Ghost Cat

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When I was young, I had a pet cat; His name was Olly. We had him for a few months, and I was very attached to him by then, he would sleep at the end of my bed, or even sometimes at my pillow. Then one morning, he wasn't there, I went to find him, I wasn't worried, he sometimes was gone from my room in the mornings. Mum said to come outside, and she led me to something on the side of the road. There was something bundled up on the side of the road in a blanket. I asked what it was; Dad answered Olly, he unwrapped it and showed me, the poor thing had been run over. I ran back to my room and I was crying for a while, and I spent the rest of the day in my room.

That night, I woke up to go to the bathroom, which was on the other side of the house, walking out of my room, I noticed something transparent, I went to look, and it darted behind the couch, I ran back to my room and covered myself with a blanket, to scared to go to the bathroom, I just fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up, I went to see if there was anything behind the couch, and as I expected, there wasn't anything. Well, that day, we buried Olly in the front yard. When I went to sleep that night, I could feel something on my bed, I looked over it, and there was a small depression on the sheet; about the size of a cat.

I know that I was visited by my deceased cat, what else could it have been?

I would like to see other peoples views, I know it was real, I know it.

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