He Plays Tricks On Me

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I'm new to this site; I came across it while I was trying to justify the strange things happening to me at the moment (using good old Google)

I'm 23 years old and I live in Perth, Western Australia.

I moved into my new house about 6 months ago, from day 1 strange things were happening.

To list a few:

- The stereo would turn its self down, and sometimes right up to the max!

- We would come home with all the lights turned on; when we specifically knew we turned them off in the morning.

- In our hall way there is a mirror at the entrance, every now and then I would catch a glimpse of a shadow moving past me very quickly...

After about a month I started seeing a guy, him and I were in my room one night, with the lights off, but the hallway light was on outside and the door was slightly opened. We were just mucking around on the bed (there is a large mirror above my bed head-very big, and you can see the bedroom door perfectly through it) I was sitting up, and as I caught a glance in the mirror, I saw a small boy standing outside my door, peeking in at us. Of course I swung around quickly, (scaring my boyfriend completely) and there was no one there! I know he was there, I saw him clear as day a small boy perhaps 4 or 5. He was just standing there peering in, nothing bad, nothing threatening, just watching.

Now this for some reason makes me think of my 7th birthday party. I had a pool party at my parent's house, and only girls were invited... All the girls were outside waiting for me to get changed and go open my gifts, I was the only one inside, and as I was walking through the house to meet every one, a shadow appeared on the dining room wall, smaller than mine, (I could see my shadow next to the smaller one). I looked around for someone, saw no one, and kept going, I rarely think about that day much, Its come up a few times in discussion with friends/family/ but I've never thought much of it.

Until now!

After that day, stranger things started happening. I would be in my car driving, and the radio would start going up and down, up and down. Several times I would come home and the telephone would be swinging off the hook. But the one time that sticks with me is only about a month ago.

I had just taken the dry clothes off the clothes line and had taken them into my bedroom to fold. The clothes were all in a basket to my left and my bed was in front of me. As I took a piece of clothing from the basket, I folded it, and put it in a pile on my bed. I was nearing the end of the clothes in the basket, and I pulled out a blue shirt I had forgot I owned. I folded it (thinking to myself how much I missed that blue shirt) I put it onto the pile which was now 5 shirts high. I turned around to grab another shirt from the basket, and when I got back to my bed, all 5 shirts were on the floor near the wall behind me. (A good 2meters away). I stopped, and my heart was racing, I was scared beyond scared, but I just had this feeling it was a game. So I pretended to fold the shirt which was in my hand, I popped that on the bed, and I turned to the basket again (thinking to myself. "Go on... Do it again") but he didn't. I was left standing there like an idiot waiting for him to throw more clothes.

I can feel him around the place all the time, I find myself talking to thin air, trying to "find" him. I'm not scared of him, and I don't want him to leave, I just want to know why he is with me, I have a feeling it was him back on my 7th birthday, and he has just stayed with me.

I have just proof read my story and it sounds like I'm a nutter. I'm not. And your thoughts would be so much appreciated.

Thanks every one.

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