My Boyfriend Was Attacked by a Demon

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This is my ex-boyfriend's story. The same story that got me interested in the other world. I wasn't there when this happened, but here is the story he told me;

Apparently, one night while he was laying in his bed, not quite asleep yet, he felt as if a hand were going through his chest, and grabbing onto his heart trying to stop it. It was squeezing his heart so tight, he could barely breathe. He tried screaming for help, but no one else was home. No one outside the house could hear him either. At least, no one helped him if they could. Then, whatever it was lifted him up off the bed and then slammed him down. It did this a few times. When his sister finally came home, it stopped. This happened a few times in that house. He lives in an apartment now, and nothing has happened as of yet. He also said that every once in a while at that house, he would feel as if something grabbed a hold of his arm and banged it against the table. He had no control over it.

I have racked my brain to figure out what this could have been, especially since at the time when he told me the story, I was such a skeptic. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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