The Dark Passage Demon

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This happened a few days ago now, and I'm spooked as to what it could be. I am a 14 year old, but I'm not like other teenagers. I'm quite sensible. (Pardon me for any text writing.) I will show a picture of my passage way in my house in later stories.

So... It was about 9:24 pm and it was very dark. I normally have an ice cream once a week and I had one. I was watching TV when I heard a loud thump from the passageway. Of course I jumped. I didn't necessarily want to find out what it was.

I'm very weird. I get thirsty after eating/drinking things that are not water. So after finishing my ice cream and hearing that thump. I was heaps thirsty. I was shaking all over (I know right I'm a scardy cat). I opened my bedroom door and the lights in my room suddenly dim. (They are not dimmable lights). It was kind of quiet even though the TV was pretty loud and I was about 1 metre away from it. I walked out thinking it wasn't so bad. I was dead wrong.

I was about 2 metres away from my bedroom door, when suddenly it slammed shut. I was freaked out. (All the windows were closed and we don't have air vents). One step further, I felt cold like someone was watching me, even though my mum and dad were out in the lounge room. I felt shivers running up my spine. I was scared and worried, very worried. So I started running towards the door kitchen door. (The kitchen is closed off from the passage. A step then leads into the lounge room). I was about 4 metres from the door, when something jumped out in front of me and I went straight through it... I quickly turned around to see what it was; I saw a shadowy figure with red eyes. They were bloody big eyes too! They kept expanding then contracting, I felt its cold breath on my face. It was about 2 times taller than me (I'm taller than my mum and all my brothers and sisters, and I knew it wasn't dad because he was out in the lounge room). I quickly turned to see where the door knob was, I turned back while opening the door and it was gone.

I've been feeling the same stuff every night, but haven't seen the demon/what ever it was, since that night. But I never go through that passage during the night without the passage light on.

Could any of you please comment on what it might be? Because I'm really scared about what happened and I'm hearing the thumping right now as I'm typing (I'm in my room) and I'm home alone...


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