The Quarantine Station Tour

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Last night, I went on a quarantine station tour. It opened in 1830. Our tour guide said it's unlikely that we would have an experience with a ghost there, but I DID! I had a few.

We were heading to the quarantine stations hospital to go have a look inside. As we were looking inside, I felt a large, painful prick in my leg. It almost stopped me from walking. I asked the guide what it was and he said that it was a needle.

My next experience was when we were down where the ships used to dock. I was listening to the tour guide when something tapped me. I turned around... No one was there. The tapping started straight away after I turned around. It was pretty fast tapping. Like some one wanted me. That freaked me out!

My third one was when our guide was talking about a ghost Chinese man seen on rare occasions. No one saw him that night, but I did... That was a secret I didn't tell anyone that night. He had a coolie on top and he was wearing one of those Chinese gowns. He had a black pony tail hanging over his shoulder. I almost cried when he pointed to me and then disappeared. I didn't want to tell anyone because I was worried he would haunt me.

My last experience was when we were in the old shower room. I heard a shower turn on. I was wondering why no one else was alarmed. And I knew it wasn't my head, because after I heard the shower turn on, the tour guide said that once the showers turned on when they were not connected.

That made me TOTALLY believe in ghosts. Now, I hope that my house isn't haunted!

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