Soda Line

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My family loves to have soda. I hate it when the kids throw it in the garbage, so we have a bag in the door to the basement. They just throw the soda in that. Well, one day, my family and I were done eating. We heard a huge crash. Then a little push on the chairs. We heard a soft breathing voice. And it got a little colder. I shouted "WHO IS THERE!". First, I thought it was our cat. But it wasn't. We heard the soda can bag rattle and then it sounded like it fell down the steps. I got up and my kids followed me. We looked down the steps, and all the soda (about 20) were in a straight line. I picked them up and put them in the bag.

After a long day at work, I sat down and had myself a diet cola. When I was done, I went to throw it away. But the bag was gone. That's not it, the soda cans that I picked up were still in that straight line at the bottom of the steps.

We sold that house to a friend of mine. She does not have a bag for the soda. But she told me that there was a strange soda line at the bottom of the steps.

Her as a single mom, heard one day someone walking upstairs. She has NO pets. And her son was with the father. Strange huh?

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