The Furry Fingers

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When I was in the second grade, the family and I lived in a really creepy old house. I always thought it was neat though because I wasn't scared of anything when I was younger. One night, I had a dream that I had the urgency of using the bathroom. So I got up and walked down the hallway and to the bathroom. I felt the coldness from the bathroom tiles. I reached up to turn on the lights but it flickered and died. After flushing the toilet, I felt myself walking backward toward the bathroom closet. It was as if my body magnetically attracted to the closet and I couldn't control myself.

I felt my head bang on the door and the closet door open with a pair of furry fingers reaching out and it touched my arm. Its nails were long and sharp. I would say it looked like a pair that those werewolves have in the movies.

When I woke up that morning, I found myself sleeping on my bedroom floor. I immediately remembered my dream and lifted my shirt arm to see if I was hurt because the dream had seemed so real. There was a brown mark on my arm in place of where the furry fingers had touched.

I told my mom about it. She was shocked and speechless at first then said she's never seen such a mark on me before and said it was probably nothing. I still have that mark on my arm and never really distinguished if it was a dream or if it were real.

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