Tennis House in Mount Street

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When I was 2 years old, my family and I lived in an old house in Kew, Victoria. It had 2 tennis courts and we lived at the house rent free as it was given to my mother for getting the job as caretaker of the local church (I can't remember events personally but these happenings are what my family members have encountered in the 2 years we lived there). Right from the beginning, things started to go weird, you would always hear tennis balls on the court when no one was there. One night, a shelf in the hall way had been thrown over and down the hallway. The room my parents put me in was always cold and I always screamed and when mum would come to get me I would be abnormally cold. That room eventually became the spare room where family visitors would stay. My cousin complained of the bed shaking, my aunt woke in the morning to find a lump on her head and my other aunt woke in the middle of the night screaming that she saw a green colored man at the foot of her bed. My dad had strong vibes not to go into the room and when he eventually did, his newspapers would be thrown everywhere. There's more to tell but no room left. Can anyone shed some light on this house at all. Very curious to know what happened there.

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