The Christmas Ghost

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Going back to 1988 I was on holidays in a small country town in Australia named Murwillumbah. I was up from Sydney where I was working (actually in a haunted department and I promise to write that one out, too) and was up visiting my parents.

We went out to some Christmas Do and came back a bit latish that night, Christmas Eve 1988. I went straight to bed for I was buggered and dozed off. It was around about 1am when I was rudely woken up by someone whacking me hard on the left ankle.

I sat up, frowning and saw this man dressed in a tartan suit and wearing a tartan hat with the pom pom on it and he looked really pissed off about something. He leaning on a stick but I couldn't make out his features. I remember he had grey hair that's about all I remember of him except he was pointing at something. I watched him then turn and walked THROUGH the door. I wasn't freaked out or anything, I just shrugged and went back to sleep.

I told me mum the next day and she sat me down and said she kept seeing a little old woman standing at the bottom of her bed holding a pillow in her hands and ready to smother my mother. I also saw shadows of someone walking down the hall but, yet, there was no one there.

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