Shadows 2

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Many people think of a shadow entity as a dark figure but that is not exactly true. My other shadows story dealt with a dark shadow reaching out.

A few months after the experiences I had in my other stories my grandpa had just passed and I couldn't believe what happened but I tried to believe his spirit was with us. In my room I used to sleep on the top of a bunk bed and I would look out my doorway out to where I put my school bag. One night I noticed a white figure that looked like it was trying to manifest its self. And every night I would see it for about a week or two. The strange thing is I checked around to see what it could be, if it was a toy or a bag but it wouldn't go away. Another night before I went to bed I prayed to my grandpa who had just passed and I saw the figure that night but the next night it was gone. There was no trace of it.

The white figure was not the only shadow entity I saw ever since deep into my childhood probably since I was 6 or 7 I have saw a dark mass hanging around my door frame. I have seen that figure even until now but I don't see it as much anymore because I now shut my door at night.

Recently, on the weekend I was in the kitchen making food and it was late and dark out but I kept seeing a quite large not dark figure out of the corner of my eye. The first time I saw it I thought my mind is playing tricks on me because I saw it in the hallway walking either towards me or to the living room. I continued what I was doing with no alarm and again out of the corner of my eye I saw the same shadow with the same form in the pantry and I said to myself "ah whatever" After that I saw it right next to me and in the dining room.

Please comment on my story any belief will be accepted unless you are critizing my experiences. And please tell me what you think this entity is.

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