Can Spirits Follow You?

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I lived in a house for sixteen years, and I had a lot of trouble with all the light globes. They would just explode in the socket, or fly out from the socket, either hitting a member of my family or just missing them. I had an electrician out to check the wiring twice, and all was in good condition. He made a joke and said there is nothing wrong with the wiring or electrical, so you must have a poltergeist.

I moved over to the UK for two years, got a house and settled in.

Then, the light globes started flying out of their sockets and exploding in their sockets. Again, I had an electrician out, but he couldn't find anything wrong with the wiring or electrical.

I am back in Australia and have been for the last twelve months. I am just renting this house I am in now.

No light globes have exploded, or flown from their socket. However, when ever a light was switched on, the light bulb would blow and I had to replace them.

The other day, I was sitting at my computer and I heard a big smash. I jumped up and went into the dinning room. There on the floor were the remains of my big heavy glass light shade and light globe, shattered to pieces. I looked up at the light socket. The big heavy light shade had a big hole in the middle of it, so the globe must of shot out at some force. I was telling my daughter about it when she came home and the TV turned itself up so loud that we both got a fright. Then, my mobile phone was on the dining table, and both my daughter and I watched it bounce off on to the floor.

Since then, three more light globes have exploded. I am starting to feel scared. Also, I feel uncomfortable when I am in the house on my own.

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