Some Paranormal Experiences

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I have not yet experienced any serious activity but here are a few things (from not so scary, to REALLY SCARY)

#1: One night I was on the computer when very quickly what looked like an Orb flew past me and disappeared into the wall.

#2: I was in the living room at night time when a very quick flash of light appeared outside (there wasn't a storm)

#3: When I was little I was watching TV, when a silver mass floated past in the kitchen (I was tired)

#4: Last year my mum (Trish) was asleep on a mattress by my bed, when suddenly she woke up and said someone touched her on the side.

I saved the scariest one for last

#5: about five years ago my mum saw her recently deceased grandmother

Near my sister's room door, then it said "don't worry Trish I'm in a better place".

And one time when my mum was driving at night at the site of a recently fatal car crash, when she saw a transparent woman in a white dress.

Thank you for reading my and my mums stories I hope you enjoyed them, Please COMMENT. If I experience any thing else I will post it. Does anyone here like the paranormal and is also a Christian, if you are please post a comment.

One time I had a dream that my mum was a ghost and I chased it into the bathroom and it flew out the window. Does this mean anything?

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