Is It A Ghost Or Is It Just In My Head?

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My Mum and Aunt have a history of seeing ghosts and have a lot of stories about it. A couple of weeks ago, me and my Mum were watching TV late at night and all of a sudden we hear a something growling (it sounded like a person). We instantly looked at the hallway door. My Mum said she had felt a cold wind when we heard the noise and it really shook her up. She says that now when ever there is a wind or breeze she gets shivers up her spine. Luckily I wasn't sitting near the doorway like mum. At first we thought it was my sister and her boyfriend shouting or something but then my sisters door opened. Mum just had a really shocked look on her face, we both realize that it wasn't them. From then on we have the hallway light on to scare whatever it was away.

A few nights later I wake to a gasp in my room that was right near my ear, I wake shocked and a little freaked out. What I saw next was a white outline of a person coming out of my wardrobe. I instantly burn up and become really hot (this was at 4:00 am and we are in winter). I eventually fell asleep and told my Mum and Nan in the afternoon. Nan doesn't believe in ghosts and gets scared so our conversation was short. This was when I heard of all the ghost experiences Mum and my Aunt have had and I was glad I wasn't the only one.

Then 5 nights ago I was trying to fall asleep and I feel tingling like normal (Nan says its your nerves but I don't think so) and I feel cold breaths on my neck, and in certain places it was freezing cold (more then normal). Because I can only sleep in complete darkness I couldn't really see anything but I have an alarm which is near my bed and it is a little bright, not too much though, it was enough so I could see a white outline of a person. I smile (I felt safe and happy weirdly enough) and go to sleep.

And 3 nights ago I feel really cold again and see the outline (is it just my eyes or not) and I say "I wish I could hear you" (because I think it was the same ghost from a few nights ago). An half and hour later I hear an attempt to wolf whistle and I get scared (I didn't mean it like that) and begin to become really hot and I cover my eyes thinking its the cars that were racing a couple of streets away just moments ago. I constantly see really white bright things in the corner of my eyes when trying to sleep (every night). I am really worried that this is all a coincidence and all in my head.

I know I am not crazy but I just need reassurance that it isn't in my head and it is a ghost. By the way I don't tell Mum or Nan now because they saw they don't want to hear it because they get scared. So this is the only place I can turn to. So what could this all be I am open for anything right now. I have had a scare when I was little but that can wait a while now this is happening. I will try and keep you guys updated on what's going on.

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