Cassy Our Little Friend

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My sister and I where sitting out side watching our kids play hide and seek and chatting like we always do, Then something caught my eye, A child, but there was a salute around her, I looked at my sister and she was staring at the same thing I was, "you see her too don't you" I said to my sister Rose, "yeah" she replied. A little girl also playing hide and seek with our kids, she was leaning on a tree with her hands in front of her face against the tree as if she were counting, then my nephew jumped behind us and gave us a fright, when we turned back she was gone. We were kind of creeped out but not in the same since we all headed inside.

That night I decided to stay at my sisters to buggered to get home with my kids, we started talking about what we saw and my brother in law just looked at us feeling a little uneasy, "you two must of been seeing things" he said to us, but we knew what we both saw.

At about 11pm that night Nathan (brother in-law) jumped up to see which on of our kids was up. My sister and I joked and told him its probably the little girl we saw today, well the kids were all sound asleep but we all heard someone going to the bathroom, looking down the hall way as Nathan was walking back shaking his head, both my sister and I saw the little girl again walking out of the bathroom which is next to the toilet, and into my nieces room, Nathan felt a chill and flew toward us, he has never seen a ghost before and was very uneasy with his encounter, He then believed what we had seen. After awhile we got use to seeing her, but that's all that happened was her being seen.

A few years have past and she has been following both my sister and I, some days we won't see her but then a cold hand would touch you, you'll have goose bumps with an imprint of a little hand, or she'll play with your hair, if its bed time all the kids are asleep you would hear toys going off, so we just say, its time for bed now go on, and it'll stop. Over the years we have noticed a difference in her appearance as if she is growing along with our kids, One of my nieces see's her and chats with her, she seem to have attached herself to us, and for some reason we just know her name is Cassy.

My partner doesn't believe in spirits or anything for that matter, she has shown herself to him. He got a big shock and actually screamed, imagine a grown man 120kg screaming of fright, his heart pounding but still denies the existence.

She has beautiful blonde hair, light skin, wears a long white dress like a nighty, and no shoes, she is about the height of an 8 year old but when we first meet her she was a little girl, a little bigger then a toddler.

I never knew that spirits could grow as we do in life but we are positive that is what she is doing, We don't know where she has come from, or even if she was with us before we noticed her, but we do know she means no harm and has been apart of our family for years.

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