I Love You Too

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This happened to my grandmother a long time ago when they didn't know very much about the paranormal and the effects.

A long time ago my grandmother had a car accident her husband (my grandfather) was driving the last thing she said to him was "I love you", he never answered he had spun and hit a tree and died at the scene.

My grandmother was depressed for 3 years and had to go to a mental clinic 3 times. One night when we went to visit Naomi (my grandma) said that she was hearing footsteps and always when she looks out the window she could see their car in the state of when they crashed. Mum dad and I looked at each other, and then mum took her upstairs and put her to bed.

The next night mum said I was staying at Naomi's so I packed my gear and head up the hill. When I got there Naomi was upset she said that weird things had been happening and that her cat could see them too.

My gran has got letter magnets on her fridge all the time. When I crept down in the night to get my gran a glass of water, I opened the fridge got the water closed it and the letter magnets spelled "I love you too" I was barely freaked out and went upstairs and told my little sister to cut it out and stop playing tricks on me and nana she said she didn't know what I was talking about.

A couple of months later nothing strange had been happening at the house so I heard from Naomi. My parents had split up and dad was away on business when it was his turn to have me so I stayed at nan's.

I woke up at the same time nan wanted a glass of water the last time I was there. I would have never guessed that the magnets were next to my bed on the floor I looked at them and they spelled "I love you too"

I was so freaked out because my little sis wasn't there and I highly doubted my nan had done that.

I went back to sleep and woke to hear banging on my door I walked over and it was nan she said to come quickly and see what happened. I ran to her room and she said that her glass of water had been knocked off and that's what woke her and as I looked down (drum roll) and there were the magnets all 11 of them and they spelled "I love you too" we just sat there and cried.

Later on I saw my grandfather and he said "thank you" and then nodded his head and walked away.

Do you think that we was trying to respond to what my grandmother said before the crash (I love you)?

Comments would be appreciated!

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