Little Girl on my Bed

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I grew up in a very haunted house in Hazel Green, WI. There was a lot of strange things that happened during the 18 years I lived there. The one thing that I remember the most was when I was a sophomore in High School. I was laying on my bed in my bedroom upstairs and had just fallen asleep. All of a sudden I felt my mattress sink a little bit by feet as if somebody sat down on it. I immediately assumed it was my sister trying to steal my cell phone that I had sitting on a shelf at the edge of my bed so I just ignored it and and tried to go back to sleep.

I then woke up about five minutes later because I had felt that weight lift off of my bed as if somebody were standing up. I got up and immediately walked out of my room to confront my sister as I thought she had taken my cell phone. When I opened her bedroom door, she was asleep. I went back into my room and my cell phone was still sitting on the shelf.

I thought it was a little strange but was tired so I laid back down to go back to sleep. I was only lying there for about a minute when I felt the weight at the end of bed again as if somebody had just sat down. I got so scared that I did not even want to move. All of a sudden a little girl's voice said, "Hey, hey, are you awake?" I just laid there in horror not knowing if I should move and too afraid to look.

Finally I jumped out of bed and ran all the way downstairs. Although I have never been confronted by that little girl again, one of my friends said they were standing by my door one day and looked out and saw a little girl standing by the tree in my front yard. I don't know what happened or why she is there but I am just glad I moved!

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