Strange Happenings in my New House

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I have moved into a house on 8 acres and is about 15 years old. Firstly I had my beautiful dog hit by a car out on the road, then a week later my love bird died without warning. I was very upset by these happenings but moved on. I was standing out near the garage watching my husband chop wood and I smelt perfume. I was not wearing any that day. The night before the eclipse, our bedroom door squeaked on and off for a few minutes. There were no windows or doors open for any breeze to come through. I shrugged it off until the next day, when I thought I'd have a little snooze on the couch.

I awoke to find that I could not move my body. It was not scary, so I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep for a few more minutes. That has never happened to me in my life. This took place where I have felt cold spots on and off since moving in 4 weeks ago. I told my husband all of these things, and he is not one to believe in spirits, but he did mention one time he was sitting on the toilet and the blind shot up by itself. It is on of those ones you have to pull down first for it to go up. I'm here by myself everyday, yet a bit uneasy. Is it that maybe the house is all new to us and we are just discovering those different sounds? I don't know. But I have lived in many houses where I think spirits are but have not made themselves known to me.

It seems here there a a few strange happenings. I am a very lucky person but lately my days have had a lot of hiccups since being here. I am not one to back down from a ghost or spirit, but I'm wondering if I should be more aware of a presence in my new home?

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