The Demonic Child

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My story begins while I was at my home in Australia. I was sleeping in my house with my family when at night I awoke to a small and soft breathing sound. I looked around and in my window I saw a small boy staring at me, his right hand was on the roof gutter and he hung like a monkey. His other limbs including his body hung as if he were dead.

The light post from outside lit him up from behind perfectly and I thought it was someone trying to brake in because he looked so realistic. His face was very pale and white-he looked like someone who was seriously ill. As I paid closer attention his eyes were dark black and his clothes weren't visible.

Suddenly the boy faded away as if he just turned to steam. I wiped my eyes with my t-shirt and thought my mind was playing tricks on me. I stood up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed some milk. As I turned around from the shadows of my room I saw a small girl standing next to the wall on the right side of my door. Now I freaked out and I put away the milk and walked to the couch and fell asleep while watching tennis.

As I slept I had a dream-a very vivid and realistic dream. I was sent to a new school and I rode there on my bike. Its lights were green and dull, not very bright at all. I was in a classroom with around 15 students and no teacher.

Suddenly the students started leaving and shouting "stay with the retard...!" I was the last to leave when they locked me in the room. I turned around to find a boy. The boy was pale with black eyes and he was what the kids were calling the retard. I was scared of him and tried hard to break out.

I managed to and I ran to the front and got my bike. I got a phone call from my mum and she was coming to pick me up. I waited and waited in horror and it started to rain. Eventually I saw my mum coming and she stopped near the rode where I was standing with my bike. She looked at me and then drove off leaving me. That's when I woke up.

I had his dream many times recurring but this time I noticed the boy from my dream was the boy in my window. I just got back from holidays and had a few things happen there but I will save it for another time. I still know nothing about the girl. Thanks for reading.

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