The Fast Shadow

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First of all this is not my story it is my friend's story. Let me give you some details of the house.

It is two storey's high and my friend's bedroom is first on the left upstairs then if you look to your right you will find the bath room.

Sometimes when my friend needs to get a drink or go to the toilet, around the middle of the night everything will be normal and then when he goes down the stairs he sees a shadow bolt across the lobby and into the kitchen. He just freaks out and goes back to bed surprisingly he hasn't said anything to his siblings, he has only told me because I believe in ghosts and paranormal stuff.

When I go there I get this feeling when I go past the bathroom that someone's there (I can always get this feeling when someone is in the room but they are hiding) it's kind of freaky but I can deal with it.

My friend and I would like to know if anyone else has had a similar experience recently because we would like help with this. I am going there tomorrow so I will take a few pictures and maybe post another story sooner or later.

I assure you this is genuine and I would like some help with it. I have considered Ouija boards but I know that they're very dangerous all comments will be accepted.

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