The Fast Shadow

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First of all this is not my story it is my friend's story. Let me give you some details of the house.

It is two storey's high and my friend's bedroom is first on the left upstairs then if you look to your right you will find the bath room.

Sometimes when my friend needs to get a drink or go to the toilet, around the middle of the night everything will be normal and then when he goes down the stairs he sees a shadow bolt across the lobby and into the kitchen. He just freaks out and goes back to bed surprisingly he hasn't said anything to his siblings, he has only told me because I believe in ghosts and paranormal stuff.

When I go there I get this feeling when I go past the bathroom that someone's there (I can always get this feeling when someone is in the room but they are hiding) it's kind of freaky but I can deal with it.

My friend and I would like to know if anyone else has had a similar experience recently because we would like help with this. I am going there tomorrow so I will take a few pictures and maybe post another story sooner or later.

I assure you this is genuine and I would like some help with it. I have considered Ouija boards but I know that they're very dangerous all comments will be accepted.

The Face

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I have been hearing noises, footsteps, and felt I was being watched for the past 3-4 years and I wasn't expecting to see something/somebody... What I saw wasn't a whole body or very detailed as it was a face fading as I saw it.

It was 3am, I had just got off the computer and I laid down in bed, I was just getting comfortable and closed my eyes for like 2 seconds, I opened them and a face was fading in front of me. I jolted back a bit but didn't feel a presence so I thought nothing of it, but remembered the features just in case. It was a male, with longish dark brown hair & a beard.

2 days later at 1-2pm, I decided to go for shower, I was walking towards my bathroom and then I saw the face again in my brother's room which is a meter and bit away from the bathroom. And that time I did feel a presence. I stopped and went straight to my brother's room, I stood in my brother's room and looked around but it had gone.

More things are happenning as I have been getting older. I'm 16 turning 17 now and I saw a face... I'm not sure if this is a gift maturing or I'm hearing and seeing things... Nobody else in my family has experienced any of this.

I know I'm not crazy, just wondering why its only happening to me and not my whole family.

The East Window

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I am sixteen years old and before I can remember, my family have always insisted on weekend trips with friends into the country or to the coast. So when the October holidays (two years ago) came, we were off to the Woodhouse homestead in the Adelaide Hills. I've love old buildings ever since I was little, but upon reaching this particular house, I couldn't help but feel a little resentful and nervous as I entered the front door. The homestead was a two storey building, with numerous dorm rooms upstairs, a large kitchen, and an attached outhouse. It was dark before the first of our friends arrived and I seemingly jumped at every shadow that moved. Fortunately, soon the house was filled with adults' chatter downstairs, and children's laughter as they raced each other up and down the staircase.

My friend Mel and I were setting up her family's room (number 4) upstairs, while all the children were now downstairs, delighting in ghost stories told around the parlor fireplace. I had gone upstairs with an armful of bags to the room, while Mel was left downstairs trying to convince her mother that she should have brought her hairdryer. When I reached the top of the stairs, I found the air cold, and I immediately stopped to put on the sweater which was around my waist, thinking that someone had left a window open. I picked up the bags again and continued around the corner to face the open door of Mel's room. There, near the window, I saw a woman. she was not white but looked sickly pale, and I called out to her, for what reason, I don't know. She turned to look at me once, and then exited through the window. The window was closed. I was so freaked out that I dropped the bags in the hall and sprinted downstairs, unable to verbalize to anyone what I had just seen.

The next morning, after a restless night, in which I am sure I heard wailing and crying, I was the first awake in the house. Getting dressed, I found myself walking down to the front hall and opening the guest book on the table just inside the front door. In it, I found a description of a murder-suicide, conducted in the late 1800s. A man, who had owned the house, had been pushed out of the east window, by his jealous new wife. The man, it seemed, had been spending time in town with a mistress. The young wife had thrown herself out the window after her beloved, when she realized the full extent of her actions.

The Doctor

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My family, girlfriend at the time and myself were on a week-long trip to Tasmania. We were mainly staying in Hobart but were traveling around a bit. We visited Port Arthur a couple of times in that trip but surprisingly enough that is not where our experience took place.

On our last day in Tasmania we stopped off at a small historic village called Richmond. We noticed a small house that looked quite old and decided to have a look around as it was open for visitors. As we had just come from Port Arthur I jokingly asked the lady there if there were any ghosts floating around. She assured us that there was nothing as exciting as what we might find in Port Arthur.

We had a look around the place and naturally asked about its history. We were told that it belonged to a doctor who practiced out of his house. Apparently he was a really good doctor but he packed up for some reason not known to the guide.

That night we arrived back in Melbourne and were all very tired. We dropped my girlfriend off and headed home, planning to get to sleep as soon as possible.

That night I had so much trouble sleeping. I felt like I was dreaming but I knew that I was awake. My thoughts were racing, but the thoughts didn't feel like mine. It was like I was remembering something that didn't happen to me.

I remembered the only doctor in town. That doctor was highly regarded. Suddenly his daughter was sick and he wasn't able to help. He did everything he could make her better, but she didn't. This doctor had 3 or 4 children and he began to neglect the others to focus all of his attention on the one that needed him most.

Unfortunately, she passed away, and he couldn't bare it. His family life began to break down and eventually he himself broke down. After a while his family decided to move out and he stopped practicing.

I eventually got to sleep, but even then these thoughts kept on coming back to me. When I woke up in the morning I told my Mum that I had so much trouble sleeping and that I kept on having these strange thoughts.

Mum had the same thing happen to her all night. With the exact same thoughts or dreams. When my other family members were asked how they had slept they said there were no disruptions.

Later that day Mum was doing some house work and swears that she saw a man standing in the hallway when she knew there was nobody else home. She told the man that he needed to move on and there was no reason to remain here. Since that day that spirit has not returned.

The Demonic Child

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My story begins while I was at my home in Australia. I was sleeping in my house with my family when at night I awoke to a small and soft breathing sound. I looked around and in my window I saw a small boy staring at me, his right hand was on the roof gutter and he hung like a monkey. His other limbs including his body hung as if he were dead.

The light post from outside lit him up from behind perfectly and I thought it was someone trying to brake in because he looked so realistic. His face was very pale and white-he looked like someone who was seriously ill. As I paid closer attention his eyes were dark black and his clothes weren't visible.

Suddenly the boy faded away as if he just turned to steam. I wiped my eyes with my t-shirt and thought my mind was playing tricks on me. I stood up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed some milk. As I turned around from the shadows of my room I saw a small girl standing next to the wall on the right side of my door. Now I freaked out and I put away the milk and walked to the couch and fell asleep while watching tennis.

As I slept I had a dream-a very vivid and realistic dream. I was sent to a new school and I rode there on my bike. Its lights were green and dull, not very bright at all. I was in a classroom with around 15 students and no teacher.

Suddenly the students started leaving and shouting "stay with the retard...!" I was the last to leave when they locked me in the room. I turned around to find a boy. The boy was pale with black eyes and he was what the kids were calling the retard. I was scared of him and tried hard to break out.

I managed to and I ran to the front and got my bike. I got a phone call from my mum and she was coming to pick me up. I waited and waited in horror and it started to rain. Eventually I saw my mum coming and she stopped near the rode where I was standing with my bike. She looked at me and then drove off leaving me. That's when I woke up.

I had his dream many times recurring but this time I noticed the boy from my dream was the boy in my window. I just got back from holidays and had a few things happen there but I will save it for another time. I still know nothing about the girl. Thanks for reading.

The Dark Passage Demon

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This happened a few days ago now, and I'm spooked as to what it could be. I am a 14 year old, but I'm not like other teenagers. I'm quite sensible. (Pardon me for any text writing.) I will show a picture of my passage way in my house in later stories.

So... It was about 9:24 pm and it was very dark. I normally have an ice cream once a week and I had one. I was watching TV when I heard a loud thump from the passageway. Of course I jumped. I didn't necessarily want to find out what it was.

I'm very weird. I get thirsty after eating/drinking things that are not water. So after finishing my ice cream and hearing that thump. I was heaps thirsty. I was shaking all over (I know right I'm a scardy cat). I opened my bedroom door and the lights in my room suddenly dim. (They are not dimmable lights). It was kind of quiet even though the TV was pretty loud and I was about 1 metre away from it. I walked out thinking it wasn't so bad. I was dead wrong.

I was about 2 metres away from my bedroom door, when suddenly it slammed shut. I was freaked out. (All the windows were closed and we don't have air vents). One step further, I felt cold like someone was watching me, even though my mum and dad were out in the lounge room. I felt shivers running up my spine. I was scared and worried, very worried. So I started running towards the door kitchen door. (The kitchen is closed off from the passage. A step then leads into the lounge room). I was about 4 metres from the door, when something jumped out in front of me and I went straight through it... I quickly turned around to see what it was; I saw a shadowy figure with red eyes. They were bloody big eyes too! They kept expanding then contracting, I felt its cold breath on my face. It was about 2 times taller than me (I'm taller than my mum and all my brothers and sisters, and I knew it wasn't dad because he was out in the lounge room). I quickly turned to see where the door knob was, I turned back while opening the door and it was gone.

I've been feeling the same stuff every night, but haven't seen the demon/what ever it was, since that night. But I never go through that passage during the night without the passage light on.

Could any of you please comment on what it might be? Because I'm really scared about what happened and I'm hearing the thumping right now as I'm typing (I'm in my room) and I'm home alone...


The Christmas Ghost

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Going back to 1988 I was on holidays in a small country town in Australia named Murwillumbah. I was up from Sydney where I was working (actually in a haunted department and I promise to write that one out, too) and was up visiting my parents.

We went out to some Christmas Do and came back a bit latish that night, Christmas Eve 1988. I went straight to bed for I was buggered and dozed off. It was around about 1am when I was rudely woken up by someone whacking me hard on the left ankle.

I sat up, frowning and saw this man dressed in a tartan suit and wearing a tartan hat with the pom pom on it and he looked really pissed off about something. He leaning on a stick but I couldn't make out his features. I remember he had grey hair that's about all I remember of him except he was pointing at something. I watched him then turn and walked THROUGH the door. I wasn't freaked out or anything, I just shrugged and went back to sleep.

I told me mum the next day and she sat me down and said she kept seeing a little old woman standing at the bottom of her bed holding a pillow in her hands and ready to smother my mother. I also saw shadows of someone walking down the hall but, yet, there was no one there.

The Boy In The Bush

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I was just 17, thrown out of home and found myself living on a hippie commune. Self imposed exile I like to call it. Anyway, I fell in with a pretty cool and funky crew and we were all into the same thing: Bushwalking. One wet Saturday we were bored. I came up with the idea of doing some bushwalking in the forest. What the hell, got nothing' else to do so off we went, the three of us, me, my best mates at the time Dave and Darryl, whistling yahooing...okay, we didn't do that but we were happy to at least be outside and doing something.

No more than a half hour later we came to a fork in the track. We argued which way to go and I said, pointing to the left, "This Way, man, this way." We tossed the coin and took the left hander. Spooky bush this was. Dark, mysterious, and no birds, which I found odd. The track, if I remember correctly (I am going back over twenty years, mind you), was overgrown with bracken, lantana, small native trees sprouting, and wild introduced grass.

Around about this time, my bladder started whispering to me by saying: "Wee Wee Time!" I told the others to wait up on me as I quickly ducked into the bush to relief myself. I was standing there looking around me, checking out the dense forest when, out of bloody nowhere, this kid appeared, scaring the daylights out of me. He looked to be 12, very thin looking, blondish hair and the clothes he wore looked, well, outdated...that's the only word that just popped into my head...outdated. He wore shorts that were held up by braces, a dirty white shirt but no shoes.

He stood there for about one minute before turning his back on me and walking back into the bush. I shouted, while fumbling with my zipper, at him to hold up. My mates heard me shout and thought I was bitten by a snake (in the middle of winter?). They came running to see if I was okay, which I was of course but I told them about the lad I saw.

"How could there be a brat up here?" Asked Dave. I was confused so we headed back to town where Dave told everyone about me seeing some kid in the bush. An old fellow overheard and called me over. He asked to describe the boy so I did. The old fellow shook his head sadly and told me that what I saw was a ghost of a young boy who got lost up there back in the 30s. He was found dead but his wee spirit still hangs around. You know, I've seen that child three times over a period of six months.

The Blob In The Apartment

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I spent yesterday night (25.06.08) at my friend's sister's apartment cause he has "Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Wii". When we arrived at Elle's (not her name) she told me that I may see something but not to be scared. I looked at her like "what the heck is she talking about?"

So as we were walking up to her apartment room, I was whispering to my friend asking "what did your sister mean? Is this place haunted?"

My friend, without any emotion, no fear like the haunting was absolutely nothing, answered with a plain "Yep".

My reaction was fear at first obviously and replied with an "oh..."

Well I was feeling terrified cause this was going to be the first time I've ever come in contact with a spirit close up. I didn't know what to do if I were to wake up in the middle of the night to see a face in front of me.

We went into the apartment and the first thing everyone did was get changed. I however was alone in the living room and kept turning around, thinking to myself, "oh my god, how long does it take to get changed?" since I was feeling scared.

Anyways, Elle came out and asked what I would like for dinner, I didn't mind, I told her it was up to her. She insisted on me to pick tonight's menu as I was the guest (I sort of have a crush on her, she's pretty hot!) so blushing, I said in a soft voice "err... how about pasta?" (I couldn't think of any other food) She agreed and asked what type? I said "Carbonara" (yummy).

So I went to the living room which was just right in front of the kitchen and was conversing with her while she was cooking and while I was watching "big brother". It was around 7:25pm when we heard a thump (If you guys were wondering where my friend is he's in the shower). Of course my body went stiff and I looked around, "It's heeeere!" Elle said in an eerie voice. I jumped up and ran to the kitchen looking around the living room area."Everywhere?" I said quivering next to her.

She laughed and said "well it's not just going to show itself, it'll show when you least expect it". Well after hearing that I decided that I wanted to go home. She told me the ghost is harmless and it's not going to frighten you and to trust her.

So after this, my friend came out of the shower and said "did you see it?" I said "no". Dinner was finally cooked and we were sitting on the couch watching "Rules of engagement". We heard another bang and the water turning on in the bathroom, I jumped up off the couch and looked around, they both started laughing. I figured that this was a prank of some sort and laughed as well.

Elle went to the bathroom, and Daniel and I were still eating. I asked if the apartment was really haunted and he said yes. Elle came back and the lights started to flicker, I got so scared and went closer to Elle and that's when I saw it. It's wasn't in a human form or anything... just a blob. All it was doing was going from corner to corner on the ceiling. It seemed like every time it tried to come down, it went back up.

Elle said that it always does this and nothing else. It's the same pattern over and over again. I got out my phone to take a picture of it. Every time I took a picture it would be on the other corner, I could never get a shot of it. It started moving faster and Elle said that it's never done this before and to put the phone away.

Then, the lamp bulb exploded and all of us screamed. Elle quickly went to get some incense and lit the room, apologising to the spirit on my behalf. It slowed down and disappeared.

Everything was quiet and the TV was off (we didn't even turn it off)-we turned it back on and I was sitting there shocked.I said that I wanted to go home cause I knew I pissed it off and I didn't want to spend the night thinking what it will do to me while I was sleeping.

So Elle agreed and took me home.

Tennis House in Mount Street

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When I was 2 years old, my family and I lived in an old house in Kew, Victoria. It had 2 tennis courts and we lived at the house rent free as it was given to my mother for getting the job as caretaker of the local church (I can't remember events personally but these happenings are what my family members have encountered in the 2 years we lived there). Right from the beginning, things started to go weird, you would always hear tennis balls on the court when no one was there. One night, a shelf in the hall way had been thrown over and down the hallway. The room my parents put me in was always cold and I always screamed and when mum would come to get me I would be abnormally cold. That room eventually became the spare room where family visitors would stay. My cousin complained of the bed shaking, my aunt woke in the morning to find a lump on her head and my other aunt woke in the middle of the night screaming that she saw a green colored man at the foot of her bed. My dad had strong vibes not to go into the room and when he eventually did, his newspapers would be thrown everywhere. There's more to tell but no room left. Can anyone shed some light on this house at all. Very curious to know what happened there.

Sweet Smelling Ghost

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This happened to me a couple of days ago. It was in the middle of the day and being winter was also quite cold so I had all the windows and doors shut. I was walking into my kitchen and just as I was passing my pantry I was hit by this sweet floral smelling scent/perfume. I stopped walking, turned around and went back to the pantry to work out where the smell was coming from, only to find it was no longer there. One second I smelt it and the next it was gone. It wasn't a faint smell, it was quite strong, so for it to vanish as quickly as it did was very strange.

The house I live in is around 30 years old and I've been living there for 6 years with my family. This is the first time I have smelt what I believe to be a ghost.

6 months prior to this I was woken by my baby daughter early one morning wanting to be fed. Being sleep deprived I sat up in bed awake but blinking madly as my eyes didn't want to stay open. Whilst I was blinking I saw a young person (early teens) standing at the foot of our bed (on my husbands side) staring at him. When I blinked again it was gone. I didn't mention this to anyone thinking I was going mad or so sleep deprived that I was seeing things.

So when I smelt that fragrance the other day it confirmed for me that we have another resident in our home.

I have also seen things at work (a couple of years ago) and so has my eldest daughter who was only 6 months at the time. It was early in the evening and I had finished sorting out the work I was going to take home for the weekend. My husband was downstairs going through his emails and I was waiting for him with my daughter upstairs surfing the net. We were the only ones in the factory at that time.

My daughter was standing on my lap looking over my shoulder. She suddenly turned her head to the corner of the room and kept staring there. I asked her what she was looking at and turned around to see what had her attention. The expression on her face was of awe. I couldn't see anything and there was nothing in that corner of the room. But she continued to stare in that direction.

She then starts to turn her head as though she is following something across the room so she is now looking in the opposite corner. I ask her again "what are you looking at?" and just as I turn my head to look, in the corner of my eye I see this brilliant golden flash of light. When I looked directly in that direction I could see nothing. I looked back at my daughter who was still staring there but instead of a look of awe she had a big smile on her face.

She couldn't talk at the time but her reaction and her expressions said it all and I definitely saw something as well. The funny thing was I didn't feel scared.

Suppose I'll Never Know

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I had a close friend that passed away violently in a car crash two years ago. I have never thought myself to be sensitive or anything, yet I quite regularly feel his presence... How do I know its him? That's the thing I just do. And there have been times in my life occasionally that I know that there is something there that's not.

I talk to him, see him in my dreams (which he knows I don't like because well dreams always have to end... Go figure) and feel his touch. He is the only person in my 23 year life that I have known that has passed away and I miss him horribly.

He has even come to me in a photograph that I took a couple of new years ago... He seemed sad. But to the point I have never felt threatened or afraid when he comes to visit... I value these moments immensely.

And this is how my latest encounter comes to be... Recently I have been doing some research on sprits and working on how to let's say make myself more aware. After a long night I switched the computer off and climbed into bed. My husband was asleep on the couch and I had left him there (as he is too hard to wake).

As I settled I became a little bit frightened. I turned my head towards the corner of the room near the head of the bed. I sensed that something was there. I knew that it was nothing physical as the hall light shone into the room just enough to see.

As I looked I saw a misty shape but as I strained my eyes to have a better look it was gone. Were my eyes playing tricks on me?

I tried to shrug it off; but I couldn't shake the feeling.

I knew that it couldn't be my deceased friend as he has always used his familiar touch to let me know that he was there.

Initially I felt afraid but the more that I lay there staring at the corner I realized that I didn't feel threatened. I just felt that unfamiliar feeling you get when you are uncomfortable.

As if someone not known to me was standing there watching.

Now relaxing a little bit I turned away and rolled over.

In my head I thought that if I ignored it might just go away. I closed my eyes for a second. The area around my face became chilly. I opened my eyes but alas nothing. Not to the eye that is. Whatever it was had came over and I thought it must have been kneeling beside my bed facing me.

I have done my reading so being tired and uncomfortable I told it politely to please leave and that it was making me feel uneasy.

It backed off.

I lay there for quite some time, fighting off sleep. I wanted to get my husband but like some men he is closed off to such things and would have told me to go back to bed.

I tried to resist sleep but I was so tired that I begun to drift in and out.

And this is the thing in which I don't understand; as I did this I could hear voices. Distant and muffled but there none the less.

I believe that there may have been two males. They talked amongst each other. I was awake but asleep, maybe semi-conscience. I tried to listen and remember what they were saying but to tell the truth I can't remember a thing. It's strange as I know that it was not a dream.

I must have fallen into a deep slumber as I woke up in the morning without waking once.

Maybe I imagined all of this, Maybe it never happened. I could have just spooked myself from reading up on sprits. But if it did happen I wonder... What did it want and why from me (maybe I should have asked)... But I Guess I will never know...

Strange Tooth

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This story is not my own but my aunties' and my Nan's.

My two aunties and my Nan lived in this old house and they would tell me that they could feel something else in the house. At night when they watched they said that they could hear a weird noise like marbles being dropped and they could feels things hitting them, this went on for awhile. My Nan said one night when she was half awake she felt a hand on her back. She said first it started rubbing gently then all of a sudden it slapped her hard on the back and left. One of my aunties said that she was home alone and she heard the bath turn on and she could hear somebody in the bath splashing and giggling but when she walked in to the bathroom it all went quiet and nothing was there.

They decided to sell up and move. They moved to a town not to far away. Everything was well for a few months, but one night one of my aunties was walking out to the garage. She said that she felt a hand on her back she said that she could feel the fingers and everything. She thought it was my Nan so she stepped aside and said sorry but when she turned around nobody was there. Then my Nan said again while she was sleeping she felt a hand on her back.

Everything stopped for years. Then one day my auntie went out to her plant nursery to water her plants and she found a tooth. It was a large tooth with things carved into it. They didn't know what to do with it so they wrapped it up and placed it in a cupboard. A few weeks later my auntie went out to the nursery again and she just got to the door and it felt like something punched her in the back and she fell to the ground and she couldn't breath, but as soon as she crawled away from the door she was fine. She kept this to herself because she thought it was just her heart playing up. A few days later my other auntie came into the house looking frightened and she said that she walked out to the nursery and she felt like she was punched in the back and she couldn't breath but as soon as she stepped away from the door she was fine.

Their sister was killed in a car accident and their father passed away from cancer and their uncle was killed in World War 2.

Could it possible that it is them?

What should they do with the tooth?

Could it be an aboriginal thing?

Please comment I would love to know.

Thank you

Strange Things Inside The Store

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G'day, I'm back with another spooky tale.

Okay, I'm working in a small co-op shop in a very small country town in the bush. The shop used to be owned by a man who was an alcoholic and he was found dead about six weeks back. Now for the spooky bits.

My job is to look after the gardens as I'm a trained gardener (and a journo). This happened two weeks back and still continuing as I write this.

I was out the back of the shop where there's an empty house where the bloke died. I was there looking at the garden and enjoying the cold, winter sun when I saw, or thought I saw, a face looking out of the house window. It was a man; very sickly looking, glaring at me. He was there one second and gone the next. I walked over to the window and peered in. Nope, the damned place was empty. I went back to the shop but told no one (just in case they thought I was nuts). Fast forward five days ago.

You know those buzzers on the doors that tell you if someone just entered the store right. I was at the counter doing something when the buzzer went as if someone just walked into the shop. I looked up and, surprise surprise, no one was there. I went over to the buzzer but it was working fine. Twenty minutes later, it went off again. This time I saw someone standing there, a shadow of a figure then it faded away.

All day the door kept buzzing, very damned annoying then my boss asked me yesterday (8/7/09) if I left all the windows open because she found all the windows lying open. Everyone said the windows were locked so, what's going on?

I wish I knew and I'm not asking for help because I think it's the last owner checking up on us. The face in the window occurred again, I should add, several times over the past three/four weeks.

Strange Little Girl

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Recently I have moved homes from a fifty-year-old home to a twenty year old home. For you to kind of understand what I am explaining I need to explain the layout of my room and the hallway outside of it.

My bed is in the corner of two of the walls facing my cupboard with mirror doors and my door to the hallway outside. Straight across from the door is the toilet and located between the doors is a third door, which leads to my younger sisters room.

About 2 weeks ago I was lying on my bed reading when I looked up from my book. I saw a little girl with black hair looking into my little sisters room. She was wearing what looked like an old nighty. It was white and just reached the floor. She looked sad. She then disappeared.

From then on I have started talking to her asking her to tell me about her, show me signs of her presence. She answered none of them until I told her it was time for her to leave and find her loved ones. I hadn't seen her after that for about two days.

I went out shopping one day after and when I got home things had been moved in my room. My porcelain doll I have sitting on my bookcase had been moved towards the end of my bookshelf. My alarm clock that sat in front of that had been thrown on the floor along with some beads and plastic diamantes that had been placed on my candle chandelier.

No one had been in my room my windows were closed and our pets stay outside. Since then I have seen orbs sitting in front of my face and moving across the walls. I woke up this morning to something sitting at the end of my bed. It felt like a small child was sitting there waiting for me to wake up.

Strange Happenings in my New House

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I have moved into a house on 8 acres and is about 15 years old. Firstly I had my beautiful dog hit by a car out on the road, then a week later my love bird died without warning. I was very upset by these happenings but moved on. I was standing out near the garage watching my husband chop wood and I smelt perfume. I was not wearing any that day. The night before the eclipse, our bedroom door squeaked on and off for a few minutes. There were no windows or doors open for any breeze to come through. I shrugged it off until the next day, when I thought I'd have a little snooze on the couch.

I awoke to find that I could not move my body. It was not scary, so I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep for a few more minutes. That has never happened to me in my life. This took place where I have felt cold spots on and off since moving in 4 weeks ago. I told my husband all of these things, and he is not one to believe in spirits, but he did mention one time he was sitting on the toilet and the blind shot up by itself. It is on of those ones you have to pull down first for it to go up. I'm here by myself everyday, yet a bit uneasy. Is it that maybe the house is all new to us and we are just discovering those different sounds? I don't know. But I have lived in many houses where I think spirits are but have not made themselves known to me.

It seems here there a a few strange happenings. I am a very lucky person but lately my days have had a lot of hiccups since being here. I am not one to back down from a ghost or spirit, but I'm wondering if I should be more aware of a presence in my new home?

Strange Experiences

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This morning I awoke at around 7:30 to find my bed trembling slightly. I could feel the vibration as I sat up and leaned on my arm. I checked my bed to make sure there was nothing on it that was vibrating, i.e. My phone. I also checked on the other side of the wall, which is the bathroom but nothing was over there either. I checked to make sure it was not my body that was trembling, as well.

The vibrating stopped about five minutes after it had started and I was really freaked out by it, as I had just woken from a reoccurring dream that I keep having, where I am walking down a long dirt path lined with graves in what appears to be the middle of the night.

I have always had ghost experiences throughout my whole life, which started when I was very young and had a strange, disturbing dream.

At the time I was four, and I was sleeping in my mum and dad's bed. In the dream, there was blood, everywhere-on my mum, on my dad, on me, all over the walls. And the scariest part was that there was also blood on the fan, and as it was spinning it was splattering more of it onto the walls.

To this day, I hate the sounds of ceiling fans, and I still don't know what triggered this dream or all the strange occurrences that followed it.

Can anyone help me with all this?

Still There

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Almost two years ago I lost a close friend in a tragic car accident he was just nineteen. On the night that he died I dreamt of him.

The next morning I was feeding my three month old baby girl when I heard a knock on the door. When I was told that he was gone. I went into shock. I had never experienced death and no one I had known had ever died. I can remember every emotion and feeling that went over me. Shock, sadness, grief, regret, disbelief and so much pain.

I went to his funeral, cried at his grave and still I couldn't believe that he was gone... I just thought that I would see him again and that is was all a lie... A horrible lie.

Then the day came when my brain let the whole concept of death come over me. Its finality was just so sobering. I felt like I had lost my friend for ever.

Just as I started to believe that he was gone forever things started to happen.

There were no lights turning on or things flying around the room in the dead of night but just subtle things.

I could feel his presence.

When he was alive he would blow air onto my neck and sometimes I felt that same sensation when no one was around and I would no that he was there.

When he was around I could feel a cold sensation and the hairs on my body would stand up. I would speak to him. Ask him how he was, cry him when he was having a bad day and talk to him about gossip and general things.

I asked him if he could look out for my daughter. Be a kind of guardian angel to her. At times I could her talking to someone when she was in her cot. And when we went to his grave I asked her to go say hello to him and she walked straight up to his plot and waved to his photo. That was the first time that I had taken her to visit him when she was one.

The New Year's eve after he died I was taking photos with my phone. I was in the lounge room with my sister when I picked up my phone there was a blurry photo on the screen. It was a picture a man and it looked very much like my friend that had died. I have had the photo looked at by a medium that has confirmed that it is him.

As time goes pass I don't feel his presence as much anymore. I think that in some way he has a little peace and I don't need him as much anymore. I still think of him everyday and I am still so hurt by it all.

Just knowing that death is not the end has made me feel better. Knowing that he is still there... Well no words can describe how that feels.

St Columba's Tree Cutter

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Before St Columba's was a school it was a seminary where priests would train. It was small and there were roughly 100 students attending. Every morning it would be the same routine same classes the only thing that would change was chores and those were simple enough except for the task of cleaning the windows, as this was back before safety ropes. But no one was ever known of dying from falling.

Everything was perfect until one night when some of the students heard wood cutting in the bush but it wasn't just the students even the priests heard it. The next morning as they went out into the bush they saw a tree cut down but no evidence a person had been there.

This continued for many nights until one night one of the priests got some of the students to go down to the bush to see who was doing this. When they reached the spot where the sound was coming from there was nothing there, no running sound just a half cut tree.

The next night they tried again but this time they all spread out in a tight circle around the sound and closed in but as soon as they came to the place the chopping stopped and all that was there was a half cut tree.

Since this happened many supernatural experiences have happened one that made the Nun Principal never sleep there again. I will try to write these down.

NOTE that I have heard this from an ex trainee priest who now teaches at the school.

Spirits Need A Cool Down?

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My house is pretty old. I'd say maybe around a hundred years give or take. The front part of our house was the house when we bought it. It has now been renovated, has a second level etc. I think there are some spirits here maybe who have lived here previously and are staying here.

There have been a few things that have happened in my house like shadows, footsteps and such but lots of turning technology on and off. We have a TV in the kitchen for my mum to watch while she makes dinner in the afternoons. A few times while my mum has been working around the house the TV will turn on.

Other times my older sister will be home alone during the day and the kettle will switch on and off (our kettle is very loud when it switches on and off).

This all probably sounds irrelevant but today everyone was out except for me and my brother. Its a pretty hot day (middle of summer in Australia, very hot and humid) and I was kind of wishing my brother would turn the air conditioner on (I was upstairs, here in my room and he was downstairs watching TV). At some point, maybe at 12:30pm the air conditioner switched on (it makes a loud noise of everything starting up). I thought nothing of it, assuming it was my brother who had turned the air conditioner on, and shut my window so the house would cool up quicker.

About an hour later my brother called me and asked me why I had turned the air conditioner on. I said I hadn't because I had been upstairs in my room the whole time (you can only turn the air conditioner on downstairs). We were both a bit weirded out by this because we were the only ones home and hadn't turned it on. Straight after this the air conditioner turned off by itself.

Maybe the spirits needed a cool down?

Any thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated.

Special Child

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My daughter is four years old and she has written on my blind in my bedroom the name Tonitito which is Tony in Italian, my step father's name. She has also written other things that to me aren't really clear to understand. She has also drawn pictures of a face but with three eyes. My mother passed away last June and was buried in the same plot at the cemetery. My interpretation of the three eyes is tony my stepfather is letting me know my mother is there with him.

If anyone could give me feedback on this I would appreciate some advice.

There also appears to be love hearts and a lot of squiggly lines that maybe a specialist in spirits would know the meaning of. My daughter never met her pop so she would have no idea how to spell his name and she has not been too quick to learn how to write.

I have also had experiences since my stepfather passed away each time I had child unusual things have occurred. The most shivering experience was when my son Toby was born. I was lying on my side on in my room at the hospital looking at my new baby when I heard the sound shhhhhhhhhhh as though someone had sat behind me on the mattress. I quickly looked behind to find no one there, it certainly gave me the shivers but my thought was that he was visiting his grandchild.

Sparkes Road's Ghost

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This happened one night in my home on the north side of Brisbane. It was November 2010 and quite warm, to hot for a shirt. I was watching the first episode of that supernatural series on TV.

Nature called so I made use of an add break. When I got back to the lounge room the light above the TV was flickering and seemed like the starter had died. (It is an energy saving fluro). I didn't think much of it. I went to turn it off but it wasn't on. So I turned it on. It worked! I switched it off to see what happened and for about 15seconds it kept flickering.

I then got chills all over, it became incredibly cold. I could feel every hair on my body. I've never seen the hairs on my arms stand up like that. Not knowing what to think or do, I just asked if it was watching the show, trying not to show fear.

My two dogs started going crazy soon after. Their barks that night sounded different to when there's a cat out the front or someone at the door.

As soon as the show finished I got on my bike to go and tell my parents what happened. On a bend roughly halfway there I got about one hundred metres from a street light and it went out only to light up again when I was under it. The exact light on the way back to my house went out again, pretty much the same distance I was when heading to my parents. Then lit up when I was under it again. I was freezing in the heat.

I hardly slept a wink that night and couldn't think straight for the next couple of weeks. I don't tell many people this for fear of them thinking I'm nuts.

This was the first time I'd noticed strange things happening in that house. Since then a lot of weird stuff has happened there. My housemate fully doesn't understand either what's going on. It plays with him now.

He has heard a woman's voice talking right behind him while he was in bed. While I was lying in bed I have felt something crawl across my bed and sit on my pelvis. I could feel weight but nothing was visible. I was wide awake.

It is very relieving to hear others stories. It's nearly sent me crazy.

Anything is possible to me now. And there is now no doubt in my mind Jesus didn't exist.

Something in the Atmosphere

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Feeling relaxed and confident that the children were fast asleep I decided to have my fare share of net surfing while I could, at 11pm. Hubby was out back in his workshop doing some last minute maintenance on our 1991 Toyota Torago. Roaming a few sites I ended up on Friendster, a network site and a way of keeping in touch with family and friends from Philippines.

I was checking my messages and updating photos to my account when a shadow cast itself upon the wall in front, as though someone had passed behind me. Thinking it was my eldest daughter passing by to retrieve ice from the freezer nearby, as she normally does at any time of day or night, I waited for the opening of the freezer door and the rattling of the ice box, but there was no sound at all.

Instantly, there was a change in the atmosphere as if something bad was present in the room. For some odd reason I felt so afraid. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up on ends. A cold chill ran down my spine and I began to break out in a sweat, all over. Unable to explain what was happening I jumped from the chair and ran out to the garage to where hubby was tinkering away at whatever it was he needed to do. "There's someone in the house!" I grabbed his hand and lead him into the house.

He immediately searched every room without question. "Where'd you see him?" he finally asked. Now, how was I to explain that the one I was speaking of was not of this world? Feeling embarrassed, I told him what had happened. Hubby just looked at me, confused, then said "Just pray my love..." With that he kissed me and went back to his maintenance. I guess, he was used to my explanations of paranormal occurrences, unlike myself, I am still not getting used to them.

This event happened late last year. It truly freaked me out, and until now, when I think about it, it still gives me the chills...

Something In My Hallway

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This story happened the other night while I was sitting on my bed, leaning against the wall, using my laptop. When I am sitting on my bed, to the right is a window, to the left is the doorway, and in front of me is my TV and my computer desk.

I was talking to my friends on MSN, around 10 pm. I only live with my mum, and her room is straight across from mine. Her door was open and I could hear her snoring, so I'm positive that what I saw had nothing to do with her.

I was typing away, when all of a sudden I saw something out of the corner of my eye in the hallway. This "thing" was white, oval but long in shape, and seemed to be partially glowing. It looked as if it was floating about half a meter off the ground. I turned to look at it, and as soon as I did this, it vanished. I thought that was very strange, but I didn't think anything of it and kept talking on MSN.

After about twenty seconds had passed, I saw it again. Once again, I turned to look, but it vanished. I went back to typing, and I started to get creeped out by this. Then, the third time, instead of seeing the white thing, I saw two small white circles, but once again, when I looked, they vanished. I was too scared to keep my door open anymore, so I got up and closed it.

I'm not too sure what this was. I always feel a presence in my room, but I've never seen or heard anything until now. I told my mum and she said it might of just been glare from my eyes from staring at the screen for too long, but I don't think that was it.

What do you guys think?

Something Holds Me Down

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Something, a spirit, ghost, or orb, I don't know what it is, finds me, my mother and my brother no matter where we move to. I'm here in Australia, my mom is in New Zealand. The first time it happened, I was 18, laying in bed, looking at my curtains when suddenly I couldn't move breath or yell for help. I told my mother and that is when she told me about all her experiences being held down and unable to move and speak. My Mother has seen something at the end of her bed, my brother has heard a voice (saying "I'm back") and the three of us get the same thing happening to us when we feel really tired - it happens in a second. You are like in a still trance and totally paralyzed and can't yell for help and you are AWAKE.

Last week after it happened to me 6 times in a row, straight after each other, I felt like someone was standing next to me, I looked and saw a faint white light. It moved from my right and went over my head, then over my husband's head, then stayed next to him. Around this white light was black waving like tentacles or maybe hair. This was the first time I had seen something and it was still there. I woke my husband and told him to put the light on. He had taken a sleeping pill and was too drowsy to get out of bed. I grabbed his mobile phone that when turned on, it shines a light, I put it on and we couldn't see it, when he turned it off it was still there. Until I eventually fell asleep, hours later, I never took my eyes off it. My body stayed cold and I had goose pimples all night. My husband doesn't believe in these things, but knew I was terrified of something that I couldn't take my eyes off.

I told my brother, he saw the same thing a week before me. Last night my mother saw it - her first time in 4 years but went further and it entered her body, she saw a figure of an old woman and the thing she remembers most is this woman's eyes, they were like lizard eyes greenly / bluish color. She saw from the corner of her eye my step father about to jump into bed she tried screaming out to him. He heard a faint noise and thought she was choking and grabbed her to bring her back. The second he grabbed her, she felt it leave her body through her left side. When it was inside her, she said it let her know that - it's back and has total control.

We have been blessed a couple of times and had our houses blessed and it goes, but comes back eventually. Me and my brother are scared of it. My mother isn't scared just really angry and pissed off with what ever it is keeps finding us.

We don't know what to do.

Something at the End of the Bed

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I have two stories for you. When I was around 21, one night while sleeping in my room, I awoke to what felt like something being sucked out of me. When I opened my eyes, I saw a figure floating at the end of my bed, but more vertical across my body. It started to move back and upright. It had no legs, was a pretty big and was a black figure with one of its arms reaching towards me. It's hand was bony but not bone. More elongated then anything. It looked like it had a hood on but I couldn't see any face.

I was freaking out pretty hard and trying to move but couldn't. I was paralyzed by it. After awhile, it slowly started to back away and moved (back first) through my window. I could then move and was freaked out. I stayed up all night and couldn't sleep for a few days. It hasn't happened since.

When I was around 15, I was getting out of my bath tub during the day when I slipped back and started to fall, my head was falling towards the edge of the tub. I remember falling pretty fast and my legs weren't planted on the ground. As I was falling, something what felt like hands pushed on my back and stopped me from hitting my head. It pushed me enough so I could get my footing back. I wasn't freaked out but more surprised and relieved by it.

Someone Or Something Following Me

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I suppose I will start my story when I was 7 I lived in a country town in New Zealand called Carta ton. This is not were it all started but I think it was when the seed was planted.

THE SEED: when I was seven I felt as though I had to sleep a certain way sort of like "showing off" sleeping in very uncomfortable positions in order to look "cute" because it was like some one was watching me.

2006: By now I'm 16 and living in Sydney Australia. After my parents divorced I moved in with my mum and her new fiancé in a small 2 bedroom unit.

Trying to think back I can't exactly remember when it started but I think it had something to do with mum bring me home a giant mirror for my room which she found. The room started to get so cold compared to the whole unit and mould started growing all on the ceiling. I started sensing "someone" in there all the time and it was as though that "someone" was getting more violent and aggressive as what seemed to be as little as days or a couple of weeks at the most. I ended up sleeping on our couch every night. I hardly went in to my room, only to open the window to let some of the smell out or turn on the heater hoping it would clear up the mould.

2007: I think the "someone" follows me now where ever I go. When it never use to. One night I was staying at my partner's house and I woke up in a haze choking the room felt cold but I knew it wasn't, as soon as I was fully awake I could breathe properly and the room was the temperature it should have been.

2008 CHRISTMAS TIME: I was in my partner's kitchen doing the dishes with my back facing the door way (it's a tiny kitchen). I thought I felt my boyfriend stand in the door (like when you know someone is standing behind you i.e. At the bank) I turned around but no one was there yet the feeling like some one was still lingered. I was too scared to turn my back on to the door way again so I stood perpendicular to the sink so I could see out of the corner of my eye if someone was there. I carried on doing the dishes for a minute or so when my focus was directed at a smudge of food on the plate. As soon as I took my vision away from the door way I felt as if that "someone" charged at me, I screamed (not a huge one but one out of shock) and splashed hot water all over me. Boy did that make my heart miss a beat.

PRESENT 10.02.2009: I have moved and moved some more but its ALOT worse now.

I feel the "violent someone" every where I go. I even feel it at my work when I'm by myself. I partly live with a flat mate and at my partners' house. When ever I am alone at my house it's as if it's trying to hurt me, scare me; I am scared. I will be at home by myself and I'm so scared I want to run out of the house. There is no noise, nothing moves, I can't see anything but my whole body can feel it. My body pulsates. It's so hard to explain but pure fear.

Yesterday I felt it even though I was with my flat mate which is a first; usually the ora of a person will drown it out.

I'm at my wits end now. I'm tired of being scared every time I'm alone because I use to love having my alone time to relax.

Last night I thought that I absolutely have to see a shrink or something.

If anybody who reads this thinks they can help me please contact me PLEASE. I'm not sure if you guys know what pure fear feels like... It's unbearable.


Some Paranormal Experiences

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I have not yet experienced any serious activity but here are a few things (from not so scary, to REALLY SCARY)

#1: One night I was on the computer when very quickly what looked like an Orb flew past me and disappeared into the wall.

#2: I was in the living room at night time when a very quick flash of light appeared outside (there wasn't a storm)

#3: When I was little I was watching TV, when a silver mass floated past in the kitchen (I was tired)

#4: Last year my mum (Trish) was asleep on a mattress by my bed, when suddenly she woke up and said someone touched her on the side.

I saved the scariest one for last

#5: about five years ago my mum saw her recently deceased grandmother

Near my sister's room door, then it said "don't worry Trish I'm in a better place".

And one time when my mum was driving at night at the site of a recently fatal car crash, when she saw a transparent woman in a white dress.

Thank you for reading my and my mums stories I hope you enjoyed them, Please COMMENT. If I experience any thing else I will post it. Does anyone here like the paranormal and is also a Christian, if you are please post a comment.

One time I had a dream that my mum was a ghost and I chased it into the bathroom and it flew out the window. Does this mean anything?

Small Ugly See-Through Creature

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Hi, I'm a 20 years old male from Australia, grew up in a muslim family, but stopped believing religion when I had feelings for same sex. I don't usually hear about ghost, never even had interested of hearing it until today. The reason I am writing this right now is because this morning something happened that I cannot explain.

It was 10am in the morning and I was still asleep, my mum came in my room and tried to wake me up, I didn't responded to her so she touched me to see if I had a fever (wanted to know why I was still asleep). After she touched me, she left the room, and seconds after I felt a presence of something else, and weird noises. I knew it wasn't mum nor my brother, but for some reason I wanted to believe it was them, so I told them to exit, but something still walked towards me and touched me on my feet.

It was the weirdest and most uncomfortable feeling and was a mix between electric and paralyzing touch, it freaked me out but I couldn't get up to see what it was, I was trying to scream but nothing came out, It was moving slowly towards my face and I just manage to see it, it was a small black thing. I can't describe the looks but it was ugly and see-through, what ever it was, it was nothing anyone I knew had seen before. It was as tall as a 6 years old, and from what I remember, it was a bold thing, I kept trying to move and scream but I couldn't, and it made real weird noises, I can't describe how, but sounded more like that noise you get when you turn on the hot tap, not exactly but its similar enough that I can't turn on the hot water tap without getting shivers.

I don't know how but it ended up leaving and I manage to scream, I still wasn't able to scream as loud as I wanted to but I yelled enough to bring my family to my bedroom, after talking to them for hours, I went to have shower, I turned on hot water and a similar noise was there, I was freaked out and turned off the water, and the same noise was still there. I screamed and ran outside...

That was a proof to me that it wasn't just a dream, I am now freaked out going to sleep in case I see it again, I cannot believe what I have seen and I don't know what to do, if anyone experienced what I experienced I would love to talk to you about it.

Small Entities With Pointy Hats

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This is my friend's story and I'm not sure I should repeat this because she said to me that I should tell no one but I'm worried for her.

Now this girl let's call her "Faith". Her grandma is a witch (I don't know what type) and Faith's grandma says that she is also a witch, but Faith doesn't want to be one, so she ignores her grandma. In Faith' house, there are two things that she calls gremlins, but from what I have heard about them I don't think they are. Faith's say that they are small and have pointy hat/heads. Sometimes they leave red marks (she says that it like a liquid blood) on the floor but that disappears on its own. The things speak English because one day she was lying on her bed and it touched her on her leg so she kicked it. She then heard it say to the other one "you! that person on the bed she kicked me!" The other replied "serves you right". Her house also has 5 what she calls ghosts. Faith only told me about three of them, one stands outside her window and points at her for some reason, she thinks that one want to kill her. The other one look like a boy from school. One of them is nice to her and has blue eyes and the other is angry with her for some reason and has red eyes. They follow her to school. She's the only one that can see them but there are real because one day we were talking about them and a rock comes flying at me and hit me on the back and no one was there. The ghost with the blue eyes said that she was one in a million, saying that she could freeze water and stuff like that. It also kissed her. I think maybe that ghost at the window might be a host but the other to I'm not sure.

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