Something at the End of the Bed

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I have two stories for you. When I was around 21, one night while sleeping in my room, I awoke to what felt like something being sucked out of me. When I opened my eyes, I saw a figure floating at the end of my bed, but more vertical across my body. It started to move back and upright. It had no legs, was a pretty big and was a black figure with one of its arms reaching towards me. It's hand was bony but not bone. More elongated then anything. It looked like it had a hood on but I couldn't see any face.

I was freaking out pretty hard and trying to move but couldn't. I was paralyzed by it. After awhile, it slowly started to back away and moved (back first) through my window. I could then move and was freaked out. I stayed up all night and couldn't sleep for a few days. It hasn't happened since.

When I was around 15, I was getting out of my bath tub during the day when I slipped back and started to fall, my head was falling towards the edge of the tub. I remember falling pretty fast and my legs weren't planted on the ground. As I was falling, something what felt like hands pushed on my back and stopped me from hitting my head. It pushed me enough so I could get my footing back. I wasn't freaked out but more surprised and relieved by it.

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