A Frightening Experience

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Two nights ago, I felt restless as I lay in my bed. My husband was already asleep, beside me. The time on my mobile phone said 2:34AM. I decided to listen to some music on my iPod with the hope that I would eventually drift off to sleep. I popped my earphones in my ears and wriggled away to a hip hop tune on the bed.

Amidst my wriggling my elbow bumped into what felt like someone standing right next to the bed beside me. I looked up and caught a glimpse of a shadow of a person towering over me. I jolted upright on the bed, awakening my husband at the same time. Perhaps he felt something was up and asked me "What's wrong? What's wrong?" I was unable to reply immediately because my eyes kept scanning the bedroom, seeking out for a shadow or movement. Again my husband asked, "What's wrong love?" "There's someone in our bedroom!" I said out loud. My husband turned on his bedside lamp. Naturally, no one was there. Our bedroom door was closed, and we didn't hear anyone opening the door to go out but I still felt there was a presence in the room. My husband pulled me towards him in a hug "Just pray love." We prayed Our Father and my husband turned off his lamp.

After a few minutes, my eyes adjusted to the darkness in the room. Then I saw the shadow again, standing, on my husbands' side of the bed. I screamed out and clung onto my husband. He turned the lamp on again and of course, no one was there. The emotions that was running through me at that time, was somewhat mixed, but I believe I was more scared than anything else. But what scared me the most was what happened next...

"Jesus Jesus Jesus, cover us Lord with your most precious blood." My husband kept on chanting it, repeating it. A prayer that he uses whenever something bad was happening or about to happen. In the meantime, I was clinging on to him like my life depended on it and I was glad that I did. Suddenly, something or someone grabbed me by the ankle, and tugged at my feet. I screamed, "It touched me! It touched me! It touched me!" My husband kept reassuring me that there was no one there. With the lamp still on, I looked towards the bottom of the bed and saw a face of a child. I didn't tell my husband this, but the child looked as real as if he was alive, but his little face looked somewhat contorted. I just closed my eyes, curled my feet up under me, buried my face into my husband's chest and chanted with him, "Jesus Jesus Jesus, cover us Lord with your most precious blood..."

After what seemed like forever, I opened my eyes and looked around the bedroom. No signs of the child or shadows and for some reason I felt somewhat silly after making a big fuss like that. I don't know how, but somehow, I managed to drift off to sleep soon after. It was an experience but something I wouldn't wish to happen again.

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