Black Shadow

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I and my friends went to Sunshine Coast, Queensland for a holiday we had a hotel room, we were all sitting in the room mucking around and drinking.

It was night time, around 11 or 12 pm, a black shadow swept in a drift motion from the entrance and slipped through the bathroom door that was partially open, no one said anything I blurted out "HEY DID YOU'S SEE THAT" and two others replied YES!

This ghost was long and thin it came in and swept past into the bathroom on a slightly slanted motion, it was almost as fast as the speed of light but I think we saw a bigger glimpse of it because it was very long basically like a human body in drift, It was black, a bit like the grim reaper in a flying mode.

The ghost had rigged ripped black ends on the end like a damaged worn out robe.

I said to my friends to describe what we had just seen, we all described the same thing, the ripped robe, motion, shape, everything! I even said to one of my friends to draw what he saw. And I would do the same, we then exchanged pictures, we were in shock. We both drew exactly the same thing!

My friends were in shock they had never seen or experienced anything like this before they don't like to even talk about it, I always see things I have many more stories to post on here, but this just showed my friends that I'm not insane, they saw for themselves that there are things out there!

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