The Kids In The Waterhole

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I live on a little twenty four acre property in the mountains in Queensland. The terrain is mostly farmland and rainforest. Running through my property are a number of creeks and waterholes and I often go swimming and exploring with my friends and we have a great time out there but most trips end up with us running home for our lives as an eerie silence descends on the bush when ever the sun goes behind the clouds.

It's not just us kids who feel it though I have never really brought it up with an adult but I have seen people have shivers run through their body on a hot day. There is a constant presence out there that causes the cows to be much scrawnier than there counterparts on the other side of the creek and I swear that every time we go in the water it just a little harder to get out again.

On one instance my friend and I were going for a swim when I casually looked down and was staring down for about a minute before my friends came and snapped me out of it but whenever I remember that experience there is always the outline of two kids looking back out of the water at me when I voiced it my friend the sun went behind a cloud and the cicadas stopped singing (I know that sounds corny) and we were overwhelmed by the presence of something watching us. The next thing we know is there was adrenaline pumping through our veins and we were sprinting for our lives back up too the house. Apart from the cows we were the only living things on the farm who dares to go anywhere near the water. And when we do go in, it is thick and makes it hard to swim and we never have trouble imagining ghostly arms reaching up for us out of the water.

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