St Columba's Tree Cutter

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Before St Columba's was a school it was a seminary where priests would train. It was small and there were roughly 100 students attending. Every morning it would be the same routine same classes the only thing that would change was chores and those were simple enough except for the task of cleaning the windows, as this was back before safety ropes. But no one was ever known of dying from falling.

Everything was perfect until one night when some of the students heard wood cutting in the bush but it wasn't just the students even the priests heard it. The next morning as they went out into the bush they saw a tree cut down but no evidence a person had been there.

This continued for many nights until one night one of the priests got some of the students to go down to the bush to see who was doing this. When they reached the spot where the sound was coming from there was nothing there, no running sound just a half cut tree.

The next night they tried again but this time they all spread out in a tight circle around the sound and closed in but as soon as they came to the place the chopping stopped and all that was there was a half cut tree.

Since this happened many supernatural experiences have happened one that made the Nun Principal never sleep there again. I will try to write these down.

NOTE that I have heard this from an ex trainee priest who now teaches at the school.

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