Red Dotted Figure Haunting And Nightmares

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Hello all. My name is Dustin and I am new to this, and I just wanted to see what everyone thinks about my story. I do not claim I am psychic at all nor have any special abilities in that sense but I do have my own paranormal experience or so I believe.

When I was 8 years old, I lived in a blue trailer and I was comfortable in the trailer except at night. I was a scared young child it seemed I would have nightmares every night and I dreaded going to bed even but I was spoiled and had a TV in my room. I would stay up late and just watch TV until I gradually fell asleep. Some nights I would stay up the entire night because I didn't want to go to sleep, I was a typical young kid afraid of nightmares. But the trailer seemed to have a different "feeling" at night not like I am just scared of the dark feeling it is hard to explain.

See my room was at the very end of a long dark narrow hallway that leads to the living room. I would stare into the darkness sometimes really hard concentrating (for what reason I am not sure maybe fear or curiousness but I couldn't look away it was a long time ago and its hard for me to understand why I did that now being older) and then what I saw was a reddish-orangish dotted figure yes that is what I saw a perfect figure of a man made up of reddish oranges dots walking slowly towards me.

This happened four times it seemed to happen once every month there was a few weeks between each encounter. Every time right away the hair on my neck would shoot up I would get a chill and I was scared to death. What I did was since I didn't want to sit in my room and see what he would do or what was going to happen I closed my eyes and ran straight through him and into my parents bedroom. I didn't bother to tell my parents I just thought I was crazy and they wouldn't believe me.

The most memorial time with these experiences was the last one. I saw him again and I did the same thing, I tried running through him and into my parents bedroom but this time I tripped right on top of him. When I felt I was barley passed this figure and I couldn't see it anymore but when I tried getting up I couldn't; it felt like I was being held down (could have been fear that kept me from moving but I swear I was trying to run for it) it took a little while before I stumbled further a little more and got up and ran.

Then it never happened again I always slept with my door tightly shut and I NEVER looked or concentrated on the hallway again and it seemed to stop. I was just wondering if anyone else has seen this type of figure a reddish dotted man because I have never heard any other stories of this type of entity being seen. I am confused thinking back on this and I am curious now to what it was all about.

Also does anyone have a lot of nightmares when living in a somewhat haunted house? Like I said I had a lot of nightmares in the trailer then the next house I moved in was one of the oldest houses in our town (go figure). It seemed like that house was haunted too. I always heard footsteps (the usual stuff) and my mom even said she saw a figure of a man standing at the door one night.

Even at this house I had a lot of nightmares but only occurring in the upstairs part of the house or the basement (WHICH almost always is the same one with me walking upstairs or basement then something just grabs me out of no where and I hear voices and screaming it gives me the chills just thinking about them now) I never had a nightmare occurring on the first floor of the house that is where I felt most comfortable. I even slept in the living room for a long time as a child in that house instead of my room.

I just want to get feedback. Hopefully, I am not crazy but these are my experiences and this is my first story written so I apologize if it is bad. I think I just hit two houses with spirits in them and now that we moved to this new house I rarely ever have nightmares (never about the house) and I have had no spiritual encounters or appearances so I am doing well now. Thanks for reading and any input would be appreciated.

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