My Dark Follower

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My name is Ana, I am 16 years old, and I have recently been having some experiences that I believe to be paranormal. Four different times, I have seen a dark, cloaked figure in the shape of a man. This is the first time something like this has happened to me. I don't want any of my family to know about it. In fact, I have only confided this story to one of my closest friends (Yolanda). I was hoping that someone could help me figure out what is going on.

The first time I saw the thing, I was at choir practice. We were at the priest's house next to the church, and I was taking my guitar and stuff out to the car. It was around 9pm and I was alone outside. Suddenly, I felt the need to turn around. I turned to face a line of trees next to the house. And there, in between the trees and bushes, I saw a dark figure that had the shape of a human male. It was facing me, but I couldn't see any facial features. It looked like a dark shadow. I blinked once and it was gone.

After that happened, I told Yolanda, and she tried convincing me that it was probably just the way I was looking at the trees. It could have been the shadow of something passing by. But I know what I saw was a human.

That night, I couldn't fall asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to find the door to my bathroom open. The only reason this scared me was because I can't fall asleep with any doors open, and since that door sometimes opens with the wind of the open window, I put books in front of it to keep it closed. When I got up to close the door again, I felt a presence in the room that I couldn't and still can't explain.

The second time I saw the figure, it was three days after the first time. I was really early for school. It was only me, and three other students in the classroom. I got bored and decided to go talk to the teacher selling breakfast in the lunchroom to pass the time. The lunchroom door is right next to my old desk. I got up and the door was open just a crack. I could see the teacher sitting down crouched over his paper. Just as I was about to open the door, I noticed someone sitting next to him. I looked through the door before opening it and I saw the same thing from the other night. I could only see his head. I couldn't distinguish any body parts except for the large, red eyes that were staring at me. When I opened the door to get a better look of the guy, the teacher straightened up and turned to say hi. When he leaned back down, the thing was already gone. There was no way that could be a student. I asked the teacher, "Who was next to you just now?" And he told me, "There was no one with me. You're the first person in here besides me." Needless to say, I was freaked out! Now it was at school too?!

Last weekend was the third time I saw it. And at this point, I am starting to wonder if I am just going crazy. It happened at my house this time. I went to sleep Friday night, hoping to finally get a good rest. But I woke up at about 3am like I had been doing since I first saw it. I felt the need to go into the living room. Just like the first time, it was an impulse. I didn't really think about it. It felt like there was something waiting for me in the living room. When I got to the living room, it was pitch black, but strangely enough, I could see perfectly. As soon as I entered the living room, I saw it in a corner. It was facing away from me, and his head was tilted down as if he were looking at something on the floor. It stayed that way for a few more seconds and then it turned to face me. He pointed at me with his arm, (I couldn't see any fingers, it looked like he had a really long sleeve on) and said, "You." That was all. But he didn't sound angry when he said it. He actually just sounded tired and sad, as if he was too weak to say anything more. I have no memories of anything after that. I don't remember going back to bed, or even leaving the room.

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was walk into the living room. And there, I found my slippers; which had been in my room the night before. When I got back to school on Monday, I was going to tell Yolanda about what happened, but she wasn't there, so I told her on Tuesday. When I told her exactly what happened, she suggested that I might have been sleep walking, since I have a history of doing that. Apparently, I do a lot of weird things like that at night. My sister has caught me getting up in the middle of the night, and walking out to the backyard to just stand there. She also said that I talk in my sleep. That wouldn't really be too weird except that when I talk, I'm always saying stuff like "No! Get away! Its there! It's in the corner!" I don't remember any of my dreams. So I'm not sure what I'm so scared of. But she also says that sometimes, I talk in English, switch off to Spanish, and then start yelling in some weird language she's never heard. I seem to do that a lot. I'm not sure what to do with this information, but I don't think it's very normal.

The fourth time I saw the thing, it was on Tuesday, the same day I told Yolanda about the last time. I was at school, but this time, it was in the middle of class, so there were about 30 other students in the classroom with me. I was sitting at my new desk in the corner, and I could see right through the open lunchroom door to the fridge on the other side. As I was doing my work, I turned my head and looked towards the door. That was when I saw it walk to the middle of the open door, stand there and stare at me. I motioned over to Yolanda who could also see the door if she turned to the right. I told her to look at the door, and she did. She was staring right at the shadow when it moved again. It just stayed about a second more than walked past the door. But I know Yolanda was looking straight at it.

After that last time, I haven't seen it again. It has been a week and there has been no sign of it. And I am actually starting to miss it. I feel lonely whenever it leaves. And I don't know what that means. I'm not really afraid of it; it just shocks me when I see it. But I still don't want it following me around anymore. I have read some people's stories, and I really don't want this thing to follow me around for the rest of my life. So if you have any suggestions, please comment.


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