The Figure in the Rearview Mirror

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This is my brother's story. Last October, my brother took Rocky, his dog, up North to visit our relatives. It was getting close to midnight when he came home and it was real dark. The entire time Rocky was quiet and he was resting in the backseat.

It was getting dark when they were on the road back home. My brother had his radio on and tried to keep himself awake. He got close to a small town called Westfield, which is a very popular rest stop. It looks Western-like. He noticed there were no other cars out except his. If you know this area, you'll also know that there's a cemetery on the other side of the rest area.

Everything around him was real dark, except his head lights of course. All of a sudden, he felt goose bumps on his arm and it went to the back of his neck where he felt the little hair stand up. Rocky started growling and he barked uncontrollably. My brother yelled at him to knock it off, because it scared him a little. Rocky quieted down but he was still growling. My brother adjusted his mirror to look at the backseat to see if Rocky's okay. He noticed a figure sitting in the back seat. So he rubbed his eyes and looked again. The figure was still sitting there and Rocky was growling at it, he was showing his teeth at the figure.

The figure, as my brother described it, was darker than all of its surroundings. When he glanced at the figure, he almost thought it was our 10-year old niece.

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