The Stalker That Doesn't Exist

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I am writing this out for a second time because I accidently clicked paste instead of copying the text... But here goes. For about the last three years I have had a presence following me that is able to cause sounds like a human would, like scraping and rustling but me and my friends included have all experienced it and we know after never seeing it after this many times and how swiftly and loud it can be it cannot be human. We have never witnessed a thing but we have heard sounds 3 meters away in bushes, in front of us and I have heard and felt it at my window many times.

I am not sure if this thing wants to harm me but personally I have had no experiences where it came close, but it constantly makes me feel nervous in my own home. But here is a story from my ex girlfriend who is just one of the people who experienced it as she believes it could have harmed her.

I was inside my house and she was in my back room (it isn't part of the house you have to walk through the backyard to get inside) anyway she messaged me saying something is in my backyard, I came rushing out to find my back room door open which I left open and her behind a couch with a knife in her hand shaking because she was so scared. She explained she felt and heard it roaming back and forth past the open door but not entering until I came and it was gone. I know this is an experience from someone else's point of view, but I just wanted to share the only experience were someone has felt threatened besides me when it first started happening.

Now there have been many experiences for me, but the strange thing is this thing feels super natural but never seems to enter my back room it always stays on the outside making noises. Every time I exit to walk into my house through the backyard I feel it watching me from either the bushes or around my wood shed area, and many times I have heard it flee when it hears me and I rush to turn on the light and I NEVER see it but it would have nowhere to escape. This thing is big no animal could make these sounds and you can just tell it's a big form by the presence it gives you. When I am getting close to my door and about to re enter I feel as if it is closing in on me, and when I close the door once I'm in I feel it is a reachable distance away just outside my door.

I basically live alone at all times and mostly I hear it when I am by myself but it has come when I have friends over many times. I lived with my ex girlfriend for 7 months at her house, and she said she believes I do have something following me as when I lived with her she felt scared to roam her hallways even during the day and always felt a presence in her house. Once I moved out she said she never felt it and was never scared to walk around her house and even sleeps with the door closed and lights off (she used to be very paranoid when I lived there).

The last piece of information I would like to share is that I have moved rooms to inside my house at one of the front room so the main window faces the front yard. Ever since I have moved in here I have felt it and heard it very loud outside my window, it's like it is either angry or clumsy in the new environment it has to use to access my window now.

As I am typing this now I have been feeling almost angry strong vibes coming around me and constant shivers down my spine. I am worried it is angry at me for moving and I am scared it might follow me overseas when I move in 6 months.

I write this because I hope maybe someone can shed some light on this who has had similar experiences and maybe give me ideas of what it could be. Or even help me to know if it will follow me overseas. Please don't say it's in my imagination as me and all my friends have witnessed it and it is definitely not an animal or a family member...

Thanks very much guys look forward to hearing back.

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