Saying Goodbye

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In June of 2009 my father was diagnosed with cancer. After his surgery they gave him 3 months to live. My husband went through and made a big production of asking for my father's permission and taking to my family and making them a part of his proposal (which my dad missed completely because he was watching TV!). We decided to do things quickly because I wanted my father to be able to walk me down the isle.

We got married in December and my father made it until May before things got really bad.

One day I called my mom before heading off to work, (worked 30-40 minutes away from where we lived) to make sure that it was ok, I go to work that day. I just had a feeling that something wasn't right.

I got a call later that night from my mom, saying that she didn't think it was going to be long now and that I should come home. By the time I got to my parents' home, he was gone.

It turns out that he passed away about 10 minutes after I spoke with her.

I kind of got to say goodbye as they prepared to take him away. But it never was a complete closure for me.

At the time of his passing my husband was in the process of trying to fix my father's truck. It was one of his most prized possessions, but it still wasn't running.

A day after the memorial, I was sitting in the living room and my husband was sitting on the other couch across from me. Our house makes some very distinct noises when people walk around in it.

Well that night we heard someone walk down the hall towards us and turn into the kitchen. We turned to look waiting to see someone walk out but of course no one ever did! My husband looked over at me and said " well honey your dad came to say goodbye". At that point I started to cry. We never heard that again!

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