Terrifying And True Experience

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I am 22 years old now, but when I was 17 I had an extremely terrifying experience that has stayed with me ever since. I was always getting in trouble when I was a teenager, kicked out of two high schools, ran away multiple times, and made life hard for my parents and myself. It was the summer and I was in "I'll do whatever I want mode." One day my parents had called and told me I had to come home. I didn't want to so I said "No way, I want to hang out with my girlfriends." My parents response was, "Well you either come home or you can find some place else to live." So I did, I asked my friend if I could get a job and live with her for a while in her apartment. She wanted some help with the rent so she said sure.

Her "apartment," was the upstairs of a 150 year old home that had been split up into four apartments. The building itself is around 150 years old and has a sign out front with the names of the original owners as it was one of the first in my hometown. I actually never even noticed the sign or that it had history until after I left.

The apartment was pretty spread out, and at the very back of it was the smallest of three bedrooms. I made that my room because it was the most private. After a while it pretty much turned into the smoke room. The first couple weeks were really fun staying there and we threw a couple of parties. But after a couple of weeks staying there, I can remember walking home from work, and my friend would be gone. I would go in the front door and walk up the wooden stairs to our door. As soon as I got to the door, the hair would always stand up on my neck because I felt like something was on the other side of the door that really didn't want me there. Of course I had to go in anyways because I had no where else to go, and nothing had actually happened to make me so scared. So, I would go in, get some food, and kind of just sit on the couch with my back to the wall until my roommate got home.

One night, I mentioned how I was getting kind of creeped out in the apartment and she said "Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure it's haunted." She told me that she would often be watching TV and her miniature dog would bound off the couch and run into my room. She said it would be pitch dark in the room, but he would just stand there barking at the ceiling, however she never saw anything. That was pretty creepy, considering it was my room, so I opted to sleep on the couch that night.

I fell asleep with her little dog curled up next to me. In the morning is when an extremely frightening thing happened to me. I just remember waking up to a "man" or something with a mans voice laughing very loudly and tauntingly in my ear. I was immediately struck with terror and confusion. I looked into my roommate's bedroom and saw her sleeping on her bed while this was going on. I tried to yell out for her, but it was like I was frozen, and no words were coming out. I had an overwhelming feeling like all of my energy was just being sucked out of me. On top of what was already going on, after a minute, the ENTIRE HOUSE started shaking. I can remember thinking," It's light out, I know it's the morning, I can't believe this is happening right now." I think this attack lasted for about two minutes and then whatever it was seemed to be sucked out of the window. It's not that I saw it being sucked out of the window; I just felt it leave that way. My voice returned after another minute and I called for my roommate. When she woke up she said that she had not heard ANYTHING. I couldn't believe what had just happened and I was too petrified to continue living there.

I told a couple of people about my experience, but I was so disturbed by it that I did research at the library on the history of the home. I did not come across anyone that had passed away in the home or even anything unusual. I personally believe that what attacked me may have been more than an unrest spirit of a human being. The more time that goes on the more convinced I am that it may have been a demonic attack. The idea of it scares me to death, but I'm pretty sure that was the point. God Bless anyone who has had any experiences with demons.

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