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In my past story I told you about two unknown entities. The story I am about to tell is about one entity. This experience happened some where around 2004-2005.

One night, as I usually did, in winter I had an electric fireplace going while I was playing some video games (as a small kid I was addicted). I had just finished playing my games and I forgot to turn off the fireplace, so I went back in the room and without switching the lights back on I turned off the fireplace and ran to the stairs, as I ran I turned my head and saw a dark non-transparent shadow reaching for me. I was so scared I ran up told my parents and of course they didn't believe me.

A few months later I was in the living room it was very late and I decided to go to bed. It was around midnight, so I switched off the light and ran to my room and again turned my head and saw the same shadow reaching for me. I was scared I never told my parents about this occurrence because I didn't want my dad to make fun of me.

That was the only time I saw that shadow but I have had some other odd experiences while playing video games but that's for another story.

Thanks for reading please help me figure out why the shadows were there. I think they were trying to send a message but please tell me what you think.

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