Something In My Hallway

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This story happened the other night while I was sitting on my bed, leaning against the wall, using my laptop. When I am sitting on my bed, to the right is a window, to the left is the doorway, and in front of me is my TV and my computer desk.

I was talking to my friends on MSN, around 10 pm. I only live with my mum, and her room is straight across from mine. Her door was open and I could hear her snoring, so I'm positive that what I saw had nothing to do with her.

I was typing away, when all of a sudden I saw something out of the corner of my eye in the hallway. This "thing" was white, oval but long in shape, and seemed to be partially glowing. It looked as if it was floating about half a meter off the ground. I turned to look at it, and as soon as I did this, it vanished. I thought that was very strange, but I didn't think anything of it and kept talking on MSN.

After about twenty seconds had passed, I saw it again. Once again, I turned to look, but it vanished. I went back to typing, and I started to get creeped out by this. Then, the third time, instead of seeing the white thing, I saw two small white circles, but once again, when I looked, they vanished. I was too scared to keep my door open anymore, so I got up and closed it.

I'm not too sure what this was. I always feel a presence in my room, but I've never seen or heard anything until now. I told my mum and she said it might of just been glare from my eyes from staring at the screen for too long, but I don't think that was it.

What do you guys think?

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