Small Ugly See-Through Creature

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Hi, I'm a 20 years old male from Australia, grew up in a muslim family, but stopped believing religion when I had feelings for same sex. I don't usually hear about ghost, never even had interested of hearing it until today. The reason I am writing this right now is because this morning something happened that I cannot explain.

It was 10am in the morning and I was still asleep, my mum came in my room and tried to wake me up, I didn't responded to her so she touched me to see if I had a fever (wanted to know why I was still asleep). After she touched me, she left the room, and seconds after I felt a presence of something else, and weird noises. I knew it wasn't mum nor my brother, but for some reason I wanted to believe it was them, so I told them to exit, but something still walked towards me and touched me on my feet.

It was the weirdest and most uncomfortable feeling and was a mix between electric and paralyzing touch, it freaked me out but I couldn't get up to see what it was, I was trying to scream but nothing came out, It was moving slowly towards my face and I just manage to see it, it was a small black thing. I can't describe the looks but it was ugly and see-through, what ever it was, it was nothing anyone I knew had seen before. It was as tall as a 6 years old, and from what I remember, it was a bold thing, I kept trying to move and scream but I couldn't, and it made real weird noises, I can't describe how, but sounded more like that noise you get when you turn on the hot tap, not exactly but its similar enough that I can't turn on the hot water tap without getting shivers.

I don't know how but it ended up leaving and I manage to scream, I still wasn't able to scream as loud as I wanted to but I yelled enough to bring my family to my bedroom, after talking to them for hours, I went to have shower, I turned on hot water and a similar noise was there, I was freaked out and turned off the water, and the same noise was still there. I screamed and ran outside...

That was a proof to me that it wasn't just a dream, I am now freaked out going to sleep in case I see it again, I cannot believe what I have seen and I don't know what to do, if anyone experienced what I experienced I would love to talk to you about it.

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