My Cat's Ghost

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I was sleeping in my bed one night, and all of a sudden, I woke up and could not move. My 2 year old cat died about 6 months ago, she had a heart attack on the living room floor. While I was sleeping, I woke up and I felt like she was crawling on my bed, just like she used to do when she was alive. At first, I felt really comforted, because I miss her so much, and it was nice to feel her presence. Then it felt as if she had crawled right next to me and curled up leaning against me. She used to do that when she was alive. I was so scared I couldn't move. I had this weird, nervous feeling, and was completely paralyzed. I wanted to turn around so badly to see if it was her ghost, but I didn't know what to expect and couldn't move. Every once in a while, it feels like she is crawling on my bed, just like she used to, but that was the only time where I really believed her spirit was definitely with me.

What do you think? Was it sleep paralysis? Or was my cat trying to visit me?

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