Haunted House

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Here goes another story for you all. I have so many disturbing ones that it's hard to find any good ones. Mine are so bizarre and get real crazy but what the heck, it's worth keeping you all on the edge of your seats.

This house is in Eau Claire. It's a nice ranch style house on a quiet little street in a residential neighborhood. The only noise is the highway behind the businesses lined along the side road. The original owners were Chinese who built this house in the 1960's. Woo is the name and his restaurant still stands today with a green Christmas tree on top. You'd think a house like this has history, well folks it does. I'll try getting most of this in here without being confusing. So I'll start with week one.

The moment we moved into this house it had a way of 'speaking' to us. The first weekend my brother and I were not at this house, our mother spent the weekend alone in it. She slept on the living room floor as we had no furniture there yet. She says a ticking in the wall kept her awake. Like a clock goes tick tick. She didn't figure out what it was, but a ticking in the living room wall, hmm? She started moving boxes and stuff in that weekend. She was putting away my brother's clothes in his dresser drawer and behind her she heard a violent rattle. She slowly turned around to see his closet door shaking violently by its self. Mom sat there frozen for a second and wondered, did I just see that? Well mom sure did see that. That was the first weekend.

The first week: It was summer and John and I were new to this neighborhood. Mom worked during the day so we had the house to ourselves. John and I could always find things to do together for a long time to come. We were interested in the same things. We scoped out the cherry trees in the yard which are a sight to see. We scoped out the entire house and all its nook and crannies. We came to realize that the house not only had a mind of its own but a bizarre one at that.

My first instinct of the basement is that it reeked. I have no idea of what but it was just putrid. I hated that basement. There was a room in the back underneath my bedroom that just gave me the creeps. We found a boarded off shower in the bathroom in the basement. Curious kittens we were, we pried it apart and found no dead bodies, just living spiders. While we investigated we heard noises upstairs like people talking and walking around. Intruders! John and I fled up the stairs to catch the culprits. No one? That's odd they must have escaped. So we were investigating other crannies in particular John's closet. (Mom never told us about her incident so we had no idea that happened to her until after we moved out.) John's closet was a creep hole. It was deep and square with shelving on both sides and it was dark in there. Just plain eerie. Mom had stuffed his toys in there so we were digging through them looking for whatever when all of a sudden we both felt eerie. We darted out of that closet as fast as we could neither of us saying why we left so suddenly.

Once in the living room we both mentioned- the creepy closet had its own agenda. There was something in there not human, nor visible to the human eye. And then we heard the voices downstairs. Thinking these intruders came back in the house and crept downstairs we grabbed our toy weapons and proceeded downstairs. We called hello, who is down here? Once we hit the bottom step, silence. We ran all over that basement and found nothing, and that's when the voices were upstairs again. I think we checked both floors a couple times but the last time we went downstairs we became frozen and did not want to venture back upstairs and discover the unearthly culprits. Don't ask why but we hid behind the basement bar until our mother got home. We waited for the first sign of her presence and ran up to greet her with our tale of horror. Mom looked at us a little funny and then mentioned that she believed us and we better keep the doors and windows locked while she was away in the day so no one could kidnap us. I reminded mom that it's hard for a ghost to rob someone. At least we thought it was funny at the time.

Same week: Moms noticing the back door is open every morning before she leaves for work. She questions us and asks us why we keep opening the door at night. Neither of us have, yet something liked to open that door next to my bedroom across from the basement. Maybe a ghost is going to work earlier then her? Or maybe the ghost is coming home drunk after a long night of wandering the streets? Who knows, the things that were already telling us it was there. Then strange cars would park across the street and stare into our house. Now John and I felt like refugees hiding from kidnappers. Here we are peering out the windows wondering why strangers were staring at our home! That unsettled mom even more. We should have been out in the neighborhood making friends but here we were hiding like something was going to get us but perhaps what was to get us was inside.

Strange things kept persisting at that house. At supper time a raunchy smell would envelope the kitchen and linger around for a few moments before leaving just as it came. The kitchen was hooked onto my bedroom where the back door and basement door are. Mom always sat closest to the basement door while my brother just had to have the end of the table next to the backdoor, and I was stuffed in the back next to the windows. I got the whole view of the kitchen back there. I didn't see any ghost fart but we sure smelt it! Then objects would start doing their own things. My play phone went off by itself in my bedroom one afternoon while we made dinner. It's like a cell phone the keys have to be punched in to work so something took a liking to that toy and started playing it. I went into my room to find it in a corner untouched but definitely playing. I took the thing apart and as soon as I left the room it still played so needless to say the thing found the garbage! Oh then our doorbell started ringing on its own accord after the play phone got dumped. It was usually the back door. We'd be in the living room watching TV and the back door bell would ring. The two doors had different rings. The front door had two dings like ding dong you could tell it was that door but the back door had one ring like ding and if someone wanted to get your attention it'd go ding ding ding ding, really annoying.

Well that door was annoying when it rang by itself. But at first we thought it was neighbors running up to the house and running away as fast as they could. It wouldn't be that hard to hide instantly if that were the case so we had a weird house with weird people around. Nothing unusual right?

Fall set in and things changed again in the house on the corner. Mom turned the heaters on which were run by a water heater in the basement. That thing fired up and made a gurgling noise so you knew when it'd start blowing some heat. It never blew out heat like electric heaters do but when the heat was on; the vents would gurgle and pour out its heat. The heaters went as far as making rattling sounds that we thought were defected so the landlord was called over and found nothing wrong with them just stating they are old and such. That wasn't good enough though especially for mom. They kept her and the rest of us up at night. She'd kick the heater to shut it up and it'd just get louder. She started taking all the heaters apart and the dumb things still rattled! I was isolated on my side of the house so my mother and my brother got their share of that side of the house. I had my own on my end.

One night I heard a girl's voice in my closet. I have no idea what the heck she said but she made it clear she was hanging around in my room. I might have crawled in bed with my mom at that point and told her about it but she was sleeping. That was the start of another aura.

My brother started having nightmares or something. I'd be trying to sleep on my floor for whatever reason (not carpeted either) I think to be close to the dumb heat register because I was always freezing cold. And he'd have the TV on in the living room and I could hear it all the way across from the kitchen. I'd yell at him and tell him to go to bed but he didn't budge. So I went out there one night and asked him what his problem was. He claimed he couldn't sleep in his room. Something was keeping him awake in there. Yes and the voices in my room are keeping me up too! Things were not looking pretty for the trio on the corner.

I got a really bad ear infection that first fall. Probably for sleeping on my dumb floor. While I was sick I took a liking to the living room. I didn't have any meds except antibiotics so what I'm about to tell you is something else.

Mom John and a friend of hers were in the kitchen talking. I was zoning out on the couch in the living room and I could hear unfamiliar voices. Then it's like I was drifting through the house and nothing was familiar. I could hear my mom in the background and I tried to get back to them. Something was pulling me away and I wasn't dreaming. I was well awake because my ear hurt so badly. I was so sick and paralyzed that I couldn't move. I couldn't even call out to my family. When I got better I mentioned my episode to mom and she couldn't explain what I'd experienced. Then after the sickness came the burning sensation smell. It was everywhere in the house. I kept telling them that something was burning somewhere in the house. It smelled like burnt rubber and it would not leave! We checked the house everywhere and nothing could contribute to the source. That is still a scar in my mind of that sickening burning smell. I wonder if that isn't connected to any evil.

As the weather got even colder the attitudes and demeanor of the family changed too. My mother got cranky real easy and started having fits about nothing for no reason. My brother got depressed and stayed in his little domain barely making an existence. I guess I was both of them combined. Some days I would be the nobody nowhere and other days I had such a temper tantrum that I didn't know why I was feeling that way to begin with! And then the cycles of all of us changed. Some nights the house would 'talk'. On these particular nights it'd take turns on us. At times mom and John would be very well aware what was going on but I had no clue! They'd tell me I just wasn't myself and had to settle me down. Other times it'd be me and mom would be ok and John would be sleep walking away talking gibberish nonsense. And the worst times were when mom was out of it and John and I had to fend for ourselves. She'd get violent with us. One day she stomped the heck out of my brother. Another day she slapped the tar out of me. My mother liked to vent most of her anger on me it seemed or maybe it's because my temper was just as bad I fought back. Then she'd call the police on me. It was a never ending cycle. There were times it seemed we wanted to kill each other! And it only keeps getting worse from here.

Other oddities were things missing that would turn up in mysterious places like the movie that should have been next to the TV but ended up in a laundry basket in the basement. The shredded up garments that showed up in various places. Moms keys always running away and showing up in strange locations. The non stop door bell that we discovered wasn't a prankster because in the middle of winter we would've seen footprints in the snow in which there wasn't! We knew our house was haunted but failed to recognize how bad.

This same winter had everyone so hell bent on edge that we didn't dare cross anyone's path. My brother grew increasingly violent as well and we took our turns on each other until we were black and blue. Normally my family gets along but in this house forget it. It was trying to kill us.

One weekend while John and I were at our dads in which he took us to Minnesota to see an uncle, Mom was alone back home with her boyfriend. They'd returned home after a supper meal and she went to the bedroom to try on a dress. She discovered a curling iron wrapped around a fur coat turned on high. It was reported but as soon as I was back in school that next week, the investigator was drilling me for my supposed doings. She harassed me and tried getting me to admit that I was trying to burn that place down. I told her straight out, how can it be possible when I was in Minnesota all weekend with my family? You tell me that. And the police said that place would've gone up in flames within an hour, so it had to have been set up just before Mom and Randy came home. That was a miserable experience. Not only am I not getting along with my family in that warped house yet someone or something is trying to kill us off if we don't get to each other first with the possession of the place!

That was the first year. And it's just getting started. There is more and it only goes deeper.

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