Suppose I'll Never Know

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I had a close friend that passed away violently in a car crash two years ago. I have never thought myself to be sensitive or anything, yet I quite regularly feel his presence... How do I know its him? That's the thing I just do. And there have been times in my life occasionally that I know that there is something there that's not.

I talk to him, see him in my dreams (which he knows I don't like because well dreams always have to end... Go figure) and feel his touch. He is the only person in my 23 year life that I have known that has passed away and I miss him horribly.

He has even come to me in a photograph that I took a couple of new years ago... He seemed sad. But to the point I have never felt threatened or afraid when he comes to visit... I value these moments immensely.

And this is how my latest encounter comes to be... Recently I have been doing some research on sprits and working on how to let's say make myself more aware. After a long night I switched the computer off and climbed into bed. My husband was asleep on the couch and I had left him there (as he is too hard to wake).

As I settled I became a little bit frightened. I turned my head towards the corner of the room near the head of the bed. I sensed that something was there. I knew that it was nothing physical as the hall light shone into the room just enough to see.

As I looked I saw a misty shape but as I strained my eyes to have a better look it was gone. Were my eyes playing tricks on me?

I tried to shrug it off; but I couldn't shake the feeling.

I knew that it couldn't be my deceased friend as he has always used his familiar touch to let me know that he was there.

Initially I felt afraid but the more that I lay there staring at the corner I realized that I didn't feel threatened. I just felt that unfamiliar feeling you get when you are uncomfortable.

As if someone not known to me was standing there watching.

Now relaxing a little bit I turned away and rolled over.

In my head I thought that if I ignored it might just go away. I closed my eyes for a second. The area around my face became chilly. I opened my eyes but alas nothing. Not to the eye that is. Whatever it was had came over and I thought it must have been kneeling beside my bed facing me.

I have done my reading so being tired and uncomfortable I told it politely to please leave and that it was making me feel uneasy.

It backed off.

I lay there for quite some time, fighting off sleep. I wanted to get my husband but like some men he is closed off to such things and would have told me to go back to bed.

I tried to resist sleep but I was so tired that I begun to drift in and out.

And this is the thing in which I don't understand; as I did this I could hear voices. Distant and muffled but there none the less.

I believe that there may have been two males. They talked amongst each other. I was awake but asleep, maybe semi-conscience. I tried to listen and remember what they were saying but to tell the truth I can't remember a thing. It's strange as I know that it was not a dream.

I must have fallen into a deep slumber as I woke up in the morning without waking once.

Maybe I imagined all of this, Maybe it never happened. I could have just spooked myself from reading up on sprits. But if it did happen I wonder... What did it want and why from me (maybe I should have asked)... But I Guess I will never know...

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