closed his window... The woman jumped back. CK then backed out of the parking lot. Just as he was doing so, his buddies drove in the parking lot and the woman walked in-between the vehicles just as they were passing each other. CK got out of his car and ran toward his friends. The woman was nowhere to be found. "Did you see her? Tell me you saw her!" CK shouted at his friends. "Who?" they asked... "That woman, she ran right in between our cars just as you guys were coming in," CK said. "We didn't see anyone..." was the guys' response.

Then CK said, "Man, what took you guys so long? You guys were just at IGA, it only takes 2 minutes to get here." The guys looked at each other and said, "What are you talking about? We were NEVER at IGA, we came from the East side. We had to go pick up some stuff at my house." CK and the guys looked at each other and left home. They never, ever met up at Riverside again.

The Furry Fingers

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When I was in the second grade, the family and I lived in a really creepy old house. I always thought it was neat though because I wasn't scared of anything when I was younger. One night, I had a dream that I had the urgency of using the bathroom. So I got up and walked down the hallway and to the bathroom. I felt the coldness from the bathroom tiles. I reached up to turn on the lights but it flickered and died. After flushing the toilet, I felt myself walking backward toward the bathroom closet. It was as if my body magnetically attracted to the closet and I couldn't control myself.

I felt my head bang on the door and the closet door open with a pair of furry fingers reaching out and it touched my arm. Its nails were long and sharp. I would say it looked like a pair that those werewolves have in the movies.

When I woke up that morning, I found myself sleeping on my bedroom floor. I immediately remembered my dream and lifted my shirt arm to see if I was hurt because the dream had seemed so real. There was a brown mark on my arm in place of where the furry fingers had touched.

I told my mom about it. She was shocked and speechless at first then said she's never seen such a mark on me before and said it was probably nothing. I still have that mark on my arm and never really distinguished if it was a dream or if it were real.

The Figure in the Rearview Mirror

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This is my brother's story. Last October, my brother took Rocky, his dog, up North to visit our relatives. It was getting close to midnight when he came home and it was real dark. The entire time Rocky was quiet and he was resting in the backseat.

It was getting dark when they were on the road back home. My brother had his radio on and tried to keep himself awake. He got close to a small town called Westfield, which is a very popular rest stop. It looks Western-like. He noticed there were no other cars out except his. If you know this area, you'll also know that there's a cemetery on the other side of the rest area.

Everything around him was real dark, except his head lights of course. All of a sudden, he felt goose bumps on his arm and it went to the back of his neck where he felt the little hair stand up. Rocky started growling and he barked uncontrollably. My brother yelled at him to knock it off, because it scared him a little. Rocky quieted down but he was still growling. My brother adjusted his mirror to look at the backseat to see if Rocky's okay. He noticed a figure sitting in the back seat. So he rubbed his eyes and looked again. The figure was still sitting there and Rocky was growling at it, he was showing his teeth at the figure.

The figure, as my brother described it, was darker than all of its surroundings. When he glanced at the figure, he almost thought it was our 10-year old niece.

The Falling Lunchbox

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Where do I begin? This is the first in a series of occurrence that have happened to me and my family. We had moved into a new house in Chippewa falls Wisconsin. The place seemed nice enough, and we hadn't heard anything bad about it or its past.

One night, my family (mom, dad and me) were woken up by my school lunch box, the heavy plastic flip top lidded ones, violently falling down the staircase of our house. We thought one of our two cats had knocked it down the staircase, except for the fact that they were both in my parents bedroom sleeping with the bedroom door securely shut. My bedroom being upstairs was two rooms away from the staircase and there was no possibility of my lunchbox crashing down on it. Plus I remember specifically taking my lunchbox and setting it next to my bed after school that day. And to top everything off... my bedroom door was shut too.

After 6 years we still have never figured out how that lunchbox could have taken a tumble in the middle of the night, but after a few more instances in the house (which I will soon post), we truly believed that there was more than just us living in that house.

The Closet

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For nine months, my husband and I occupied one of the upstairs bedrooms of his parents crowded three-bedroom home. After the wedding, it's a Hmong tradition to have the bride reside with the groom's side of the family. Primary reason is to have the wife get accustomed to how the family functions and to assist with the household chores.

It was a cold December weekend when the husband and I were to move to our tiny, one-bedroom apartment on the north side of town. His parents were out of town attending a wedding with the majority of his siblings. The only people left at home were the both of us, his 4-year old sister Heidi, and his younger brother who stayed behind to help with the move.

Now to give you a background of his parents' house, which they still reside in today, was built back in the 1920's. While renovating the living room, we found old newspapers dating back to 1924 - they were used as instillation in the walls. The house has an eerie appearance and dark areas where no matter how much sunlight came into the home, that area would still be dark as shadows. Moving on to the basement - I remember my husband telling me that when they moved in 18 some years ago, the basement had dirt ground that they had to replace with concrete. Today, the basement is still unfinished and with minimal lighting, it's a frightening place to be if one was alone.

So with the four of us at home, Heidi and I were upstairs packing the small, fragile items while the husband and his brother were downstairs, loading our things into the moving truck. The only thing left in our room was the clothes in the closet, the TV, some DVD's, and my treasures (junk according to the husband). While I packed the treasures into a box, Heidi was watching Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" in the room. I never like to be upstairs in that house by myself. I noticed Heidi kept looking at the closet, I thought perhaps she wanted to play dress up so I pulled out some of my old party dresses and laid them on the floor for her to pick out. But she didn't bother to look at them because she was still focused on the closet. I was a bit concerned, so I sat in the middle between her and the closet. I veered her attention back to the TV screen. Every three minutes or so, Heidi leaned over me and stared at the closet. "What is it?" I asked. "Nothing" she replied. We continued watching the movie. I was so glued to the set that the next thing I knew, she was standing in front of the closet with the door open.

"What are you looking at?" I asked her. I was looking at the giant stuffed bear the husband had given me for Valentine's, "Is this what you want?" "No, Nyab, what is that?" Heidi asked without pointing to anything in particular. (Nyab translates to sister-in-law in the Hmong language). I looked around the closet, didn't notice anything unusual. "What is what?" I asked, now very confused. So I opened the closet door further and went through the objects in it - nothing was out of the ordinary just clothes, shoes, and stuffed animals I was going to donate to Goodwill.

All of a sudden, Heidi screamed and pointed to something in the closet, "That Nyab, what's that?" I looked, again... nothing out of the ordinary, "I don't see what you're looking at." Then suddenly Heidi was jumping up and down, still focused on whatever it was in the closet, and her eyes were wide. "It's a boy, he's as tall as I, who is he Nyab? What is the boy doing in your closet?" she questioned. "What boy?" I asked, still searching through the heap of toys. A few seconds later, it hit me that this was an entity that allowed Heidi to see him but not me. I screamed and ran downstairs with Heidi trailing behind me.

Although I didn't see or heard anything, I was still afraid. When we got downstairs and joined the guys, Heidi was giggling. I told the husband what happened. He asked Heidi what she saw and she replied, "I saw a boy sitting in Nyab's closet. He was as tall as I am and he kept looking at me. I tried to talk to him but he can't talk back. It's so funny because Nyab was so scared." She continued giggling. I was relieved that she found the situation amusing. I can still picture her face when she saw the boy - she went pale and her eyes were wider than ever and I was so afraid it was going to traumatize her.

It's been two years since the incident. The younger brother and his new bride are living in that very room today. Recently, the wife said she had a bad dream and she woke up to find a dark figure standing by the closet. I guess the boy is still there.

The Bright White Light

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I've already posted this on the physic experiences web site, but I didn't get many responses and there are a few people here that I would like to hear from and looking forward to their responses.

Here is a little information about me. I suffer from sleep apnea and nearly every night I wake up not breathing. Nothing is blocked; just the automatic part stops for some reason. All I have to do is make myself breathe. After several minutes everything is fine and I can go back to sleep. I do however toss and turn somewhat constantly because I just cannot stay comfy in one position for very long. I look at the clock quite often.

There are a few reasons why I believe what happened next was more than just a dream. I dreamt that me and a female (not sure who she was) were walking along a country road. I could see the green fields and trees on each side of the road and the beautiful blue sky. The mood was pleasant. All of a sudden everything changed to sepia tones (brown, tan, black) except for the sky. The entire sky turned pure white and was getting brighter and brighter. The air was filled with the sound of static electricity crackling which got louder and louder.

Scared, I started to run one way and the girl ran the other way. We then both stopped, looked at each other and then ran towards each other. She ran into me and was knocked down into the ditch. The noise and the light were so intense. That's when I noticed that an even brighter light was shaped like a cylinder around me and that I was being lifted off of my feet. I was terrified. I think the terror was what woke me up.

The moment I woke up, I felt my weight falling back down onto my bed. The intense light took several seconds to slowly fade away. I looked at the clock; it was 6:30a.m. I lay flat on my back and it took me about a half hour to fall back to sleep. I didn't wake up again until 1:00p.m in the afternoon. I was still flat on my back. I was very comfortable and felt refreshed. It was the best 6 hours of sleep I've had in a long time.

Does anyone have any idea what I experienced? I would like to hear your opinions.

Thanks for reading. Jim

The Backyard Aura

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This is another story about the house my folks and I lived in, in Chippewa falls. It deals with the same staircase that the lunchbox fell down (see "the falling lunchbox").

One night after watching some t.v. with my parents, I decided to go to bed early because I was really tired. I said goodnight to them and started on my way to my upstairs bedroom. As I climbed up the staircase, I suddenly felt as if someone was watching from somewhere. I stopped and looked around and saw nobody. So I shrugged the feeling off and kept going up and as I passed by the window adjacent to the staircase, I noticed some sort of glowing in our backyard. I thought it was headlights of someone coming to visit us. So I looked closer and saw that it was a human sized glowing aura of sorts... just standing still as can be.

I rubbed my eyes thinking that maybe I was seeing things and then looked back and it was still there. I just stared at it for about a minute and I could feel whatever it was staring right back at me. I decided to open the window and say something to it and just as I was about to pull the window up... it disappeared in thin air, as if it knew I was going to say something to it.

I can only assume it was the spirit of the lady who lived there, previous to our moving in. I will explain about her in the next story I post. What do you all make of my incident??

Side note: the figure was almost like a foggy, shapeless outline of a body. I could not make out any details of a face or anything of that nature. Again, with that said.... what do ya'll think about this. Hit me back with your opinions.

"Be aware of your surroundings"


The Autistic Child Who See Spirits

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My Dad has a friend, and I think his friends daughter sees spirits. Here are a few things that have happened to her. She is seven years old and autistic. She is also going deaf, she can hear somewhat okay right now, but as time goes on, doctors say she will go completely deaf.

If you have read my water heater story, you will know that I think there is a spirit living in my Dad's house. Once I was at his house with her and her mom. Her mom, my dad, and I were talking while she was playing with her dolls. Later on, she got up and stood in front of the door to the computer room. She signs rather than talking usually, because she is used to doing that at school. Eventually, we noticed that she was signing "pay attention" to the empty room. I am not fluent in sign language, but her mom was saying that she was talking to what seemed like 2 or 3 people, and was telling each one of them to "pay attention" and was getting mad when they wouldn't. We asked her, "who are you talking to?" and she just looked at us. Then, we said, "What are their names?" and she said, "I don't know."

Another thing that happened to her was this;

She was staying at a baby-sitter's house and everything was fine until all of a sudden she freaked out and started crying. The baby-sitter called her mom and said that it would probably be best if she picked her up and took her home. When her mom took her home, she asked what was wrong, but she wouldn't tell her. She didn't talk at all for about a week. When she finally started talking, she told her mom that when she was at the baby-sitter's house, she saw a man and his son standing by the staircase and they were scaring her.

I have one other thing to tell that happened to this girl's sister;

When she was 3 years old, she wouldn't sleep in her own room. Her mom finally got her to go in there, and was tucking her in. Her mom noticed that she was staring off into space. She asked, "What are you staring at?" and the 3 year old responded "The lady standing behind you." Later on, the mother found out that the lady who owned the house before them died there. I have never been to her house, but there are a lot of people who know her that won't go back after being there a few times.

The Apartment that Remembered

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From August 2005 to late Spring 2006, I lived in an spacious old flat in Madison with 3 friends. One day I was home alone putting dishes away in the kitchen when I heard the loud sigh of a woman behind me. I hadn't heard anyone come in, but I wasn't startled because it sounded exactly like my housemate's girlfriend Joelle (whom I've known for years), and it was common for her to be there during the day. But when I turned around, she wasn't there. I checked the rest of the house but I was alone and the front door locked.

On another weekend, I was out of town with my fiancee visiting her family. All the rest of my housemates spent the weekend out of town as well (in fact one of them was out of state) except Tom, who stayed there with his girlfriend (the same previously mentioned Joelle). When I returned late Sunday night, Tom asked me where I had been all day, and I explained that I'd been out of town since Friday afternoon. Tom seemed a little alarmed by that, saying "We both saw you walk from your room to the kitchen and back at night yesterday while we were watching TV. It was dark, but we were sure it was you..." We were both a bit creeped out by the thought.

When I was alone in the computer room or my bedroom, I would frequently hear heavy footsteps creaking on the wood floor in the dining room. Eric Jon (one of the housemates) wore heavy, hard-soled boots indoors all the time, so I usually assumed it was just him until I went to welcome him home and discovered the flat was empty and I was alone. All three of the other housemates agreed that they had experienced this same phenomenon, and often.

Most of the things that happened there mimicked the actions of the flat's occupants. I wonder if the house just "remembered" the things that happened in it and replayed them.

The Alpine

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This isn't a super scary story, just kind of unusual. About two years ago, when I was pregnant with my daughter, we decided to spend a weekend on the Wisconsin peninsula in Door County. As a child, my husband went to stay at a hotel called the Alpine right on the bay. When we got there I thought it looked like it could have been the motel from The Shining. We went in our room and it was really outdated, but in a charming kind of way.

The 13 inch tv even had a knob you had to turn without a remote - and NO CABLE! The first evening we were there, the false ceiling tiles started bouncing around. We joked that the place might be haunted, it sure looked like it should be! We explained it away to air pressure or vents. The next part though, I still can't explain. I've always been an early riser, so whenever I stay at hotels it's really hard because I'm up about 3 hours before the normal person on vacation. I was laying there at around 5:30 when I heard a door open. I looked up, though it sounded like it was outside of our room. In the round mirror of the waterfall dresser facing our bed, I could see a door open with a light on the other side of it. Well, the mirror is basically facing me, but above the bed a little bit. I looked above myself at the wall, and around the room for that matter, and there's obviously not a door or any light source that it could have originated from. The light in the doorway of the mirror opened and shut a couple of times and then after about 30 seconds it was gone. I could hear it opening and shutting, but like I said, it sounded like it was outside the room. It didn't scare me, I just thought it was really neat and couldn't explain it.

Terrifying And True Experience

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I am 22 years old now, but when I was 17 I had an extremely terrifying experience that has stayed with me ever since. I was always getting in trouble when I was a teenager, kicked out of two high schools, ran away multiple times, and made life hard for my parents and myself. It was the summer and I was in "I'll do whatever I want mode." One day my parents had called and told me I had to come home. I didn't want to so I said "No way, I want to hang out with my girlfriends." My parents response was, "Well you either come home or you can find some place else to live." So I did, I asked my friend if I could get a job and live with her for a while in her apartment. She wanted some help with the rent so she said sure.

Her "apartment," was the upstairs of a 150 year old home that had been split up into four apartments. The building itself is around 150 years old and has a sign out front with the names of the original owners as it was one of the first in my hometown. I actually never even noticed the sign or that it had history until after I left.

The apartment was pretty spread out, and at the very back of it was the smallest of three bedrooms. I made that my room because it was the most private. After a while it pretty much turned into the smoke room. The first couple weeks were really fun staying there and we threw a couple of parties. But after a couple of weeks staying there, I can remember walking home from work, and my friend would be gone. I would go in the front door and walk up the wooden stairs to our door. As soon as I got to the door, the hair would always stand up on my neck because I felt like something was on the other side of the door that really didn't want me there. Of course I had to go in anyways because I had no where else to go, and nothing had actually happened to make me so scared. So, I would go in, get some food, and kind of just sit on the couch with my back to the wall until my roommate got home.

One night, I mentioned how I was getting kind of creeped out in the apartment and she said "Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure it's haunted." She told me that she would often be watching TV and her miniature dog would bound off the couch and run into my room. She said it would be pitch dark in the room, but he would just stand there barking at the ceiling, however she never saw anything. That was pretty creepy, considering it was my room, so I opted to sleep on the couch that night.

I fell asleep with her little dog curled up next to me. In the morning is when an extremely frightening thing happened to me. I just remember waking up to a "man" or something with a mans voice laughing very loudly and tauntingly in my ear. I was immediately struck with terror and confusion. I looked into my roommate's bedroom and saw her sleeping on her bed while this was going on. I tried to yell out for her, but it was like I was frozen, and no words were coming out. I had an overwhelming feeling like all of my energy was just being sucked out of me. On top of what was already going on, after a minute, the ENTIRE HOUSE started shaking. I can remember thinking," It's light out, I know it's the morning, I can't believe this is happening right now." I think this attack lasted for about two minutes and then whatever it was seemed to be sucked out of the window. It's not that I saw it being sucked out of the window; I just felt it leave that way. My voice returned after another minute and I called for my roommate. When she woke up she said that she had not heard ANYTHING. I couldn't believe what had just happened and I was too petrified to continue living there.

I told a couple of people about my experience, but I was so disturbed by it that I did research at the library on the history of the home. I did not come across anyone that had passed away in the home or even anything unusual. I personally believe that what attacked me may have been more than an unrest spirit of a human being. The more time that goes on the more convinced I am that it may have been a demonic attack. The idea of it scares me to death, but I'm pretty sure that was the point. God Bless anyone who has had any experiences with demons.

Strange Sexual Experience With Spirit Being

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I had an experience with a strange spirit December 28th, 2005. I will never forget it. I used to get up early because my husband had to be to work by 6am. So we would get up at 4am and I would make his breakfast, lunch and send him off.

At the time I was having a really hard time with our religious beliefs of 30 years and after he would go to work I would get online and study. Well this morning I had gone back to bed at 5:30 and fell asleep. At around 7am I looked at the clock and could hear the kids starting to get up and chat in the living room. Suddenly, I had my eyes closed and I felt a strong electric tingly feeling in my abdomen.

I was lying on my right side with my legs bent and literally felt my abdomen pull forward a little. It was a powerful magnetic feeling. I kept my eyes closed because I kind of knew what this was. I had fantasized from the time I was a young teen about having an invisible lover.

This thing rolled me onto my back and I felt like I was floating. It pulled my legs apart and started having sexual intercourse with me and I was dressed! It moved through me from head to toe but the sex was out of this world. It was golden in color and talked to me through my thoughts. It was weird! It was very serious.

I notice that his tongue was very long and lizard like. The whole being was golden.

It literally put me in mind of that Academy Award trophy except with facial features. The only thing I can say is that when it was done and I got up, I thought to myself "Why would God do that?" I felt that it was from God at the time. I was tired for days afterward and it was all I could think about. I wanted it to come back and finish what it had started but it never has.

Well, if anyone would like to discuss this feel free to email me. I would love to talk about it. I had never really heard of these things until that happened to me. I thought what I thought about as a teen was my own imagination. After this happened, however... I started looking online out of curiosity and was shocked to find out it was not a new thing! Any idea why they come and or go? What made it show up that day and not 1000 others years ago?

Stop It Sammy

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I lived by myself for now about 2 years. I have a dog who likes to pull stuff around. I have a big bed with lots of covers. I usually look forward to bed time. One night, I was nearly asleep, when the bed started to shake. "SAMMY!" I shouted, that was my dog's name. The shaking stopped. Then it came back. I kept on calling Sammy as the night went on. The covers came off from me and this time I was mad. "COME HERE SAMMY!" I shouted. Sammy jumped on the bed with me. He licked me and curled up in a ball. Then the shaking came around an hour later. I sat up and looked around, it was midnight. But the shaking did not stop. I still looked around, SAMMY WAS ON THE BED! "WHO IS THERE!" I shouted. Then it stopped. I continued to call "WHO IS THERE?".

I laid down and tried to ignore the shaking. Then it stopped for 15 min. I heard something fall in my closet. I fell asleep later that night. I called the lady who sold me the house that same week. This is her comment. "My dear, did I not tell you, a 5 year old kid died in the house. He loved to shake the bed and pull the covers. It drove the mother crazy. Also, he would make stuff fall in the closets. So, good luck with your new... child".

I had the child in my house for a long time, yet not all nights he comes. I try to treat him nice, but lately he drives me nuts.

Spirit in my School

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In my previous story I told about my house and my friend's house being haunted. Well more than that was haunted, my school. I have graduated from the small private catholic school that I have learned so much from. I never knew that the entity I had stumbled across at the park the fall day would follow me to school.

I proved to certain people that I did indeed have a spirit with me. But it was not only my class that got proof. Here are things I witnessed, happen to others. Some cases happened to me.

1)I took a bathroom break one day, I walked past the science room. I heard the younger class complaining of screeching noises and nails on a chalkboard.

2) My school had a fish fry every 2nd Friday of the month. I was hanging out with a 7th grader (I in 8th grade) I remembered I forgot something in my locker, we took the elevator to get up to the 2nd floor. As the doors opened, I saw a shadow figure out of the corner of my eye just vanish. Then for some reason the 7th grader started to talk of the school being haunted. I think she saw it too.

3) I was getting a drink, walking down the hallway. When two students in the grade below me ran up to me, they said they saw a shadow figure run into the art room.

4) I had basketball practice after school on Tuesday and Thursday in 7th grade. I was sitting down as usual, having to do with me being so useless to the team. I looked in the lobby area outside the gym, and saw a shadow figure, I though nothing of it. I thought it was my stepfather by the sight of what I thought was a jacket. I turned around to see if it was him, but I saw no one.

5) In 7th grade my friend told me how she heard someone whisper her name then tap her shoulder. In 8th grade I felt the same thing. I was in history, I felt a tap and heard my name I looked around to see everyone doodling or reading. I know what you thinking they could have been pulling a prank, but my class had no interest in me, they wouldn't want to pull a prank on me.

So many things have happened there, and I will never have even one happen again.

Sometimes They Come Back

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My grandfather died from complications of having a stroke about ten years ago. After having the stroke he was unable use the left side of his body. He spent the last year of his life living with family members. He would spend a month at my house and then the next month at my cousin's house.

Because of the stroke, my grandfather sometimes lost control of his urine and bowel movements. When my grandfather lived at my house, we would always reserve a set of blankets and pillows for him. After his death, we packed all his belonging into the basement.

Two years after my grandfather died, my brother-in-law and other family members came to visit us. My sister was in charge of finding enough blankets and pillows for the guest. She went down the basement and found my grandfather's blankets and pillows. She had forgotten that they belonged to my grandfather and retrieved them for the guest.

The lucky person who got my grandfather's blankets and pillows was my brother in law. That night he slept on the sofa in the living room. The next morning when I woke up at 7am, I noticed that my brother in law was already awake. I asked him "did you sleep well" and he responded "not really".

My brother in law stated that he slept pretty well until about 4 or 5 in the morning when he was awakened by some slight knocking and rubbing at the doors to the bedrooms of the house (my house is a ranch and the bedrooms are attached to a hall in front of the living room). He could tell that the rubbing was coming from the farthest bedroom door down the hall and he just ignored it. Then the rubbing moved to the next bedroom door and he thought to himself that this was strange. Finally it went to the bedroom door just in front of the living room.

Sunrise was just beginning to set in and my brother in law said he could see the living room area very clearly. What he saw next would forever change his mind about ghosts. What he saw was an unknown old man standing in the hallway looking at him. He tried to get up but his body felt heavy and weak. He tried to yell out but all that came out were whispers. He tried to convince himself that it was just a shadow but in his mind he knew what it was.

The old man walked into the living room to where my brother-in-law was sleeping and stood next to him. My brother-in-law next felt his head being slightly lifted and the pillow being tugged at by an unknown force (my brother-in-law did not feel hands or fingers). It was at this time that my brother-in-law began screaming at the top of his lungs (in his mind).

What came out were a series of grunts that were heard by another family member who was sleeping on the other sofa in the living room. That other family member yelled out to ask if my brother-in-law was okay. At that exact moment the pressure lifting his head disappeared and the old man standing next to him dissolved into the air.

My brother-in-law remembers everything very clearly that morning and remembers even seeing the other family member getting up and calling out to see if he was okay. I showed my brother-in-law our family photo album book and he confirmed that the person he saw was my grandfather (my brother-in-law never met my grandfather when he was alive). I feel bad for what happened to my brother in law and feel bad that he now refuses to spend another night in my house.

Soda Line

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My family loves to have soda. I hate it when the kids throw it in the garbage, so we have a bag in the door to the basement. They just throw the soda in that. Well, one day, my family and I were done eating. We heard a huge crash. Then a little push on the chairs. We heard a soft breathing voice. And it got a little colder. I shouted "WHO IS THERE!". First, I thought it was our cat. But it wasn't. We heard the soda can bag rattle and then it sounded like it fell down the steps. I got up and my kids followed me. We looked down the steps, and all the soda (about 20) were in a straight line. I picked them up and put them in the bag.

After a long day at work, I sat down and had myself a diet cola. When I was done, I went to throw it away. But the bag was gone. That's not it, the soda cans that I picked up were still in that straight line at the bottom of the steps.

We sold that house to a friend of mine. She does not have a bag for the soda. But she told me that there was a strange soda line at the bottom of the steps.

Her as a single mom, heard one day someone walking upstairs. She has NO pets. And her son was with the father. Strange huh?

Shadows 2

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Many people think of a shadow entity as a dark figure but that is not exactly true. My other shadows story dealt with a dark shadow reaching out.

A few months after the experiences I had in my other stories my grandpa had just passed and I couldn't believe what happened but I tried to believe his spirit was with us. In my room I used to sleep on the top of a bunk bed and I would look out my doorway out to where I put my school bag. One night I noticed a white figure that looked like it was trying to manifest its self. And every night I would see it for about a week or two. The strange thing is I checked around to see what it could be, if it was a toy or a bag but it wouldn't go away. Another night before I went to bed I prayed to my grandpa who had just passed and I saw the figure that night but the next night it was gone. There was no trace of it.

The white figure was not the only shadow entity I saw ever since deep into my childhood probably since I was 6 or 7 I have saw a dark mass hanging around my door frame. I have seen that figure even until now but I don't see it as much anymore because I now shut my door at night.

Recently, on the weekend I was in the kitchen making food and it was late and dark out but I kept seeing a quite large not dark figure out of the corner of my eye. The first time I saw it I thought my mind is playing tricks on me because I saw it in the hallway walking either towards me or to the living room. I continued what I was doing with no alarm and again out of the corner of my eye I saw the same shadow with the same form in the pantry and I said to myself "ah whatever" After that I saw it right next to me and in the dining room.

Please comment on my story any belief will be accepted unless you are critizing my experiences. And please tell me what you think this entity is.


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In my past story I told you about two unknown entities. The story I am about to tell is about one entity. This experience happened some where around 2004-2005.

One night, as I usually did, in winter I had an electric fireplace going while I was playing some video games (as a small kid I was addicted). I had just finished playing my games and I forgot to turn off the fireplace, so I went back in the room and without switching the lights back on I turned off the fireplace and ran to the stairs, as I ran I turned my head and saw a dark non-transparent shadow reaching for me. I was so scared I ran up told my parents and of course they didn't believe me.

A few months later I was in the living room it was very late and I decided to go to bed. It was around midnight, so I switched off the light and ran to my room and again turned my head and saw the same shadow reaching for me. I was scared I never told my parents about this occurrence because I didn't want my dad to make fun of me.

That was the only time I saw that shadow but I have had some other odd experiences while playing video games but that's for another story.

Thanks for reading please help me figure out why the shadows were there. I think they were trying to send a message but please tell me what you think.

Shadow Men And The End Of The World

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I've seen strange things my entire life; ranging from possessed statues to ghostly women, but my most memorable experience was the first time I met the shadow men.

I woke up from my bed and instantly knew it was a dream. I often had night terrors as a child so I quickly learned to lucid dream in order to help fight my nightmares.

I started with a technique I called the "Emergency Exit" in which I would slam my eyes shut and slam them back open in an attempt to shock myself out of my dream. It was fairly effective.

So I got out of my bed and looked out my 2nd storey bedroom window. Below I saw a parade. This was especially odd since we lived on a dead end street but I guess it makes sense because it was a parade of humanity.

At the time I didn't really get it but as my life went on, I discovered I had seen a parade of all the events through history (or at least the important ones [or ones that I'd encounter in my life])

Just as I was about to see how the world dies, I turned to find the shadow man. He was holding a woman hostage. (I didn't know her) I got mad and killed him easily.

Then the woman ran off terrified. I was still in a berserk mood and turned to face the other room that was across the hall from mine.

This room was evil. It was the place that the haunted statue (I'll explain in a different story) my mother bought was kept at the time. It was an empty and evil place. This room was common in my nightmares, even when I didn't dream of my room.

I walked across the hall and into the room. I turned and saw four shadow men playing poker where the T.V. Usually was. (No one lived in that room. I don't know why we had a T.V. There.) Then I turned to my right and saw another one standing there. That's when I woke up.

I saw some other stories on the shadow man here so I thought I'd post mine. I've seen him both in and out of dreams (although most commonly in them). Is it just me or am I the only one that has seen him/them with a dog like a Doberman. I've also had several fights with the dogs.

Shadow Girl

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I was 10 years old when this story took place.

One day I was walking home from school. So far it was a great day. I was walking when I looked back at the bus. It has just left, when I saw this weird girl she had a long sleeve sweatshirt and an old fashioned long skirt with shoes and the hood was on her head. So you couldn't see her skin. But the weird thing is that the skirt, hoody, and the shoes were all black. Freaky yes.

I started on walking but every time I looked at her she kept getting closer. Then I got scared I started running. I got to my porch and looked at the back woods, and there she was standing facing me. I closed my eyes and looked again and she was gone. Strange right? I got inside I was by my brother the whole time I was so scared.

After that day I went to my grandma's house I told her about what happened. She said that she had seen it to. Then I asked her were she said Recre Acres. I asked her what happened she said there were driving and saw her in the corn field she told my grandpa to look and when they both looked she was gone. Now that is freaky. I can always count on my grandma because she believes in ghost too. Later I'm going to tell her stories too.

School Ghost

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You always hear about kids who died in your school and you don't believe it. One day a boy told me that a girl named Leslee died in the gym on the stage. No one knows how. I didn't believe it, until I experienced my first ghost sighting.

My friends Alicia, Briana and I went on the stage at noon recess to practice for the talent show. Because we have a school singing group for us three. When on stage, we thought we should close the curtains, so no one could watch us. As Briana walked over to close it, IT STARTED TO GO ABOUT A REALLY LITTLE BIT BY ITSELF! Then the colored lights kept on switching on and of. We were way too scared to run of. "The story of Leslee must be true!" shouted Alicia. Then we went to hide behind all of these big mats. As we did, the lights went off. Then we peeked our heads to see what happened, the curtains were closed all the way now. We came out and Briana was crying. Alicia was breathing big, and I clanged onto my friends. Then one of the mats came over to fall on us. We shouted and ran.

We still go on the stage to practice, the day that happened was April 10, 2007. But we keep the curtains open. We try not to mess around with the ghost, or whatever it is, but we never run away when Leslee tries to pull another prank on us. Who knows she could be nice. But I am not taking any chances. She tried to hurt us. And that is nothing we asked for. Still Leslee creeps us out. We didn't tell any kids or teachers. Only our moms!

Remember if a ghost tries to hurt you, don't try to be scared. It gives the ghost more power.

Saying Goodbye

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In June of 2009 my father was diagnosed with cancer. After his surgery they gave him 3 months to live. My husband went through and made a big production of asking for my father's permission and taking to my family and making them a part of his proposal (which my dad missed completely because he was watching TV!). We decided to do things quickly because I wanted my father to be able to walk me down the isle.

We got married in December and my father made it until May before things got really bad.

One day I called my mom before heading off to work, (worked 30-40 minutes away from where we lived) to make sure that it was ok, I go to work that day. I just had a feeling that something wasn't right.

I got a call later that night from my mom, saying that she didn't think it was going to be long now and that I should come home. By the time I got to my parents' home, he was gone.

It turns out that he passed away about 10 minutes after I spoke with her.

I kind of got to say goodbye as they prepared to take him away. But it never was a complete closure for me.

At the time of his passing my husband was in the process of trying to fix my father's truck. It was one of his most prized possessions, but it still wasn't running.

A day after the memorial, I was sitting in the living room and my husband was sitting on the other couch across from me. Our house makes some very distinct noises when people walk around in it.

Well that night we heard someone walk down the hall towards us and turn into the kitchen. We turned to look waiting to see someone walk out but of course no one ever did! My husband looked over at me and said " well honey your dad came to say goodbye". At that point I started to cry. We never heard that again!

Red Dotted Figure Haunting And Nightmares

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Hello all. My name is Dustin and I am new to this, and I just wanted to see what everyone thinks about my story. I do not claim I am psychic at all nor have any special abilities in that sense but I do have my own paranormal experience or so I believe.

When I was 8 years old, I lived in a blue trailer and I was comfortable in the trailer except at night. I was a scared young child it seemed I would have nightmares every night and I dreaded going to bed even but I was spoiled and had a TV in my room. I would stay up late and just watch TV until I gradually fell asleep. Some nights I would stay up the entire night because I didn't want to go to sleep, I was a typical young kid afraid of nightmares. But the trailer seemed to have a different "feeling" at night not like I am just scared of the dark feeling it is hard to explain.

See my room was at the very end of a long dark narrow hallway that leads to the living room. I would stare into the darkness sometimes really hard concentrating (for what reason I am not sure maybe fear or curiousness but I couldn't look away it was a long time ago and its hard for me to understand why I did that now being older) and then what I saw was a reddish-orangish dotted figure yes that is what I saw a perfect figure of a man made up of reddish oranges dots walking slowly towards me.

This happened four times it seemed to happen once every month there was a few weeks between each encounter. Every time right away the hair on my neck would shoot up I would get a chill and I was scared to death. What I did was since I didn't want to sit in my room and see what he would do or what was going to happen I closed my eyes and ran straight through him and into my parents bedroom. I didn't bother to tell my parents I just thought I was crazy and they wouldn't believe me.

The most memorial time with these experiences was the last one. I saw him again and I did the same thing, I tried running through him and into my parents bedroom but this time I tripped right on top of him. When I felt I was barley passed this figure and I couldn't see it anymore but when I tried getting up I couldn't; it felt like I was being held down (could have been fear that kept me from moving but I swear I was trying to run for it) it took a little while before I stumbled further a little more and got up and ran.

Then it never happened again I always slept with my door tightly shut and I NEVER looked or concentrated on the hallway again and it seemed to stop. I was just wondering if anyone else has seen this type of figure a reddish dotted man because I have never heard any other stories of this type of entity being seen. I am confused thinking back on this and I am curious now to what it was all about.

Also does anyone have a lot of nightmares when living in a somewhat haunted house? Like I said I had a lot of nightmares in the trailer then the next house I moved in was one of the oldest houses in our town (go figure). It seemed like that house was haunted too. I always heard footsteps (the usual stuff) and my mom even said she saw a figure of a man standing at the door one night.

Even at this house I had a lot of nightmares but only occurring in the upstairs part of the house or the basement (WHICH almost always is the same one with me walking upstairs or basement then something just grabs me out of no where and I hear voices and screaming it gives me the chills just thinking about them now) I never had a nightmare occurring on the first floor of the house that is where I felt most comfortable. I even slept in the living room for a long time as a child in that house instead of my room.

I just want to get feedback. Hopefully, I am not crazy but these are my experiences and this is my first story written so I apologize if it is bad. I think I just hit two houses with spirits in them and now that we moved to this new house I rarely ever have nightmares (never about the house) and I have had no spiritual encounters or appearances so I am doing well now. Thanks for reading and any input would be appreciated.

One Last Hug From Mom

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My mother lived in the lower level of my house for the last 2 years of her life. She was suffering the entire time from liver and kidney disease. She wasn't a drinker. The doctors thought she may have contracted cirrhosis from blood she received while giving birth to me in the 60's. They said blood just didn't go through all of the tests then that it does now.

She passed away in the hospital on March 14th, 1999 at the age of 63. (I miss her so much).

Several days later my two brothers and I were going through her things. We had already moved several things out of her bedroom/living room. I looked down at the carpet and saw the indentations where her favorite chair had been. I bent over in the empty space and put my arms around where Mom would have been sitting, had she still been there. I said to my brothers "Look, if Mom were still here, I'd be hugging her right now." Suddenly, my whole body began to tingle from head to toe. My hair stood on end. I felt like an electric current was going through me. It was very warm and comforting. So peaceful yet so overwhelming I cried my eyes out. I knew right then and there that I was being hugged back by Mom. My brothers wouldn't try it to see it the same thing would happen to them.

My Mom was the kind of woman that when you visited, no matter what the mood of the visit was, good or bad, she always had a hug and kiss for you before you left.

I can hardly believe it's been 10 years. I love you Mom.

Old Lady in the Cemetary

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I was at my friend's house who lives right by the cemetery. We thought it would be a good idea to look at the graves. On the way to the graveyard, Rachel, my friend, all of a sudden stopped and pointed at a grave. I followed her gaze and saw an old lady bending over a grave. I said, "So what it is just an old lady..." Rachel told me, "It's not her in general but look at her feet..." Even though I was suspicious, I looked over at the lady's feet. I felt a chill go through my bones because the lady wasn't standing, she was floating.

My friend grabbed my hand and looked back at the lady. I looked at the lady again and I saw her slowly disappearing. My mouth almost dropped and I almost screamed when I saw her face. The whole body was regular but when you saw her face, even you would scream. There were scars and burns on her face, one eye was closed, and she had a gapped tooth smile.

I felt like my feet were nailed to the ground and the look on Rachel's face told me she felt the same. As the old lady drew closer my back straightened. She didn't even go around us but instead walked through me. I was so freaked out by then that I grabbed Rachel's hand and started to run. By the time we got out of that place we were breathless.

Even though we were tired, my friend and I ran as fast as we could. When we got to her house we told her mom what had happened. She didn't believe us and told us to go to bed. I couldn't sleep because whenever I tried closing my eyes I saw her face. By the time I fell asleep it was already dawn.

It is four years later and we still hate that cemetery. Now I think the lady may be fake but whenever I go by that cemetery, I still have a chill. The psychologist I have been seeing says it was a figure of my imagination. I thought that too until I saw her again in my room. Now I can never pass a cemetery without being scared. And I am weary of old ladies, I can barely look at my grandma and she thinks I am weird. Now I am trying to forget but it just doesn't work.

I don't think I will ever look at my grandma the same way again.

Night Ghost

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This story is how I got my name. I wanted to start with my experiences backwards because going back would be like walking through history which I love, not to be confusing. I try keeping things interesting so I will start off with I love and am fascinated by old houses, especially elegant grand Victorian beauties. This house I'm about to share isn't exactly elegant by any means but back in its day it was a Victorian just the same. By the way I'm using all real names. Everyone in my life likes to be known for some reason, so here goes!

Eau Claire Wisconsin, originally a lumbering town. I've researched the history and lived here all my life so downtown by the two rivers that meet, the Chippewa and the Eau Claire rivers, there are magnificent homes of its hey day. Plenty of the houses I can list by the last name just driving by them, so and so has this going on referring to their home as the original owners of the late 1800's. It's exciting to me. Well this house that I'm about to tell you about isn't famous by any means so I'm sure the incident that took place was due by the people inhabiting the old house. On Chippewa street the houses are getting shabbier away from further up the river where men with money lived. Chippewa street is next to Water Street which is college area. Mostly bars and drunken activities occur, nothing abnormal for a college town.

This night two of my friends and I were at a bar and my friend Doug had keys to his friends Christina's apartment. She left for Vegas and wanted him to watch her fish until she returned. My other friend Melissa was ditched by our other friend Heather so she ended up with me and Doug. Well we all decided to go stay at Christina's house while she was out of town that night. She wasn't far from the bar so it made it that much more convenient. A day earlier I had first visited Christina's apartment. The only vibe I got of her shack was it was an old house with a lot of pot smokers that didn't believe in anything but smoke. So this night would prove to be somewhat unsettling.

We arrived around bar close and Melissa plopped down in the comfy recliner. I lay down in a layout bed next to the TV and flipped through the channels. It was nice being somewhere with cable again. Doug took the floor. He didn't want to sleep in Christina's bed in the other room by himself, so there we all were until and not much later we all passed out being super tired.

It wasn't much later that something began to tug at me. I assumed it was Doug rolling around and flopping his arms at me. I was so tired I ignored it. Then it seemed to be like some sort of noise that was erupting from our slumbers. Take note that I am a light sleeper and everything wakes me up. This night however I was so tired that no matter what this thing was, it kept trying to wake me up. Then it felt like something was pulling at my body or the covers off of me. I literally felt something there and when I looked there was nothing there, not even Doug who had passed out in the middle of the floor.

I once again ignored it and fell back asleep but not long after that the same thing was tugging at me and this time it woke me up where I looked around the room to see exactly what could be trying to keep me awake. I glanced around and this is what caught my attention: There was a light behind Melissa's chair that illuminated and reflected on the wall in a beam of green lights that danced on the wall. It seemed to come from behind the chair she was sleeping on. She was passed out cold and I looked harder and rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming. But I knew it was there, because whatever it was woke me to show me. I said out loud, what the hell is that?! This is too much for me. I closed my eyes and said to myself (not that anyone human was listening to me anyway) I am too tired to deal with this b.s, after that nothing awoke me again until morning when we rehearsed stories.

Melissa swore she was out cold all night long and she was. Doug stirred somewhat saying that some noise kept waking him up but he couldn't distinguish what it was. I told them about the tugging sensation and the green light. We were all baffled so I made him call Christina and ask her if her apartment was "weird". She confirmed it was ok and that he was on drugs or something. Ha-ha, yeah ok she's the one who smokes, not us. Then I told him to ask her if her grandma was there for a visit or what the deal was. That's when she freaked out, because the first day we visited she said her grandma looks out for her and her cuckoo clock stopped when her grandma died. Hey I thought it was an innocent question.

I believe she raced home from Vegas after that but we booked out the next day and have not not been back. I strongly got the feeling that whatever Christina was into (being atheist) wasn't good and left some unpleasant spirits around. It probably wasn't her grandma but I threw it out there for possibilities. After she got back from Vegas she demanded her key back and none of us heard from her again, thank God!

Side note: Maybe the ghost doesn't like her? Who knows!

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