My Life

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To all who read this. This is my story of what happens on a daily basis in my home, work or where ever I go. The focus here, is to show you what goes on in my home. Now, please keep in mind, my home is not haunted. It was in May of 06.

I was home alone. The kids were at school and my husband was at work. I had all my windows open while I was cleaning, just to get that extra fresh air smell in my house. As I was walking through the kitchen, to the formal dining room, someone started banging on my cabinets. I turned around so fast, because it startled me. Right away I knew it was my Aunt Sharon who passed away in the summer of 2005. I yelled at her saying "Aunt Sharon, don't you scare me. Now stop it!" At that point I grabbed my cell phone and went down stairs in the washroom to call my husband and tell him what just happened. (I tell him everything)

While I was walking into the family room on the lower level, I turned on the lights to see and as my husband picked up on the other line, the lights started going on and off. I was freaked. Even though I knew who it was, it caught me off guard. As my husband said hello to me, I screamed at my Aunt Sharon, telling her it was not funny and to never scare me like that again. To this day, she has not done that. I welcome her in my home. She just has to behave herself. I have so many stories of what goes on. Some scary, some very funny. If you enjoyed my little short story, please leave a message or email me. I will be more than happy to talk to you.

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