The Autistic Child Who See Spirits

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My Dad has a friend, and I think his friends daughter sees spirits. Here are a few things that have happened to her. She is seven years old and autistic. She is also going deaf, she can hear somewhat okay right now, but as time goes on, doctors say she will go completely deaf.

If you have read my water heater story, you will know that I think there is a spirit living in my Dad's house. Once I was at his house with her and her mom. Her mom, my dad, and I were talking while she was playing with her dolls. Later on, she got up and stood in front of the door to the computer room. She signs rather than talking usually, because she is used to doing that at school. Eventually, we noticed that she was signing "pay attention" to the empty room. I am not fluent in sign language, but her mom was saying that she was talking to what seemed like 2 or 3 people, and was telling each one of them to "pay attention" and was getting mad when they wouldn't. We asked her, "who are you talking to?" and she just looked at us. Then, we said, "What are their names?" and she said, "I don't know."

Another thing that happened to her was this;

She was staying at a baby-sitter's house and everything was fine until all of a sudden she freaked out and started crying. The baby-sitter called her mom and said that it would probably be best if she picked her up and took her home. When her mom took her home, she asked what was wrong, but she wouldn't tell her. She didn't talk at all for about a week. When she finally started talking, she told her mom that when she was at the baby-sitter's house, she saw a man and his son standing by the staircase and they were scaring her.

I have one other thing to tell that happened to this girl's sister;

When she was 3 years old, she wouldn't sleep in her own room. Her mom finally got her to go in there, and was tucking her in. Her mom noticed that she was staring off into space. She asked, "What are you staring at?" and the 3 year old responded "The lady standing behind you." Later on, the mother found out that the lady who owned the house before them died there. I have never been to her house, but there are a lot of people who know her that won't go back after being there a few times.

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