Entity Laying Next to Me

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I recently had read a story in a trashy magazine while in a hair dressers that sounded so much like I had experienced that I decided to write here now, thinking I may not have dreamt it and that someone else has experienced a very similar situation (but can I say I started writing this story last night while I was in bed and every time I tried to submit it, it just wouldn't work and I ended up losing the whole story which scared me a bit, you'll see why later as you read on).

My husband was working interstate, so me and my dog had the whole queen size bed to ourselves (the dog in her own bed next to me on the floor). It was probably early in the morning - as I have a pretty good ritual of waking up around any time between 1 and 3am - to feel what appeared to be warmth next to my skin as well as the feeling of body hair. I initially thought that my husband must have come home and snuck into bed, but I then thought that there was no way as he wasn't due home and the dog would have arose to any sounds as well as the fact my husband would definitely have woken me up to say "Hello". With this thought I reached over next to me to feel absolutely nothing not even warm sheets. I partially sat up looked around in the dark to see nothing in the shadows of clock radio light and I also checked my dog who appeared to be sound asleep in a tight ball in her bed. I pulled the quilt up over my head to suddenly feel hands wrap around my waist and pull me down into the bed.

I then woke up! I was cold and shaken and really didn't think it was a dream. I again felt next to me and the dog and as before everything was fine. I then again pulled up the quilt over my head and waited for myself to fall back asleep.

I don't know what it was. I do get feelings and psychic sensitivities but have never tried to work with these so called "powers". I will one day get the courage to check them out as I do have some pretty graphic dreams but I really feel this wasn't a dream as it really upset me.

The house I live in has been there for over 10 years with a few owners before, we have been there 4 years now and although I have had a few strange happenings I don't think its haunted!

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