Frightening Night 2

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My friend's mum began to panic. She called her husband's mobile - after 5 calls, he finally answered. She started to explain what had happened. There was a knock on my friend's bedroom door - It was his dad. We let him in.

He asked what the hell was going on. We explained it to him. He stepped out with my friend's cricket bat, and proceeded to go into the bathroom. When my friend's dad went into the bathroom, we saw the shadowy figure fly out of his mum's sewing/spare room.

My face felt like all the blood had washed out of it. My friend told his mum what he saw. She looked, nothing was there. His sister then screamed. "Holy crap!" I began to panic. His dad ran out of the bathroom and ran towards his daughters room - thinking that the intruder was in there. We see them coming towards my friend's room, his sister obviously stricken with fear.

We asked what had happened to her - She said that while she was sleeping, she felt some pressure on her body, she woke up and saw a dark figure over her, and that's when she screamed. When their dad came into the room and turned on the light - nothing was there. It was empty - and if there was someone there... Well, they had no chance to escape - unless they wanted to die by jumping out the window.

His parents started talking, while my friend, his sister and I were watching "Will & Grace" on my ipod, to help us take our mind off things. Then their brother screamed, ran out of his room and we see him bolt downstairs - Their parents ran out after him. My friend quickly locked his bedroom door. When my friend came back to us to sit down - that noise came back again this time. The knocking sounded like it came from the door. His sister got freaked out.

My friend started yelling for his parents. I then felt a chill and my friend's sister screamed. She backed away from the bed. So we did too. We started seeing some black smokey fume start to form into a, well, it looked like a grim reaper - I was stunned with fear. My friend's sister ran out, and we followed. My friend screaming for his parents.

We see light in the livingroom and his dad coming towards us. We told him what we saw and we all went into the livingroom. I asked if their house was haunted. They said they don't know, then all of a sudden, we heard that knocking noise again. We all see the shadowy figure outside of the livingroom - but it was like it couldn't enter the room. Something was blocking it. My friend's dad started yelling at it, asking it what it wanted. My friend's brother grabbed the crucifix his mum was holding and threw it at the figure - it went through it, but the figure disappeared.

We were all stunned with fear. We all ended up staying in the livingroom, with the lights and TV on, all bunched together. We ended up falling asleep. Morning finally came and we were all SO happy. My friend's mum called the priest of my friend's sister's Catholic school.

Me and my friend ended up going to my place straight away - I don't know what happened after that.

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