Extremely Cold Touch

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My story isn't really a spooky house ghost story or a haunting thing. I'm not even sure if it's a ghosts, but its there and I can't see it.

The first time I experienced it, I was in my room trying to sleep. When I suddenly felt something extremely cold touch straight through my skin, it got harder and harder to breath. Then all of a sudden it was gone like nothing was there I couldn't sleep that night.

After that I was always waiting for it to come back. A month later it did.

I was in the living room this time when I knew it was in front of me. I can't explain it. I just knew it was there. I tried as hard as I could but couldn't see it. I had a friend sitting next to me who I knew could sense ghosts, even see them. And they didn't flinch or say anything. Thus my doubts that it's a ghost. It touched me again and wrapped its cold hand around what I thought was my heart, I could clearly feel its cold fingers. It was only around for a few minuets but I couldn't see it. I didn't tell my friend, if it wasn't a ghost there a voice in my head telling me I'm just hallucinating.

It wasn't a week before the last time it came. I had a night terror, a bad one. I had been sitting on the floor in the kitchen still shaking form the dream when a hand touched my head. It was so real I thought it was my mom. I looked up to see no one there. I swear I felt arms go around me, like it was trying to comfort me. A while after I calmed down it disappeared like it always dose. That was 2 weeks ago and I'm still waiting for it to come back.

I would like to know if any one knows what it is.

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