What The Hell Is It

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For years now I have been followed by an annoying pest who won't get the hint and get lost. It frustrates me because I unfortunately am the only person who can hear it or communicate with it.

It has pinned me at night time when I have been awake laying on the couch, bed, and so on where I can't move cause I'm paralyzed by it somehow and I have to wiggle my little toe to get out of it. It makes it even more distressing that at the same time I can't scream or call for help because my vocals are some how immobilized. While this is going on at bed time my partner can't seem to wake when I get out of it and then I get pinned again.

The other night I had a disturbing dream that someone came to my house and tried to rape me. Last night I got pinned the worst time ever when I woke up and felt someone in the room, followed by footsteps, I turned no one was there. I couldn't wake my partner up and I got pinned repeatedly while something tried to talk through my mouth without my permission while watching an invisible force trying to wake my partner by shaking him and shaking him.

It is so unfair that the living have to put up with this crap from the dead!

We can't do anything about it happens everyday!

If they were alive and done this crap they'd be jailed!

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