Dark Man In The Corner

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If you read my story "Angry Presence" then you are familiar with how the house was and is!

In the new lounge/kitchen towards the back end of the house I used to sleep there when I lived there 2-3 years ago!

One night I'm pretty sure it was a Friday night I had gotten off the phone to my then fiancé after speaking with him for about 4 hours! I then decided to read a book because I couldn't sleep and didn't want to go inside were everybody else was and watch TV. I was too comfortable lying down all rugged up. About half way through this book something from the corner of my eye caught my attention, so I looked up and right in front of me in the kitchen area there was a tall dark man looking at me as if he were peering through my soul. I couldn't see through this person it was as if he were real...

Now I never drifted off and dreamt this I was wide awake because again I just couldn't sleep! This thing stood there for at least 2 minutes staring at me and when I had the courage to blink about a thousand times and slightly move as I had frozen up he was gone. I looked around but there was nothing in sight and since then I haven't seen this thing. I don't know what he wanted or why he was there but it was and it came to me.

My mum has mentioned to me on many occasions that when she is sleeping she feels as if there is someone there peering at her from the side of the door, so maybe it's the same ghost I don't know. She has also woken up to someone at her window just staring outside and she asked who it was standing there thinking it was one of us (her children) but no one answered and then it disappeared.

I absolutely hate my mum's room. I always feel that there is someone there watching

1 Response to "Dark Man In The Corner"

  1. Anonymous says:

    just came across your account of seeing a black figure and it feels very similar to what had happened to myself. i was actually on holidays in Tenerife, when after a night out,it was myself and my cousin's turn to sleep out on the couch. once the lights had been turned off the room itself was almost pit black!we were placed out near the kitchen table and had one of the kitchen chair's beside my cousin's side for water. As i was asleep i felt something waking me as if subconsciously my body knew someone or something was there!!when i opened my eyes all i could make out was this tall black figure of a man. there was no distinctions as if he was a shadow in 3D, i wasn't scared even though i hadn't a notion what it was and with that of us glacing at one another it moved pretty fast and slightly moved the chair which caused the drinks to clatter, it ran into the connecting kitchen area, which was way darker than the area i was in. i know it sounds weird but all i could do was stare at the kitchen area until i got too tired and fell back asleep.
    Also the strange thing is, is that when i explained it to the other girls who were also there one of them had said she had witness it aswel (the kitchen had also been connected to the bedroom)she too had woken up due to the feeling of being watched and once she looked at it it just merged into the darkness. was glad that to hear someone else had also seen this thing.

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